Amanda Todd - 15 year old commits suicide

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Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
Here is how you deal with a bully, especially if you must defend yourself from physical assault.

The liberal [censored] of society is why bullying is rampant. Kids should be taught that when someone messes with you, you have to defend yourself, because it only gets worse as you grow older.

In spite of this kid being videoed by his friends punching another in the face, and taunting him, the "do-gooders" were all over the "lack of restraint of the big 16 year old versus the skinny 12 year old", and that the skinny kid could have been killed...

I would not have hit the kid..In fact, I have walked away from such confrontations. No need to feed the trolls.

Sorry, if someone starts punching me for no reason, and if they've been doing it for a long time in a bullying manner, that's when it's time to pull out the dry gulch uppercut and end the abuse. If you'd read about that story, the big kid walked away from that little pecker many times only for him to return and keep bullying and abusing him. The school and authorities did nothing.
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
Here is how you deal with a bully, especially if you must defend yourself from physical assault.

The liberal [censored] of society is why bullying is rampant. Kids should be taught that when someone messes with you, you have to defend yourself, because it only gets worse as you grow older.

In spite of this kid being videoed by his friends punching another in the face, and taunting him, the "do-gooders" were all over the "lack of restraint of the big 16 year old versus the skinny 12 year old", and that the skinny kid could have been killed...

I would not have hit the kid..In fact, I have walked away from such confrontations. No need to feed the trolls.

Sorry, if someone starts punching me for no reason, and if they've been doing it for a long time in a bullying manner, that's when it's time to pull out the dry gulch uppercut and end the abuse. If you'd read about that story, the big kid walked away from that little pecker many times only for him to return and keep bullying and abusing him. The school and authorities did nothing.

and I would have hit back (not physically) without the little kid even knowing what hit him.
Originally Posted By: chiks

Why the [censored] would a troupe of girls from her former school beat her up???

Because she apparently had sex with that boy, who had a girlfriend at the time, and the girlfriend and the guy were very popular in school. It sounds like Amanda wanted to be popular, but she made a lot of enemies in the process. She obviously shouldn't have been tormented for her bad decisions, BUT, at some point, you have to stop digging a hole you're in deeper.
This utterly sad drama happened near to my area in the Lower Mainland. And I see the the fellow has been uncovered too ... with a lot of angry vigilantes, he's probably hoping the police find him first.
Originally Posted By: chiks
Did I not tell you that this is not bullying?

"The kind of sexual exploitation described by Todd is part of a seedy cyber-underworld that targets young girls and it is not bullying, but a vicious crime that should be pursued even after her death, say child advocates. "

I called it exploitation too. But I think there is also bullying here.
Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: Trajan
Parents as friend to their kids........

Kind of kills the role they're suppossed to play as parents doesn't it?

Yea it does. Doesn't it.

No wonder your kids want to run away and live on their own the moment they turn 16.

Unlike your kids. Who will fail due to you being a "friend".
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Originally Posted By: chiks
My Motto:

Walk away, live to fight for another day, on my own terms, on my own grounds.

Mine too, until a situation presents itself that I can't walk away from.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: chiks
My Motto:

Walk away, live to fight for another day, on my own terms, on my own grounds.

Mine too, until a situation presents itself that I can't walk away from.

I have never had that happen. Lash out physically that is.
Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: chiks
My Motto:

Walk away, live to fight for another day, on my own terms, on my own grounds.

Mine too, until a situation presents itself that I can't walk away from.

I have never had that happen. Lash out physically that is.

You're very fortunate.
Originally Posted By: Trajan
Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: Trajan
Parents as friend to their kids........

Kind of kills the role they're suppossed to play as parents doesn't it?

Yea it does. Doesn't it.

No wonder your kids want to run away and live on their own the moment they turn 16.

Unlike your kids. Who will fail due to you being a "friend".

Thank you for your concern.
I am extremely successful as who I am, and my parents were my friends.
Originally Posted By: chiks

Thank you for your concern.
I am extremely successful as who I am, and my parents were my friends.

I wonder how many people you've walked over to get that success?

Parents that are "friends" to their children do them a great disservice, and also introduce yet another maladjusted individual into our society.

You have that typical obnoxious self serving attitude that points to sociopathology.
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell
Originally Posted By: chiks

Thank you for your concern.
I am extremely successful as who I am, and my parents were my friends.

I wonder how many people you've walked over to get that success?

Parents that are "friends" to their children do them a great disservice, and also introduce yet another maladjusted individual into our society.

You have that typical obnoxious self serving attitude that points to sociopathology.

So are you going to paint me with the same brush, given my statements and opinions on this subject?

Just curious.
What a waste; she was such a beautiful girl.

Originally Posted By: Merkava_4
What a waste; she was such a beautiful girl.


Nice picture of her. There are number of them on Google. I was a bit shocked to see "the picture" as part of an awful meme in the search results though

What a twisted world we live in.
Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: 65cuda
Sorry but I don't believe that you don't believe in bullying at all. You yourself said that you would go after a woman. You yourself admitted that when you got older you went after others that you felt bullied you. But you were worse and snuck around like a snake. I almost believe that you found that being a silent bully was kind of satisfying. But of course you'd never want to admit that you was for buyying. If you did you'd have to go back and reflect on the bullying you did in secret.

If that is called bullying, i am all for it. how about that?

I'm sure that you are, but it is pathetic that you claim to be against bullying, but practice it yourself in the worst way. By now being an adult you should be setting an example of the right way to settle things and it sure isn't by sneaking around and stabbing people in the back for any imagined offense against you. You say that many US presidents were sociopaths, but considering that many Presidents have been disasters it is hardly placing you in good, let alone honorable territory. What a shame that you don't know how to resolve issues without being a bully yourself. Worse is that your children will probably follow your lead and bully some other children and maybe cause the same result as with Todd. Of course it might also be that they come up against someone that will the play them and they will end up in jail.
Originally Posted By: 65cuda
Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: 65cuda
Sorry but I don't believe that you don't believe in bullying at all. You yourself said that you would go after a woman. You yourself admitted that when you got older you went after others that you felt bullied you. But you were worse and snuck around like a snake. I almost believe that you found that being a silent bully was kind of satisfying. But of course you'd never want to admit that you was for buyying. If you did you'd have to go back and reflect on the bullying you did in secret.

If that is called bullying, i am all for it. how about that?

I'm sure that you are, but it is pathetic that you claim to be against bullying, but practice it yourself in the worst way. By now being an adult you should be setting an example of the right way to settle things and it sure isn't by sneaking around and stabbing people in the back for any imagined offense against you. You say that many US presidents were sociopaths, but considering that many Presidents have been disasters it is hardly placing you in good, let alone honorable territory. What a shame that you don't know how to resolve issues without being a bully yourself. Worse is that your children will probably follow your lead and bully some other children and maybe cause the same result as with Todd. Of course it might also be that they come up against someone that will the play them and they will end up in jail.

Did you even read what you wrote yourself?

Apparently you are the General Infantry guy whereas I am the Pentagon/CIA Covert operations guy.

You also seem to follow the primitive Ape method of determining territory by thumping your chest. I do not.
I just take over and the opponent does not even come to know about it.

I guess we all know who gets most of the work done without getting killed.
Originally Posted By: 65cuda

Worse is that your children will probably follow your lead and bully some other children and maybe cause the same result as with Todd. Of course it might also be that they come up against someone that will the play them and they will end up in jail.

Or bully someone who will turn them into victims. (Shoot/stab/beat the snot out of).

And given his blame the victim attitude.....
It would all be OK if I just came here and expressed sympathy, be it blind and fake sympathy. Right?

Be like you and I will be accepted by you. Why should I do that? Am I accusing you folks of any wrong doing? Why are you accusing me of doing so? Just because I have a different viewpoint? Do you see the fallacy in your ways? Just because a young one killed herself, you are trying to be all chauvinistic (pigs) and trying hard to look like goody 2 shoes.

On top of that just because I prefer to hit back covertly, I am an evil genius. What does that make you? Dumb primitive fools, ones who cannot think of intelligently fighting back?

Try to look at it more critically. You cannot clap with one hand. You need two to party. Without investigating any details, you are already declaring her innocent and the other party guilty of her murder.

Amazing. You folks really need this to boost your own self esteem or what?
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