I think this illustrates that some jobs require availability of the right tools. While i don't discourage doing things yourself , as long as the safety factor is considered. You have to realize as you take on jobs like these, that you have to have the right tools on hand, or be willing to buy the right tools for the job, if it gets a bit sideways.
The OP did did the right thing, getting opinions here first. You just have to be committed to having/buying what you need before you get in over your head.
I've gotten in over my ability/ willingness a time or two. I had multible bolts on my truck transmission pan break off, from rust. I tried and managed to get one out. But i realized getting 4 or 5 broken bolts out ( and possibly having to heli-coiling them) lying on my back on the ground was just silly. The trans had a lot of miles on it, with no trans cooler, i had the money, so i said screw it. I'm sending it to a shop and rebuilding it before a failure, and fix the broken bolts a the same time.