Something bit me...

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I found this on the wooly bear. It doesn't say it it bites. I know Pablo is an art critic and a chef, but is he also an entomologist?
Being at the beach it could be sand fleas. Had a nasty case on a recent trip to the beach in Puerta Vallerta, MX.
Itched for days..

Okay, will do. Seems reasonable. Should I go wearing Zed gear?

Even though you don't have any symptoms of pain, infection, etc., I think you should still go to the doctor and have these looked at.

What kind of spider bites were those that you had excised?

They were the kind that caused small ulcers. I never saw the spiders that bit me. Must have happened when camping in Yosemite. There are brown recluse spiders there, but my bites looked nothing like these.
"They were the kind that caused small ulcers. I never saw the spiders that bit me. Must have happened when camping in Yosemite. There are brown recluse spiders there, but my bites looked nothing like these. "

Not yet.
Bavarians are pretty tough. The only thing that really hurt me was a jelly when vacationing in the Keys. I swam right into one. It cought me mostly on calf, so I could at least whizz on it myself.
I used to get "jellied" all the time. No biggie. Then I hit a Portuguese man o' war, and did not have a good afternoon.
Kinda hard to walk that off.
That, and a white-faced hornet that got me once caused the most intense pain I can remember. Even worse than the water moccassin I landed on as a kid.
But alas, physical pain is easier to walk off than the other kinds.
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