What are your biggest pet peeves?

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People who don't do their jobs, blame someone else when they're called-out for it, and are supported by management even when there's evidence proving that they're slackers.
Originally Posted By: ToddGak1
also when I come to U.S> and drive my old vehicles on road someone in hurry always pull behind me wanting to go faster when three other clear lane available.

Let me guess- you drive in the far left lane?
iie but some people follow too close no matter how fast you drive or what lane you are in, all about intimidation, did I hit a nerve?
Originally Posted By: andrewg
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
Originally Posted By: Stewart Fan
People in general are really starting to irritate me. America is getting dumber and more rude every day.

Its getting harder and harder to let things slide.

I'd like to pimp-slap about 25% of the population.

I'd start with the soccer moms that can't drive their huge SUVs because they have a phone in one hand and a Latte in the other.

Agreed. Check this out. People are so caught up in their own little bubble (especially with technology) that they've somewhat lost the ability to interact with each other in public. I swear, going to the grocery store is now a sociology lesson.


Read the link....typifies many trips I've had to the grocery store (in a tame way). Many will flame me for this, but it's my opinion. Here goes....I am not proud of my country anymore. Yes, the past and the many great things we've done and sacrificed for I am still proud of. But the last twenty years or so? No. We have become a shell of a nation. Our people are an embarrassment. Culture? What culture anymore? Lack of common interests and goals. Little unity. Selfish and rude toward each other....while almost taking pride in being that way. Makes me ill.

I kind of agree with that and I think a root cause is laziness. A lot of people are just way too freaking lazy.

I'm only 23, so my memories are really just of the 1990s onwards, but even in my life I've noticed a change in the general behavior of people. It seems to me that laziness has more rewards than ever these days, and some people take full advantage in every aspect of life.

A lot of people behave like a store is their house, they are the only one in it, and all the stuff is theirs. I guess it's easier to not give a [censored] than to behave in a civilized manner. Putting down your phone long enough to move your cart to the side of the aisle for another shopper doesn't take much effort by itself, but for a lot of people that minimal amount of effort is simply too much. They behave the same way in traffic...weaving across lanes with no signal, cutting people off because they weren't paying attention to the exits, and slowly pulling out in front of you at an intersection when there are no cars behind you. Then they bring it to work and that's when it really [censored] me off. I see upper level managers send out emails that are embarrassing to try to read, and who ask questions that make them look like complete idiots because they won't learn about how the company operates. God forbid they have to stay at work for more than six hours a day to do so. At the lower levels, there are people who exert so much effort trying to get other people to do their work for them, it seems like it would be easier to just do the work.

Unfortunately laziness has become a lifestyle because it's much easier to get away with than it used to be. It used to be if you were lazy at work, you got fired. When you got fired, you had to stop being lazy and go find another job because nobody else was going to support you. Now, if you're good at being lazy at work, you can get away with it for a long time. If you do end up losing your job, you can milk unemployment for a year. Not saying everyone collecting unemployment is lazy, but some do abuse it. I think a lot of people will need to drop their sense of entitlement and stop being so freaking lazy before this country can ever get back to its former glory.
Originally Posted By: ToddGak1
iie but some people follow too close no matter how fast you drive or what lane you are in, all about intimidation, did I hit a nerve?

Read the thread title again, and you tell me.
Originally Posted By: 01rangerxl
I'm only 23, so my memories are really just of the 1990s onwards, but even in my life I've noticed a change in the general behavior of people. It seems to me that laziness has more rewards than ever these days, and some people take full advantage in every aspect of life.

A lot of people behave like a store is their house, they are the only one in it, and all the stuff is theirs. I guess it's easier to not give a [censored] than to behave in a civilized manner. Putting down your phone long enough to move your cart to the side of the aisle for another shopper doesn't take much effort by itself, but for a lot of people that minimal amount of effort is simply too much. They behave the same way in traffic...weaving across lanes with no signal, cutting people off because they weren't paying attention to the exits, and slowly pulling out in front of you at an intersection when there are no cars behind you. Then they bring it to work and that's when it really [censored] me off. I see upper level managers send out emails that are embarrassing to try to read, and who ask questions that make them look like complete idiots because they won't learn about how the company operates. God forbid they have to stay at work for more than six hours a day to do so. At the lower levels, there are people who exert so much effort trying to get other people to do their work for them, it seems like it would be easier to just do the work.

Unfortunately laziness has become a lifestyle because it's much easier to get away with than it used to be. It used to be if you were lazy at work, you got fired. When you got fired, you had to stop being lazy and go find another job because nobody else was going to support you. Now, if you're good at being lazy at work, you can get away with it for a long time. If you do end up losing your job, you can milk unemployment for a year. Not saying everyone collecting unemployment is lazy, but some do abuse it. I think a lot of people will need to drop their sense of entitlement and stop being so freaking lazy before this country can ever get back to its former glory.

Well said, especially by someone your age.
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
I dread going shopping anymore. I go an extra 10 miles or so round trip to the nicest grocery store in my area because there's usually hardly any people there and the ones that are there will at least smile at you and say "how's it going". The grocery store down the street from me?
I'd rather go to the dentist. They're always short on carts and people will literally fight you for one.

I do the exact same thing..I thought I was the only one that did that..Nobody hates shopping more then me.
Bottum feeler,I do not understand what you are saying,please forgive my lack of understanding english language or customs.On advice of American friend I come to Bitog to learn much about oil, automobiles and even your customs, I detect much disrespect from your words, if bitog members do not want outsiders here, please state when joining. I try to look with open mind at U.S but I start to wonder if other countries are right when they say America savage land and people. Sayonara. Gomen nasai.
When I'm in the right lane, waiting for traffic to clear so I can make a right turn on red and the cars in the lanes to the left of me don't stop at the white line blocking my view of the traffic. I inch ahead so I can see and they inch ahead more.
Originally Posted By: ToddGak1
Bottum feeler,I do not understand what you are saying,please forgive my lack of understanding english language or customs.On advice of American friend I come to Bitog to learn much about oil, automobiles and even your customs, I detect much disrespect from your words, if bitog members do not want outsiders here, please state when joining. I try to look with open mind at U.S but I start to wonder if other countries are right when they say America savage land and people. Sayonara. Gomen nasai.

Dude, you're trying too hard, and now you're just trolling.
Just remembered a few regarding headlights: you're driving down the highway and the guy behind you has their high beams on. I'm not talking about flashing high beams as if to say "get out of the way," I'm talking about the guy who doesn't realize his high beams are on, or doesn't care. Since he's behind you, there's not really any way to signal to him to turn them the [censored] off, and any erratic behaviors you make will just confuse him and create a dangerous situation.

The other one is the people who are driving at night or in bad weather and don't have their lights on at all! This is most common at very early morning when the sun is just coming up, or when it's just getting dark. These are the times when you don't really need your headlights to see better. But what these morons don't realize is, it's not about YOU seeing better, it's so that OTHER PEOPLE can see YOU!
Originally Posted By: exranger06
These are the times when you don't really need your headlights to see better. But what these morons don't realize is, it's not about YOU seeing better, it's so that OTHER PEOPLE can see YOU!

That drives me nuts also. I have no idea why people don't realize that. Every time it rains, there's always some dummy or two around me driving a grey vehicle that becomes almost invisible at dusk in a little bit of rain.

Another one: Food places like Potbelly where the sandwich-makers wear vinyl gloves when touching your food. But some of these dummies don't seem to understand that the gloves are not meant to protect your hands from getting dirty, they are to protect my food from your hands and bad habits. I certainly don't expect someone to change their gloves after every sandwich, but I have seen people turn around and use the sink, touch mop handles and sponges, etc., then get back on preparing food without changing the gloves they are wearing. That's disgusting.
HID "Kits" in a headlight housings that wasnt designed for the light output. Nothing like getting blinded by illegal lighting.

Also, people that say "you know what I mean" before even finishing their sentence. "no, I have no idea what you mean since you didnt even get anywhere close to discribing something that someone would understand."

When companies furlough employees from one department and then start hiring for a different department without even thinking about using the people that already work for them.
When people post on here and say "Our 95 Camry is great," or "We drove to the store," or something like that. Who is "we" and "our?" Got a mouse in your pocket? Of course it's different if you specify who "we" is first i.e. "My wife and I bought a Fusion last year. We really like it. Ours has the V6."
Originally Posted By: exranger06
"My wife and I bought a Fusion last year. "

Given the demographic of most automotive forums (overwhelmingly male), I usually just plug in "the wife and I" every time I read a "we". Although once in a while its a kid talking about him and his parents, so my method isn't 100% foolproof.
People talking or texing on the cell phone while driving. I'm getting tired of sharing my side of the road with other vehicles drifting into my lane coming at me at full speed.

Mayhap the NTSB suggested ban will limit this idiotic behavior somewhat.
People who don't clean up after their dogs. They are sociopaths right up there with airplane seat recliners and workplace lunch stealers.

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