What are you eating right now?

Toast, ham, and fried eggs for dinner.
Been sick AND busy the last few days. Haven't cooked since Friday but the meatloaf and mashed is still good - just tired of it.

Ran into QT a bit ago for a fountain Coke Zero and was hit with instant "feed me" noises from my midsection. They were tossing about to expire sandwiches from their cooler and I told the young lady doing it that I would buy one. She asked me what I wanted, I said "that cheeseburger looks decent" and she handed it to me and said it was free. I nuked it til it was hotter than Godzilla's breath and let it cool off on the ride back to work. I must say that for free it wasn't bad. I wouldn't normally pay the 3.99 or 4.99 they wanted for it but I hate to see food tossed out. It wasn't 4.99 good for sure, but it was for sure free good. I had a hot mustard packet in my console that probably made it taste better than it was.
Package said "product of Canada" hmm......I know we have some mushroom farms nearby - either way - must be heated!
Porcini can't be farmed as their mycelium is bound to tree roots. Canada looks better every day. Don't forget to put marjoram in your porcini dish!
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They were seemingly fresh. Wife liked my riceless fusion food

I failed to get a picture

The beef was juicy tender and succulent
I can find fresh porcini during the mushroom season at Cal-Mart and Bi-Rite and maybe at places like Sprouts, and farmers' markets. Or I can go and collect them myself but that's a tricky proposition because the only place that allows foraging in the Bay Area is Point Reyes and there's a deer tick problem. I don't need encephalitis and/or Lyme disease. And Salt Point is a 2-day proposition and I still have to crawl through tick-infested underbrush. You wanna see my tick bite pictures?
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I can find fresh porcini during the mushroom season at Cal-Mart and Bi-Rite and maybe at places like Sprouts, and farmers' markets. Or I can go and collect them myself but that's a tricky proposition because the only place that allows foraging in the Bay Area is Point Reyes and there's a deer tick problem. I don't need encephalitis and/or Lyme disease. And Salt Point is a 2-day proposition and I still have to crawl through tick-infested underbrush. You wanna see my tick bite pictures?
Is that like an invitation to see your artwork?
Sharing these with a conworker. Had pasta and zucchini and peppers girlfriend and I made late last night. Delicious


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