Something I'd Like to See....

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It would take a LONG time, either in real driving or on a dyno to simulate an engine's normal lifespan [to destruction].
This is why it has not been done.
And after so many miles, there would be differences that would muddy up the final results - oil could not be specifically blamed.
I know some postal vehicles (Long life Vehicles) that get started up to 100 times per day, 6 days a week all year long. They are not allowed to EVER leave the vehicle running unattended. I have seen these 4 cyl motors 3 qts low on oil regularly. I imagine the take about 4?? I have rarely heard of an oil related failure with these things. Almost every station has their own mechanic/ different oil change standards. I am fairly certain they get a maximum of 2 oil changes per year. Other than that its just a periodic top off. I would like to "peek" inside one of those motors with 150K or so just to see whats in there.
They jump in and out of running postal vehicles here ALL the time.

The only time I've seen them turn them off is if they have to go into a building. But if they are box to box the engine is running.
Originally Posted By: BumpDraft2004
What about something like a garbage truck - stop and go [censored] I should think and low speed and lots of idle.

Not too many COLD starts. Once its started it STAYS running. Engine wise EASY. HARD on the brakes and transmission.

Not too much by products in its sump (for a diesel).

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