Amanda Todd - 15 year old commits suicide

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Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: OVERK1LL
Originally Posted By: chiks
While not all kids are such beautiful, this is what I teach to my kids

Read more:"

Props to her, very well handled!

However, she's not 13.

I think age is a key part of what happened with Amanda.

I sincerely doubt she got the hair @ 20.
She must have had it since middle school, the prime time when kids get bullied. Growing up through those years must have made her strong and resilient.

True. But she obviously had a great family to be so comfortable with who she is
Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: OVERK1LL

That being said, I always had an excellent relationship with my parents and had no fear in discussing my issues with them. My parents are both brilliant people, and had no issue wrapping their heads around what ailed me or my siblings. Certainly, there were some things that we hid from them, but they always seemed to know anyway

You sound like my children!
That is exactly how I work with them. I do not try to break them and command them to follow rules or else....
My wife and I try to be friends to them. I'd rather hear their good, bad and ugly incidents from them rather than from a 3rd party. My daughter is sitting right next to me as I write this.

That's exactly it! Try to be overbearing control freaks doesn't get us anywhere. My parents were my parents, certainly. But they were also my friends. It is possible for them to be both. There is definitely the risk of parents being "too casual", IE, not enough parenting and too much of being a friend, but I never experienced that. There were rules, I respected them, I respected my parents and they respected me. We were open with each other and communicated. Both my parents were very open about their experiences growing up and that helped significantly with the "they were my age once" feelings that come up. We weren't postcard perfect, that's for sure, we had our moments, but ultimately we were a family that was able to communicate and that works out better for everyone.

Kids seem to miss the fact that parents were their age once. We don't forget what it was like growing up, heck, this thread has had me re-live a lot of it in my mind. That is a key connection point I think parents need to make with their kids. Relaying their own experiences as kids so that their children know that they DO understand and have been there. Otherwise grown ups are just these awkward old people who "just don't get it".
I was listening to a local radio station and heard about this earlier today. It's horrible.

I think there's a few failures, though. The parents should have paid significanty more attention to their daughter. Letting her use the internet like that all the time is not good and not noticing your daughter is depressed?

It's horrible that this person preyed on her so much and basically ruined her life. But, something else was wrong in her life that would cause her to put herself out there like that.

I also heard another story where a kid was being bullied by someone else in one of his classes. Th school wasn't doing anything and he stood up for himself. He was sent off to a "special school" for it.

Growing up, I was bulled a lot ... moreso than most people I know. For many reasons - a few of which were my family was poor and I was a pretty big (fat) kid.

One person in particular was worse to me than anyone else. My parents called the school and got no where, we called his parents ... same thing "My kid wouldn't do that!!!"

Finally after 9 years of it, the kid poked me for the last time. I had enough and smashed his hand on the table. Broke his wrist. Never had a problem after that. Violence isn't the answer, but, as the saying goes - you have to fight fire with fire.

It's a serious problem, and there is no good answer for it. People in schools and the "PC" people won't have any standing up to the bullies ... of course, that's just what they want. If you can't stand up to them there is nothing stopping them.
Originally Posted By: mrsilv04
Originally Posted By: OVERK1LL
Every time I read about something like this it reminds me of how much of a [censored] hole highschool was for me.


Graduated from HS nearly 25 years ago. Have yet to go back for anything. Not even class reunions.

I have made sure that my wife and I are out of town on vacation when it's time for my class reunions. I can think of about 3 people I would like to see from my class,and that's being generous.
Wow, I watched the video, it was very sad. Some people are cruel and can really suck. The whole bunch who participated in tormenting her should be punished, then rot in [censored] for their actions.
I don't want to make any excuses for these actions, but the Internet has desensitized many people towards how they respond and react. This is especially true for children. It's a separation from reality to them. Unfortunately it was very real for the girl who was being targeted. This is a very sad story.
The Internet hasn't desensitized anything. They're upbringing desensitized them. Yet another example of blaming something/someone other than one's OWN responsibility for one's OWN actions.
chiks I hope that this whole try to be a friend with them works out for you, but on the whole I believe you are way off base on the base subject. Peer pressure, and doing stupid things is a way of life for kids and actually even adults do stupid things. Parents have tried forever to tell their kids that things can go bad and warn them. But forever kids have given in to peer pressure, "love" and wanting to be accepted and done it anyway.
Originally Posted By: Miller88
I was listening to a local radio station and heard about this earlier today. It's horrible.

I think there's a few failures, though. The parents should have paid significanty more attention to their daughter. Letting her use the internet like that all the time is not good and not noticing your daughter is depressed?

It's horrible that this person preyed on her so much and basically ruined her life. But, something else was wrong in her life that would cause her to put herself out there like that.

I also heard another story where a kid was being bullied by someone else in one of his classes. Th school wasn't doing anything and he stood up for himself. He was sent off to a "special school" for it.

Growing up, I was bulled a lot ... moreso than most people I know. For many reasons - a few of which were my family was poor and I was a pretty big (fat) kid.

One person in particular was worse to me than anyone else. My parents called the school and got no where, we called his parents ... same thing "My kid wouldn't do that!!!"

Finally after 9 years of it, the kid poked me for the last time. I had enough and smashed his hand on the table. Broke his wrist. Never had a problem after that. Violence isn't the answer, but, as the saying goes - you have to fight fire with fire.

It's a serious problem, and there is no good answer for it. People in schools and the "PC" people won't have any standing up to the bullies ... of course, that's just what they want. If you can't stand up to them there is nothing stopping them.

Actually, when it comes to bullies, violence is USUALLY the answer. Break a few bones or rupture a testicle with a steel-toe boot, he'll generally stop bothering you.
Originally Posted By: Trajan

And it continues even though she's dead.

Absolutely disgusting:

While more than 475,000 Facebook users had “liked” Todd’s memorial page on the social media website by Saturday evening, strangers and even former classmates interrupted the condolences to post vile comments and images.
Posts include one, by a woman who identified herself as Todd’s classmate, who wrote: “I’m so happy she’s dead now.”
Police said they will be monitoring the negative posts that have turned up online in the days since Todd’s death.
Originally Posted By: 65cuda
chiks I hope that this whole try to be a friend with them works out for you, but on the whole I believe you are way off base on the base subject. Peer pressure, and doing stupid things is a way of life for kids and actually even adults do stupid things. Parents have tried forever to tell their kids that things can go bad and warn them. But forever kids have given in to peer pressure, "love" and wanting to be accepted and done it anyway.

I am sorry if it did not work for you. My father and mother were and still are my best friends. In my wife's case she was ruled by her mom. I can see the difference in both ways and I will follow what has worked for me and not what did not work for my wife.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Wow, I watched the video, it was very sad. Some people are cruel and can really suck. The whole bunch who participated in tormenting her should be punished, then rot in [censored] for their actions.

Well you only know one side of the story.
Originally Posted By: chiks

Well you only know one side of the story.

We do know that one young girl is dead, now don't we?

And....the stalker that harassed her is an adult.

If they can find him he should be prosecuted for his actions.
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell
Originally Posted By: chiks

Well you only know one side of the story.

We do know that one young girl is dead, now don't we?

And....the stalker that harassed her is an adult.

If they can find him he should be prosecuted for his actions.

+1 A child is dead, an adult stalked and harassed her. Let the coward stand trial, and if convicted punish him to the fullest extent of the law. For risk of getting the thread locked and me launched from Bitog, I'll stop for now with those comments.
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell
Originally Posted By: chiks

Well you only know one side of the story.

We do know that one young girl is dead, now don't we?

And....the stalker that harassed her is an adult.

If they can find him he should be prosecuted for his actions.

Well she killed herself. If she left a note that she killed herself due to this stalker, then there is a case. Otherwise it is pointless to waste taxpayers money.
Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell
Originally Posted By: chiks

Well you only know one side of the story.

We do know that one young girl is dead, now don't we?

And....the stalker that harassed her is an adult.

If they can find him he should be prosecuted for his actions.

Well she killed herself. If she left a note that she killed herself due to this stalker, then there is a case. Otherwise it is pointless to waste taxpayers money.

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