Why cant Wal-Mart do anything right?

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Add to the list of skilled wal mart work:
mixing paint
auto repair
grinding eyeglasses
dispensing drugs (pharmacy)

and you wonder about something simple like a washing machine hose - do they keep pounding the vendor til you get them selling a hose thats crap?
Alot of the tle's are slow on the uptake when it comes to changing signings, Quite awhile back they stoped using ST filters and stated using Fram on all oil changes. If you ask me it was because of fram's "Reputation" Alot of old people trust the orange can and pennzoil over everythign else.

You can specifically state that you want an ST filter or provide your own at a $3 discount over the price of the oil change.

As for the paint mixup, Be sure and ask how long the guy's been there before you get anything done at Wal-Mart. It's not rocket science to mix paint unless you get a dutchboy paint chip, Then it has to be color matched and the machine spit's out calculations in .5oz which is the most common reason for multiple shades.

Originally posted by edwardh1:
Add to the list of skilled wal mart work:

dispensing drugs (pharmacy)

I know this is way off topic now, but the Walmart near my house has an incredibly awesome pharmacist. My mom is thrilled with the service she gets from him, he's extremely knowledgable and very helpful, much more so than any other pharmacist she has ever used.
Most prescriptions are actually filled by pharmacy technicians though the pharmacists is "supposed" to check the work and approve it before its sold.

Wal-Mart probably has good pharmacists. Id still rather use an indy pharmacist who owns his own pharmacy and actually takes the time to explain things to you or answer the phone in the middle of the night if you need him but there are probably good pharmacists at WMT.

As for mixing paint I doubt its the fault of the employees. WMT paint varies a bit from year to year. They used to carry Dutch Boy paint which was pretty good and then they stopped. For awhile they carried Glidden and then they stopped. Lets see, off the top of my head I can remember house beautiful paint, disney paint, kilz paint, and of course several generations of their house brand paint that they called color place and then other names. And Im probably missing several other brands. Im pretty sure that the manufacturers of the WMT paint change from year to year as WMT buyers hammer hard for the lowest cost paint and will switch suppliers in a heartbeat.

I have a friend who paints houses and he hates it when people want WMT paint but he realizes that its cheap and work is work and he has bills.

The important thing about paint is for every can to be filled to the precise level. If one can is filled to the top and the next can is filled 1/4 inch below the top then the paint mixing will vary.

I really dont like WMT paint though the Dutch Boy paint was pretty good. I never used Glidden but at least it was a name brand paint. Im guessing wmt caters to people who like things cheap and their house brand paint outsells the good paints 10-1.

I honestly feel bad for the employees of WMT. The pay is low and the work hard and they just throw these people to the wolves. If WMT buys the cheapest paint they can find and there isnt any consistancy from can to can guess who gets blamed when the paint doesnt mix well.

The WMT computer color match is notoriously awful. You have to ask them to do 3 matches and average them because the shade will vary from match to match even if the sample isnt touched or moved.

I think the average lifespan of a WMT employee is something like 6-9 months and I know that everytime that I go into our local store the faces have seemed to change.

Theres always going to be good employees and bad employees and up to date signs and out of date signs and problems and things done right.

WMT just seems to be more concerned about bulk volume selling than establishing relationships with employees, manufacturers, and customers.

Everytime you turn around a new employee is there or a new kind of paint or a fram filter instead of a supertech filter.

Its annoying. I know that Im just a faceless customer among millions who shop there but Id at least like them to try.

Honestly, Im not a person who expects Nieman Marcus service at a WMT price and more often than not I avoid the place because Id rather pay more for topline service. Still, there are rare times when I do shop at WMT and I usually come away expecting more for what Ive spent.

Happy Motoring All,



Wal-Mart probably has good pharmacists. Id still rather use an indy pharmacist who owns his own pharmacy and actually takes the time to explain things to you or answer the phone in the middle of the night if you need him but there are probably good pharmacists at WMT.

That's the way this guy is at my local Walmart. He always takes the time to fully explain things to my mom, and has even phoned my mom on days when he's not working, just to find out if her new prescription was working well or not.
our walmart pharmacy keeps giving you drugs that must be refrigerated ,
inside a stapled up bag, and not telling you.

You better not stop at another store and leave it in the hot car. then you get home open it up - oh wow this is supposed to be in a refrig
I think part of the bargain at Walmart is the also a cut in service. $13 is beyond cheap and likely a money loser for Walmart to keep you in the store.

I just use the my dealer until car is out of warranty, Subaru OEM filter with Valvoline dino for $21.00. The service is exceptional there.

I think part of the bargain at Walmart is the also a cut in service. $13 is beyond cheap and likely a money loser for Walmart to keep you in the store.

Yup, I doubt the TLE is a profit center... but they don't seem to push the ATF flushes and decarbonizings that Jiffy lube does. They're where I'll send my sister now that she's 2000 miles away. They let the store make the profits while your car's in the bay.
THATS why all custom mixed house paints s/b intermixed for each job.


Originally posted by Mike:
The new employees at Walmart get the crappy job. The guy doing some painting for me was telling what paint to get and says don't get it from Walmart. Claims he got 4 gallons of paint mixed to match a color on their chart. Only one problem, every gallon was a different shade, no 2 were alike. Had it almost done when the customer called him and pointed out the color variance. The kid who mixed his paint was only on the job for 3 hrs as it turned out and has screwed up everyone he mixed. They replaced the paint for free but he had to do the work over.

All chain stores have buyers that try to buy from the merchants at the lowest cost possible. It is my opinion that buyers of some retailers other then wal-mart, are bribed and paid off sometimes not to negotiate in thier employers best intrest.
Drive It Forever - It is my opinion that buyers of some retailers other then wal-mart, are bribed and paid off sometimes not to negotiate in thier employers best intrest.

Are you suggesting there is corruption is this world?
Are the service centers actually run by Walmart or do they lease it another company to manage? No service dept in the store here but they are super-sizing right now and it may have it in the new store? K-mart is like that....

MacDonals has rest. in current store till Dec. 31. A friend who working in Ship and recv at Walmart told me MacDonald's was out-bid and won't be in new store. They have not said who will be.
Well that might explain why they don't use some of the same products on the store shelves. Fram may be less costly for them due to the large volume and thus more profit on the oil change....
The TLE service centers are owned and run by Wal-mart but they are a separate division from the main store. They have their own managers and regional managers.

My guess is that "most" Wal*Mart oil change customers think a Fram filter is a really good deal.
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