What are your biggest pet peeves?

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Originally Posted By: Pablo
Originally Posted By: Klutch9

What are your biggest pet peeves?

Thread's fulled with all kind of full growed mans wineing about there pet peeves......


Poor spelling, and useless trendy phrases coined by the corporate media.

Smacking gum or lips-as one of my elementary school teachers would say"usually a sign of a simple,easily entertained mind"
Sucking your teeth-poor home training
Talking with your mouth full in person or on the phone--disrespectful
Thinking I owe you something.--Unless of course I borrowed something from you.
Calling anyone other than a performer a diva.
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Originally Posted By: dkryan
Originally Posted By: exranger06
.........And most of all, people who say the year is "two thousand eleven." It should be "twenty-eleven." That's the convention we've been using basically forever, why did it all of a sudden change?

As in, "you owe me twenty eleven dollars?"

No, I'm only talking about the year, not numbers in general. As in "back in 1995..." It's nineteen ninety five, not one thousand nine hundred ninety five. Therefore, it's twenty eleven, not two thousand eleven.
Originally Posted By: exranger06
Originally Posted By: dkryan
Originally Posted By: exranger06
.........And most of all, people who say the year is "two thousand eleven." It should be "twenty-eleven." That's the convention we've been using basically forever, why did it all of a sudden change?

As in, "you owe me twenty eleven dollars?"

No, I'm only talking about the year, not numbers in general. As in "back in 1995..." It's nineteen ninety five, not one thousand nine hundred ninety five. Therefore, it's twenty eleven, not two thousand eleven.

What did you say in 2001-2009? Not twenty one or twenty O one.
Originally Posted By: daddi
People who refuse to leave the left lane. And I'm not talking for a mile or two. I'm talking hundreds.

You've perfectly described a friend of mine. He'll get into the left lane to pass someone, and never move back. This is waaaay out in the country where traffic is light... Its bizarre to ride with him and see people passing on the right all day long. Then if he happens to catch up to a slower-moving car, the two of them conspire to create a roadblock that no one can get by.
Originally Posted By: Klutch9

Haha, yea I know exactly what you're referring to. People also talk about how they retired from "Fords" or "Chryslers".

I think they're saying "Ford's" or "Chrysler's". Sort of like saying you stopped in for a few beers after work down at "Bob's". The apostrophe is silent.
Originally Posted By: css9450
Originally Posted By: Klutch9

Haha, yea I know exactly what you're referring to. People also talk about how they retired from "Fords" or "Chryslers".

I think they're saying "Ford's" or "Chrysler's". Sort of like saying you stopped in for a few beers after work down at "Bob's". The apostrophe is silent.

I get what you're saying, but aren't apostrophes always silent...?
People who think they're being productive while "multitasking" by texting and walking down the train platform. Idiots don't realize that they're actually walking slower and weaving around, thus blocking everyone else's progress. I think they'd get more done if they paid attention to their walking and texted when they got to where ever they're going.

People who are rude/condescending to store help for no reason. Yeah, maybe you make more in an hour than the person will make all day, but think about this -- at that moment, you're depending on that low-paid wonk to help you out. Would it kill you to be nice?

The assorted driving peeves already mentioned, especially the self-appointed Barney Fife's deciding it's up to them to enforce the speed limit. If people are passing on your right, YOU are just as much in the wrong. Move over and join the police academy so when you decide to enforce the law, you have a legal basis to do so.
People who don't get out of the way when they are done with whatever they are doing in a public place like checking out at a store. Like people getting a coffee refill and adding a buch of stuff to their coffee while people wait for them when they could easily step aside.
Originally Posted By: callbay
People who don't get out of the way when they are done with whatever they are doing in a public place like checking out at a store. Like people getting a coffee refill and adding a buch of stuff to their coffee while people wait for them when they could easily step aside.
Another good one. My biggest gripe about this scenario is as follows:
Person watches cashier ring up the order, then realizes that they have coupons. Now they have to find the coupons. Once that's done they're then apparenty caught off-guard when the clerk tells them what they owe -- what? I have to pay for this? So now they start hunting for the checkbook. Write out the check, and now they have to hunt for their license or other ID. And THEN, they decide that they have to balance the checkbook right then and there.

And as sexist as this sounds, it's always a woman that does this......
Originally Posted By: callbay
People who don't get out of the way when they are done with whatever they are doing in a public place like checking out at a store. Like people getting a coffee refill and adding a buch of stuff to their coffee while people wait for them when they could easily step aside.

Or people who completely block the moving walkways at airports instead of standing to the right.
Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
Originally Posted By: andrewg
4. All of southern California.

What wrong with So Cal ?

People or weather or traffic or high cost of living ?

I hate Left Lane Bandit.

I'll respond...but let me preface it by stating that when I say these things it does not literally mean ALL or EVERYBODY. It's a general impression.
Well, I dislike most of the people I've met from down there or associated with. Very pretentious and self centered. Shallow is a good word. The traffic is an extension of that....it's the worst I've personally been in. Very rude and dangerous....with an attitude that projects vehicular arrogance. I also find the terrain not nearly as attractive or appealing as I'd expected. The filthy smog was nasty to say the least, and the layout of the various communities was highly disjointed and lacked any continued theme...except that they share a few palm trees in common (even when placed amongst old, worn out buildings from the 1960's). Lastly, the horrible influence Hollywood has had on our society.
Now, granted....I have not spent any real time down there and my opinion is a narrow one. But the OP asked about peeves....well, LA and that whole area is a big one of mine.
Originally Posted By: dkryan
Biggest pet peeve?

The media, businesses, and organizations that use what they believe are the latest "trendy, politically, and socially correct" words.

As in, "growing our revenues," "sustainability," "partnering with our stakeholders," "collaborate," "outcomes," "engaged," ad nauseum.

And unfortunately, there's several dozen more words of the same ilk that are repeated daily.

If you read alot as I do, that [censored] is everywhere! It obviously makes them feel as though they are actually accomplishing something (which would be a result, not a friggin' "outcome!").

You and me both! Catch phrases and words that become quickly popular and get used by nearly everybody....then after a few years give way to new ones....now that is annoying. Especially the goofy ones about being green and having sustainability. ENOUGH!
What are your biggest pet peeves?

When someone posts "why all the hate on..." or "why so much hate for..." It sounds like I am back in the third grade.

I wish I was better at writing and speaking the English language.
Originally Posted By: Pablo
What did you say in 2001-2009? Not twenty one or twenty O one.

I've heard people say "twenty-oh-two" (2002) and I've been known to say it too. How do you pronounce 1902? ....that's what I thought

I somewhat agree that 2001-2009 can be an exception, but once you get past those years, it starts getting ridiculous. "Two thousand ten" just sounds stupid to me. "Twenty ten" is much more concise and sounds better. How long are we going to keep pronouncing years like this? Until the year "two thousand one hundred sixty eight?" Ugh...
I do say twenty ten, and two thousand nine, (not twenty oh-nine). "twenty-oh-two" sounds a little odd.

1909 is nineteen oh nine, 19's roll off the tongue better than 20's.

So let's just agree that some years sound more pleasing to the ear than others.
People who stand right in front of the baggage carousel at an airport, even though their baggage isn't there yet. They form a wall and block other people who need to pick up their luggage. Just stand back and get your luggage when it shows up.
Dang now you guys got me whining.

It's one thing to [censored] in the aisle at work, but to the people who [censored] in grocery store aisles, man, come on - we are talking food here...have some decency.
Originally Posted By: Pablo
I do say twenty ten, and two thousand nine, (not twenty oh-nine). "twenty-oh-two" sounds a little odd.

1909 is nineteen oh nine, 19's roll off the tongue better than 20's.

So let's just agree that some years sound more pleasing to the ear than others.

Well the old timey lingo of saying twenty aught nine is the reason we in the gun world pronounce the 30-06 the "Thirty aught six". Since it is the thirty caliber round that came out in 1906
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