Amanda Todd - 15 year old commits suicide

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Originally Posted By: chiks
1. Why was she targeted?
2. Do we know who the stalker is? Boy, girl, man, or woman?

Who cares why she was targeted.. The fact was that she was bullied, attacked and harrassed to the point that she killed herself. Wow. I if I am not mistaken, it almost seems like you think that she may have deserved the harrassement and bullying. Even if she did something stupid it, and I repeat, it does not warrent being bullied and harrassed to the point of depression and illness.
Originally Posted By: Autobahn88
Originally Posted By: chiks
1. Why was she targeted?
2. Do we know who the stalker is? Boy, girl, man, or woman?

Who cares why she was targeted.. The fact was that she was bullied, attacked and harrassed to the point that she killed herself. Wow. I if I am not mistaken, it almost seems like you think that she may have deserved the harrassement and bullying. Even if she did something stupid it, and I repeat, it does not warrent being bullied and harrassed to the point of depression and illness.

I want to know the facts, not just sympathize. Blindly, if I might add.
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell
Why not have your cousin post here and provide a picture of the vehicle?

Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: Autobahn88
Originally Posted By: chiks
1. Why was she targeted?
2. Do we know who the stalker is? Boy, girl, man, or woman?

Who cares why she was targeted.. The fact was that she was bullied, attacked and harrassed to the point that she killed herself. Wow. I if I am not mistaken, it almost seems like you think that she may have deserved the harrassement and bullying. Even if she did something stupid it, and I repeat, it does not warrent being bullied and harrassed to the point of depression and illness.

I want to know the facts, not just sympathize. Blindly, if I might add.

Here's a fact. Nobody here can do more than speculate. Want facts, ask the Canadian police. Not that they'll tell you as you have no need to know.
I often wonder how people who feel this is a waste of time, effort, and money would feel if God forbid it was their kid? Or those who feel this poor kid deserved it. I'd be willing to bet they'd want swift resolution, and the maximum penalty allowed by law, or worse.
Originally Posted By: chiks
I want to know the facts, not just sympathize. Blindly, if I might add.

You were pretty happy to speculate blindly earlier on
Originally Posted By: Trajan
Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: Autobahn88
Originally Posted By: chiks
1. Why was she targeted?
2. Do we know who the stalker is? Boy, girl, man, or woman?

Who cares why she was targeted.. The fact was that she was bullied, attacked and harrassed to the point that she killed herself. Wow. I if I am not mistaken, it almost seems like you think that she may have deserved the harrassement and bullying. Even if she did something stupid it, and I repeat, it does not warrent being bullied and harrassed to the point of depression and illness.

I want to know the facts, not just sympathize. Blindly, if I might add.

Here's a fact. Nobody here can do more than speculate. Want facts, ask the Canadian police. Not that they'll tell you as you have no need to know.

Here is another fact. All you sympathizers are blind, unable to even accept the alternative that Amanda "might" have called this harassment upon herself.

Just because she was a child does not make her a candidate of innocence and my sympathy.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
I often wonder how people who feel this is a waste of time, effort, and money would feel if God forbid it was their kid? Or those who feel this poor kid deserved it. I'd be willing to bet they'd want swift resolution, and the maximum penalty allowed by law, or worse.

Not me. If it was my kid, I would still ask the same question to the person who harassed her. I do not live by double standards.
Maybe you should change the title of the topic:

Amanda Todd commits suicide. Only blind sympathies accepted in this thread. Do not ask questions.
Originally Posted By: chiks
Here is another fact. All you sympathizers are blind, unable to even accept the alternative that Amanda "might" have called this harassment upon herself.

I don't want to get too deeply into this, but you do have a point, only if it is "half" the point. We tend to forget that kids can take things differently than adults would, and differently than how other kids do. What might have bugged this girl might be laughed off by other kids. Kids also, at least on occasion, are known to do irrational things for irrational reasons. When I was younger, I got bullied, but I survived. I also saw people get bullied far, far more than me, and I'm surprised they didn't act out in some fashion.

We also must not forget that kids can suffer mental illness, too. Suicide isn't the answer, but for those in that position, it might be all they see.

If she "called this harassment upon herself," how would we react if she went on a shooting rampage instead? Or if she didn't call this harassment down upon herself, how would we react if she did that?

Where I think it's justifiable to blindly sympathize is that it's extremely unfortunate that someone this young was so troubled, regardless of the cause.
disgusting post, this girl lives in my home town and her mom has taught my friend's kids (the mother is also a teacher)

nice blame the victim post, i guess if a woman gets raped when wearing a mini skirt she deserved that too

the bottom line is that the socialist system coddled her bullies, this poor little girl saw no other way out
Originally Posted By: chiks

But I will say this. If a woman [censored] me off real bad (as in makes my life [censored]), and I have nude pictures of her, I will post them online and harass her just like this. Revenge is sweet. Even sweeter when she does not know what hit her.

That's a seriously sick comment, probably the worst I've ever seen on BITOG. Anyone who entertains retaliation in that sort of manner needs professional mental and emotional help.
Originally Posted By: 2004tdigls
disgusting post, this girl lives in my home town and her mom has taught my friend's kids (the mother is also a teacher)

nice blame the victim post, i guess if a woman gets raped when wearing a mini skirt she deserved that too

Where did I blame the victim?
Originally Posted By: chiks
Maybe you should change the title of the topic:

Amanda Todd commits suicide. Only blind sympathies accepted in this thread. Do not ask questions.

There is a world of difference between "blind sympathy" and the basic, human decency of compassion.
I don't understand what the problem is with bullies in the 21st century, especially online. Online bullying? People seem to think bullying is a new phenomena and it only happens in North America or something. The only way I've ever had a successful outcome in dealing with people who constantly pester me is to give it right back in an equal fashion or with more intelligence, depending on the situation. Or, ignore them if that works. There's no need to try and understand why some people are evil [censored], they just are. I used to just take it, and now I give it right back to them. Most times they can give it, but they can't take it, especially with verbal innuendo. At one of the last jobs I had, this overweight [censored] kept giving me [censored] and she said to me one day in front of a bunch of people "Andrew, I bet you've never had to call someone to bail you out of jail". Basically insinuating I'm a square and not tough or something, so I said right back to her "I bet you've had to call someone to pick you up from a buffet". She ran out and started crying. Sorry, no sympathy from me. dish it out to me day after day and I'll give it right back to you. It equals the playing field and shows the people who are just joking from the people who are the real [censored].

Here is how you deal with a bully, especially if you must defend yourself from physical assault.

The liberal [censored] of society is why bullying is rampant. Kids should be taught that when someone messes with you, you have to defend yourself, because it only gets worse as you grow older.
Well done Drew, you actually made me laugh there with Buffet Betty. Also, that video is nuts!

I've got a GIF of a similar situation, but at a bar, but I'm not going to post it as it would probably get the thread locked.
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
At one of the last jobs I had, this overweight [censored] kept giving me [censored] and she said to me one day in front of a bunch of people "Andrew, I bet you've never had to call someone to bail you out of jail". Basically insinuating I'm a square and not tough or something, so I said right back to her "I bet you've had to call someone to pick you up from a buffet". She ran out and started crying. Sorry, no sympathy from me.

That is awesome!
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