What is your state or province or country known for?

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Originally Posted by CARJ
Kansas = Flat.

Not if you live in the Flint Hills or the SE part around Neodesha.

Iowa? Corn (Food stuffs and Ethanol), Soybeans (Oils and Biodiesel), Pork Production (Porkchops and Applesauce), nutso Hawkeye Fans, Aviation Systems (RockwellCollins, soon to be Collins Aviation Services/UTC), Quaker Oats and cereals, and Cedar Rapids is the city of 5 Smells.
Originally Posted by ndfergy
I live in a very culturally refined nation well known for its excellent cuisine and sartorial choices. Nothing speaks more to this than a fine dining experience of spaghetti & mooseballs served while outfitted in your newly pressed Kenora dinner jacket.

I had to look this up. Not the "Canadian Tuxedo".
Originally Posted by Yah-Tah-Hey
Vise-Grips( DeWitt) , Kool-Aid ,firing nine and three coaches. At 0/4 we still don't want BO back. NEVER

As a native Nebraskan, Nebraska is also know for high real estate and car taxes, crazed football fans (and Yah-Tah-Hey is right about not ever wanting Bo Pelini back), and a whole lotta' cows and corn!

More lakes than MN

America's Dairyland

Worldwide Ginseng Producer


Greenbay Packers and the TP Capital of the World

2nd Hmong homeland and cultural capital

First Ice Cream Sunday served

Logging and a declining paper industry

A rapidly aging population (exporter of young people)

Population is rapidly moving back from rural communities into cities and suburbs
Communities statewide are using eminent domain to demolish low rent housing (excess capacity right?)
Out of state individuals are rapidly buying up rural property and increasing tax burdens.
3 companies own 70% of all rental properties in Wisconsin. Rent has gone up during this buyoff while individuals income has dropped.

100 years of silica and granite mining (now declining due to a TX ramp up of frac sand.)

A program to raise speed limits to increase gas tax funding, despite a 40% increase in freeway deaths immediately following the first bump in limits.

Primary roads are great, overbudget but secondary roads can be up to 100 years old without repaving, state defunds or underfunds the road budget while allowing semis, taxis , cement and certain off-road equipment to get on road taxes refunded.
The counties then turn around and charge wheel taxes on cars and motorcycles but don't charge trucks wheel tax.

Drunk driving and bing drinking capital

33 years of primarily Republican leadership at all levels of government (except for 4 years)

During this time...
Personal Property taxes went up 400%
Hunting and fishing fees went up 1000%
License plates went up 800%
Electrical fees charged to individuals only, went up 400% (of my $48 utility bill $6 is use and $36 is a form of municipal tax)
90% of small farms have gone bankrupt due to taxes that only affect small farms.
Mode income has stagnated AKA most people earn less than they would 35 years ago despite a slight increase in "average" income which is meaningless because under 3% of the state earns around the "average" income.

The Trump tax break has actually increased Wisconsin income tax rates (due to how our taxes are structured)

We have moved to a service economy from the previous agrarian and manufacturing society.
196 schools that primarily serve primarily poor people have been defunded at the state level or combined into other districts but the local government or schools have been blamed for the resulting failure that occurred after being defunded.

Teachers unions have been more or less disbanded to save money while the school administrators wages, along with the state Governor, assemblymen, judicial and senate have gotten as much as a 50% increase in pay during this period, for example, the Milwaukee school administrator is getting 4 million a year in compensation (well worth it I bet) despite repeated findings that the office is unnecessary.

A Public official using the power, personnel and money of his own office to fund and operate his political campaign for a different elected office has been legalized retro actively due to a recent lawsuit against the governor .

The David Prosser inspired "Prius Tax" Passed with help from assemblyman Mr. Fitzgerald (15 years in the making)
His $1 a gallon gas tax hike which has passed 3x through the assembly (then veto'd) is in the works in the assembly again and is already being blamed on Tony Evers who doesn't even hold office.

Our state claims to have a balanced budget but has sold close to 2 billion in municipal bonds while having this balanced budget.

The Foxconn boondoggle has set us up for billions in tax payer funded bonds with no guarantee that they will even get to production levels to repay the investment.
The location of the facility is near IL residents who will mostly benefit with minimal Wisconsin population nearby.

And I could go on and on.
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Vermont is known for maple syrup, granite tombstones, women hockey teams, Subarus, Nokian tyres, most microbreweries per capita in the nation, liberal politics, and shopping in tax free New Hampshire.

We are also an East Coast ski destination. Cold weather and four feet of snow is a tourist attraction.
Originally Posted by StevieC
Originally Posted by Nick1994

I'm hoping to retire there 6 months of the year when I get to that age. Tired of the winters here that are dark, cold and brutal. Also they are really damp living near the lake, goes right through you.

Darn, too bad we won't be retiring at the same time. If that were true, maybe we could have worked out a deal and swap houses for 6 months out of the year

You get AZ from January-June while I'm in Canada, and you get Canada from July-December while I'm in AZ!
Hey I like Plymouth and Bristol counties enough so that I rarely venture outside of them . Unless it is to go to the Cape. Off season of course. Lostah. cahd, steamas tonic, cranberries

PS. strictly by coincidence. I live less than 2 miles from where my ancestor settled in the 1620s after he married into a Pilgrim family.
Alberta is Rat Free....Yep, we have a rat patrol....why they are permitted to exist is beyond me...vile creatures.

We are even mentioned in the bonus extra features in the movie Ratatouille:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72KsjWUCUJQ ... about the 4:50 mark

Also History of Rat Control In Alberta: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/All/agdex3441
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Originally Posted by Rmay635703

More lakes than MN


Only if you compare apples and oranges. Wisconsin's definition of a lake is anything officially named as a lake. As of 2017, this includes lakes that are 0.2 acres in size.

Minnesota's definition is anything 10 acres or greater. That adds up to 11,842 lakes. If we went with Wisconsin's definition, we'd be over 20,000, which is more than Wisconsin.

Be careful what you believe.
My state is known for half a giant metal coat hanger 1/2 sticking out of the ground next to the Mississippi river. Some call it gateway to the west. But i know better use to listen to Art Bell on the radio it's a alien antenna!
- Ontario is known for having 20 (18 operational) nuclear reactors, including the world's largest operational Nuclear power plant, Bruce NGS, which produces 6,384MW; 49TWh a year.
- Niagara Falls and the Sir Adam Beck generating station
- Sudbury and the "Big Nickel"
- The Muskoka lakes
- Grand Bend drag strip
- Blackberry (RIM; Research in Motion), and its slide into oblivion
- The Toronto Maple Leafs
- The "Sky Dome" (now Rogers Centre)
- The CN Tower
- Molson
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