What disturbs/angers you while driving?

Lane changers trying to move up the line in traffic, idiots using fog lights for no reason at all, passing on the right, tailgaters, and a lot of other things. Most of these no driving morons shouldn't even have a license never mind a vehicle.
I agree with everything except passing on the right. I will always pass on the left if possible, but on 3 lane highways around here it seems there is always someone on cruise control just barely inching past someone on the far left lane, all the truckers like to be in the middle lane, it is NOT against the law to pass on the right, and if you're driving in the middle lane and you need to change lanes right, you have to check your mirrors and blind spot anyway, right? So I'm trying to get behind your mind on this one.
Btw I've never had a real close call with a trucker on the highway because passing (left or right) I pay attention and get past as quickly as possible. If they start to come over, go faster.
High beams! Around here it's almost always a someone in full size pickup that has to light up the night.
I would take these idiots over the one driving around after dark with NO lights on...I see a lot of that in recent years...
I have lived in Wisconsin for about three years now and there is something I keep seeing drivers in Wisconsin doing that is driving me crazy. It is when someone does not use there turn signal until they are within a second or two from making a turn. I keep coming up on people driving in front of me that come to a near stop, for what appears to me to be for no particular reason, and then suddenly flip on their turn signal and immediately turn.
. . .
Don't drive in SE Lousy-ana, then. Your brain will explode. At least the WI drivers *use* the signals, even if it's at the last second; here it's remarkable if someone uses them at all. Gnaw-luns drivers are horribly confused by all the stalks protruding from the steering columns nowadays, and respond by ignoring most of them.
Ah come on ... if they are 3 ft off the rear bumper vs 30 feet they get to their destination 0.3 seconds earlier and they think it's worth it. 😂 :rolleyes:
What gets me about tail pipe suckers is they're too stupid to realize they aren't going any faster a foot off your bumper compared to being 3 or 4 car lengths back...
In junior high driver education we were taught to stay away 1 car length for every 10 M.P.H. when following a vehicle . Try my best to follow that rule , do have lapses on occasion . Had some good times in driver ed . Having an very good instructor with patience and positive attitude helped to lighten the anxiety .
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In junior high driver education we were taught to stay away 1 car length for every 10 M.P.H. when following a vehicle . Try my best to follow that rule , do have lapses on occasion . Had some good times in driver ed . Having an very good instructor with patience and positive attitude helped to lighten the anxiety .
Try maintaining a 6-car-length following distance on the highways here, and you'll have a constant line of cars, formerly behind you, blowing past you with their middle fingers up and horns blaring. It may be a nice sentiment from the 50s, but there isn't enough room on our roads for everyone to do that.
Today it was the guy who couldn't stop looking at his phone at red lights.

Well, it's not really the looking at the phone, it's the not noticing the car in front of him was 200m down the road and he still hadn't started off yet.

He did it more than once.

Really minor in the grand scheme of things. But as an overall gripe, inattentiveness to the task of driving in general.
In junior high driver education we were taught to stay away 1 car length for every 10 M.P.H. when following a vehicle . Try my best to follow that rule , do have lapses on occasion . Had some good times in driver ed . Having an very good instructor with patience and positive attitude helped to lighten the anxiety .
The way people drive today you'd think the driving schools were teaching drivers to stay a foot behind for every 10 MPH...
Try maintaining a 6-car-length following distance on the highways here, and you'll have a constant line of cars, formerly behind you, blowing past you with their middle fingers up and horns blaring. It may be a nice sentiment from the 50s, but there isn't enough room on our roads for everyone to do that.
The worst thing about this is these people act like YOU are the one doing something wrong...they drive like idiots, then get mad at other drivers for driving properly...
1. Not using a blinker
2. Stopping short at a light, then slowly creeping up while waiting for it to turn green. I call these people Creepers. Bugs the heck out of me when I'm behind one because then I feel I also need to creep forward to allow more room for those behind.
3. People deciding to pull out in front of me when it's clear there's no one behind me. Just wait 3 seconds for me to pass, then you can take all the time you want getting up to speed.
4. Politely waving me on to go first at a stop sign when it's clear they have the right of way. That's how accidents happen.
5. Tailgating when they're not happy that I'm not going 10mph over the speed limit. Getting on my butt just makes me want to slow down more, buddy. Back off and wait for a safe place to pass. If there's a slow lane, I'll gladly move into it.
6. Wild swings between speeds on a long stretch of highway. I'm on cruise control, someone tailgates me for miles before finally passing, then 5 minutes later they're making me hit the brakes when I've been going the same speed the whole time. No one is in front of them to slow them down.
7. Semis cutting me off on a two lane highway to pass the semi going 1 mph slower than him. I have to hit the brakes and way an eternity for him to pass the semi then move back over.
The worst thing about this is these people act like YOU are the one doing something wrong...they drive like idiots, then get mad at other drivers for driving properly...
The issue is that you have to constantly decrease your speed to maintain a multi-car distance. The people I see attempting this are usually going 50 miles an hour in a 70 zone, which is going to cause issues. If huge distances and 50mph speeds are your jam, you should be on the frontage road.
basically majority of the drivers here in istanbul :)

* make a right turn from the leftmost lane
* no blinker usage
* abusing the emergency shoulder
* flashing highbeams because you can't fly away
* roundabout rules are constantly violated
* god forbid you leave 1mm distance between the car ahead of you; it will be filled!
* idiots driving with rear and front foglights on...all the time!
* motorcycles try to overtake you from the right side
and the list goes on and on
HD series pickups that speed like crazy and ride your bumper no matter which lane you are in … rain or shine.
If you get a downpour on I-10 west during deer season … you can see these morons and their hunting buggies off in the grass … sometimes no longer connected …