What are your biggest pet peeves?

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Originally Posted By: Kestas
People who stand right in front of the baggage carousel at an airport, even though their baggage isn't there yet. They form a wall and block other people who need to pick up their luggage. Just stand back and get your luggage when it shows up.

People who do that and check every tag on every piece of luggage to see if it is theirs. Can't they remember what their bag looked liked? I tied a colored ribbon on the handle, so I instantly know which one is mine, even if someone has a bag that looks like mine.
Originally Posted By: Loobed

People who do that and check every tag on every piece of luggage to see if it is theirs. Can't they remember what their bag looked liked? I tied a colored ribbon on the handle, so I instantly know which one is mine, even if someone has a bag that looks like mine.

just goes to show you how many semi functional people are running around loose in society.
Originally Posted By: needsducktape

#2 People who just HAVE to pass you on the highway, only to slow down while in front of you..

How about when they do that and take the right exit just after they pass you.

I always have that secret urge to speed up so they miss the exit.
Please forgive any offense, I don't understand people who expect everyone and everything around them to be perfect and they themselves are not, also when I come to U.S> and drive my old vehicles on road someone in hurry always pull behind me wanting to go faster when three other clear lane available.
That and osshats who turn right on red lights when you are heading into the same single lane road with the correct GREEN LEFT TURN LIGHT AND YOUR BRIGHT LEFT TURN BLINKER GOING. Who does that? I'll tell you - a whole bunch of geniuses (I almost wrote retard, but that would be insulting to retarded folks) I know my routine intersections where people do this regularly.
People that leave a phone message and then recite their phone # as fast as they can!
'They' know their phone #, so they rattle it of in half a second, slurring half the numerals.
I had an important message the other day, I ended up with 4 people around my answering machine trying to understand the call back #.

Seems younger women are the worst for this.

Please talk slowly and give the # at the beginning AND end if you have a long message.
People who disregard stop signs in residential neighborhoods. There's a 4 way stop (several actually, but one in particular) in my neighborhood where people who turn right coming off a major thoroughfare run the stop sign like it's not even there. Many people won't even slow down, let alone stop. There's another 4 way stop where major accidents happen several times a year because people will blow through the intersection at 40 mph.
Originally Posted By: Stewart Fan
People in general are really starting to irritate me. America is getting dumber and more rude every day.

Its getting harder and harder to let things slide.

I'd like to pimp-slap about 25% of the population.

I'd start with the soccer moms that can't drive their huge SUVs because they have a phone in one hand and a Latte in the other.

Agreed. Check this out. People are so caught up in their own little bubble (especially with technology) that they've somewhat lost the ability to interact with each other in public. I swear, going to the grocery store is now a sociology lesson.

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Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
Originally Posted By: Stewart Fan
People in general are really starting to irritate me. America is getting dumber and more rude every day.

Its getting harder and harder to let things slide.

I'd like to pimp-slap about 25% of the population.

I'd start with the soccer moms that can't drive their huge SUVs because they have a phone in one hand and a Latte in the other.

Agreed. Check this out. People are so caught up in their own little bubble (especially with technology) that they've somewhat lost the ability to interact with each other in public. I swear, going to the grocery store is now a sociology lesson.


Read the link....typifies many trips I've had to the grocery store (in a tame way). Many will flame me for this, but it's my opinion. Here goes....I am not proud of my country anymore. Yes, the past and the many great things we've done and sacrificed for I am still proud of. But the last twenty years or so? No. We have become a shell of a nation. Our people are an embarrassment. Culture? What culture anymore? Lack of common interests and goals. Little unity. Selfish and rude toward each other....while almost taking pride in being that way. Makes me ill.
I dread going shopping anymore. I go an extra 10 miles or so round trip to the nicest grocery store in my area because there's usually hardly any people there and the ones that are there will at least smile at you and say "how's it going". The grocery store down the street from me?
I'd rather go to the dentist. They're always short on carts and people will literally fight you for one.

That brings me to another pet peeve: extreme couponing people. W T F? OK, you just spent 5 bucks on a thousand bucks worth of processed garbage food that the average person couldn't consume in 10 years. Do you need a new tooth brush every time you brush your teeth?
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Those that can't hold a constant speed. I was about to punt a few Okies today. I hate playing the passing game. If you're going 80 stay at 80 thank you.
andrewg,being from another country I feel I should not comment from my observations but friend I stay with for my visit echo same opinions as you. Also say not always like this.
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