The Liberal Double Standard At Its Best

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Mar 19, 2004
It seems that once again the liberals have used the old double standard and are unapologetic.
Trent Lott was lambasted for a recent remark about the South but it evidently doesn't apply to the Democrats.Read the following.

Vilsack's Wife Brushes Off Race Remark
Monday, July 26, 2004
Associated Press

DES MOINES, Iowa — The wife of Iowa's Democratic governor on Monday dismissed a report about a 1994 newspaper column in which she wrote that she had trouble understanding some blacks' version of English and referred to the "slurred speech" of Southerners.
Christie Vilsack (search), who addresses the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, issued a statement in response to a published report about the 10-year-old column that she wrote for the Mt. Pleasant News in Iowa.

In the column, cited in Monday's Boston Herald, Vilsack wrote, "I am fascinated at the way some African-Americans speak to each other in English I struggle to understand, then switch to standard English when the situation requires."

She also wrote that she found dialects from other regions of the country difficult to understand.

"The only way I can speak like residents of New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania is to let my jaw drop an inch and talk with my lips in an 'O' like a fish," she wrote. "I'd rather learn to speak Polish."

After returning from a visit to the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, Vilsack wrote about "language problems" she encountered in the South. "When I ask for directions, I can't understand the slurred speech of southern Americans who are so polite and eager to please," she wrote.

Republicans forwarded the article to reporters.

"I think it's appropriate for her to apologize for her remarks," Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, a black Republican, said in a telephone interview. Steele said he was amazed the Iowa governor's wife had "been asked to speak on values."

In her statement Monday, Vilsack said, "These are attacks by people who want to divide us and not bring us together. As a teacher and the mother of two boys, I am dismayed by this, especially because of my lifetime commitment to teaching tolerance, diversity and understanding to all children."

Vilsack's husband, Tom, was considered a possible candidate for vice president before John Kerry chose Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina to be his running mate.
You can apply one persons actions to the entire group, wait is that not stereotyping??????????

Originally posted by rjundi:
You can apply one persons actions to the entire group, wait is that not stereotyping??????????

Was not Trent Lotts actions applied to Republicans in general? I think it was.Is this not stereotyping? Liberals seem to see things differently when they are the ones doing it.
Whew, its only July. Are we gonna have 3 more months of this political bashing/posturing on this board? Another earlier post said something about everyone picking the best candidate for their needs, and voting for him, and leaving it at that. Very little of these political jabs will change anyones mind here, in my opinion.
and what did the lady say that wasn't true? Why would she have to apologize for the truth as she hears it? Motor guy your just lookin for anything to start a fight
As long as we're playing with the big crayons I'll add other observations :^)

Below is a reader's opinion in one of our local papers from last Friday, the Columbian. I'd have to add being paranoid about black helicopters and government weather machines but supporting the Patriot Act, and constant talk about shooting it out with the feds but supporting the FBI, CIA, and our troops.

It sure is tough to be a Republican these days.

You have to support universal health care, but only for Iraqis. You want to get out of the U.N., but want to uphold its sanctions against Iraq. You embargo communism in Cuba, but support large trade deficits and free trade with China and Vietnam.

You believe that evidence of global warming and the risks of tobacco are junk science, but believe in creationism as the real thing. You believe in states' rights, but not when they might do things you don't agree with, like gay relationships and unfettered Internet access. You believe drug addiction is an imprisonable criminal activity unless it is a conservative talk show host. Then it is a disease and he needs help and prayer.

You believe government should stay out of people's lives, except when it comes to investigating what books they buy or check out of libraries, which meetings they go to, and how they might disagree with the administration.

You are willing to voluntarily spend over $80 million to find out that Clinton lied about a sexual indiscretion, but are only willing to spend $14.5 million to find out what happened on 9/11.
Speaking of Ted Kennedy, modern science has determined that when Mary Jo Kopechne drowned the car Teddy was driving that night was going approximately 90 mph when it left the bridge on Chappaquiddick Island. Investigators determined it would take that velocity to blow her pantyhose into the glove compartment.

Oooooh, sorry. That was bad, but I just couldn't resist it.

Originally posted by Pitbull:
and what did the lady say that wasn't true? Why would she have to apologize for the truth as she hears it? Motor guy your just lookin for anything to start a fight

I think the whole point was the dripping sarcasm the lady had of other places. I especially think she is an idiot for saything those things. I grew up in the south and am quite proud of it. I grow more weary all the time with people like this throwing aspersions on the south. Or any other part of the country as a rhetorical device to make themselves look good.

Didn't we have an earlier discussion about Bill Cosby's remarks on how black kids speak? And didn't most conservative posters here agree with Cosby? And didn't Cosby say pretty much what Christie Vilsack said? So how are her comments even remotely connected to the House Majority Leader saying that if Strom Thurman had become President (racist segregationist), we would not now have all these problems with blacks? I guess he meant that they'd all be in concentration camps by now and safely contained? Great position by a U.S. Senator!
Yes, the double standard between liberals (usually Dems) and conservatives (usually Republicans) is well documented. Add Chris Dodd’s comments from a few months ago which were very close to Trent Lott’s. Nothing came of them … and nothing will come . Wait until an “R” (like Packwood, etc ...) makes a gaff and the liberal media will make sure he is hounded out of his job.

MAJA, if you don’t want to participate, stay out of the thread.

As a conservative Republican, I want to address what 1sstruck posted above:

“It sure is tough to be a Republican these days. You have to support universal health care, but only for Iraqis.”

No. I want them to have a better life which will bring some stability to that area and give the people in that part of the world a quality of life which makes stuffing their pants full of explosives and lighting themselves off in a crowd seem like a bad idea.

”You want to get out of the U.N., but want to uphold its sanctions against Iraq.”

No. I don’t want “out” of the UN, but want people all over the world to recognize its faults, pay more of their fair share and reform it in general (it’s terribly corrupt).

”You embargo communism in Cuba, but support large trade deficits and free trade with China and Vietnam.”

I’m not really sure I favor an embargo with Cuba … but the ex-Cubans in this country want it and I’ll leave the issue up to them, largely. Not sure economic trade will help/hurt the situation.

You believe that evidence of global warming and the risks of tobacco are junk science, but believe in creationism as the real thing.”

I hate tobacco, am skeptical of global warming and am not a creationists. As a matter of fact, out of all my Republicans pals, I don’t even know any Creationists.

”You believe in states' rights, but not when they might do things you don't agree with, like gay relationships and unfettered Internet access.”

Because those last issues spill over states borders thanks to internet connectivity and the full faith and credit clause forcing all states to accept what each other does.

”You believe drug addiction is an imprisonable criminal activity unless it is a conservative talk show host. Then it is a disease and he needs help and prayer.”

Rush found himself addicted to prescription pain medication ... not cocaine or heroin. Big difference between prescriptions and recreational drugs.

”You believe government should stay out of people's lives, except when it comes to investigating what books they buy or check out of libraries, which meetings they go to, and how they might disagree with the administration.”

Again with the myths that John Ashcroft and Ken Starr get their private jollies by looking at Library lists and video rental records.
Do we want terrorist cells in this country to be able to research communicable diseases, high explosives and water treatment plants in complete secrecy? And that last crack about “disagreeing with the administration” is a bit of nonsense leftist paranoia. Give me one example of any of it.

”You are willing to voluntarily spend over $80 million to find out that Clinton lied about a sexual indiscretion, but are only willing to spend $14.5 million to find out what happened on 9/11.”

I’d be willing to spend a LOT more on the September 11th investigation but this last one turned into a partisan witch hunt which tried to absolve Clinton, blame Bush and was headed by people with private agendas and conflicts of interest.
And calling Clinton’s problem “an indiscretion” trivializes it to the point of absurdity.

Anyway, this thread is moot. The liberal/mainstream media (print & electronic) decide who comes and who goes and they will conclude that this is not a serious issue. No need to think or say anything more about it. They do all the deciding.

--- Bror Jace
needtoknow: “... the House Majority Leader saying that if Strom Thurman had become President (racist segregationist), we would not now have all these problems with blacks?”

That’s NOT what Trent Lott said.
He said that if we had elected Strom President years ago, we would not have a lot of the problems we do now. His statement was very vague. But the liberal media and their left wing buddies (the Democrats) all inferred he was talking about segregation and hounded him out of his leadership position.

Like I said above, Chris Dodd (US Senator, but a Democrat from Connecticut) recently said virtually the same sort of thing ... and it was a non issue.

The liberals control the media and make these decisions for us.

--- Bror Jace

Originally posted by Bror Jace:

That’s NOT what Trent Lott said.
He said that if we had elected Strom President years ago, we would not have a lot of the problems we do now. His statement was very vague. But the liberal media and their left wing buddies (the Democrats) all inferred he was talking about segregation and hounded him out of his leadership position.

Bror Jace

Right, we all know that what Lott was really talking about was that we would all be eating down home cookin'
Sorry didn't see Dodds remarks, but here's more on Lott's, since we're using it as a comparison. No it's not the liberal press, if I could find one, seems Repubs thought Lott should should leave as well.

Dan4510, It kind of makes me chuckle when it's ok to disparage blacks for the way they speak ( Bill Cosby posts), but let that spill over to whites and all of a sudden feelings get hurt. I agree this collective labeling makes no sense, (liberals) and I tend to do it as well unless I meet someone personally, but this type of attack has really only been started by conservative talk show hosts and the radical element of the Republican Party in the last 10-15 years. Demonize with a label and no other debate is necessary. Part of the problem I think is that peoples attention spans, due to TV, are so small that the media types uses these quick one liners and collectives to try to convert opinion on complex issues to their narrow view just to gain a power base.

Originally posted by needtoknow:
and I tend to do it as well unless I meet someone personally, but this type of attack has really only been started by conservative talk show hosts and the radical element of the Republican Party in the last 10-15 years.

I disagree with this comment. Labelling has been going on far longer than just the last 10-15 years and by far more people and interest groups that just the radical element of the republican party.

I think I remember Hillary talking about a right-wing conspiracy. That was ludicrous in the extreme. If anybody on the right had talked about a "left-wing conspiracy" they would have been laughed about forever.

What the left wing has done is successfully construct their views (abortion, deviant sex, gun control, and many other views that conflict with basic human nature) as the default view point that has to be argued against. We are all caught in that trap right now.

Its not a black thing that made me want to bring up the Bill Cosby posts, its the hypocrisy with which his comments have been met and it was the same hypocrisy that made me comment on the "dialect" comment. These were at the core of my posts.

I rarely defend myself against anything, but just wanted my real concerns brought out here, not an inputed motive of racism.


[ July 28, 2004, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Dan4510 ]
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