Proud owner of a new F150 ecoboost

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Jun 29, 2013
Panama City, FL
Hey guys I pulled the trigger on a new 2017 F150 2.7 2wd a few days ago and absolutely love it so far. I'm really wondering about the whole auto stop/start thing though, it doesn't bother me, but I have to wonder how much gas it can really save by shutting the engine down for 15 or 20 seconds everytime I come to a stop. I hope the starter is bullet proof considering that it will be used 50x more than if auto stop/start wasn't used. I'm also wondering about the factory oil fill, I just started going through my book but haven't come across anything mentioning it. Hoping a ford guy will chime in with info on how long I'm supposed to stay on the factory oil fill. The factory fill appears to be over full also. After a Hyundai Veloster, Toyota Matrix, and VW Golf sportwagon it feels good to buy American(we do love our VW, its now my wifes). Looking forward to hearing any advice about my new F150.
Read your owners manual!!!!!!! I'm sure the starter is built with start/stop in mind. I'm more curious to the the battery in your truck.
Congrats on the new truck! Enjoy.

There will be plenty of opinions on first oil change...mine is to change early, as the high particulate count is abrasive. In your case it would also solve the overfill condition. My plan with a new vehicle is 1000, 2500 and 5000 miles, then regular intervals and oil.

Nothing special about the factory fill that I have seen, it is likely Motorcraft bulk oil.

All that said, if you follow the IOLM and change when it gets below 5% you should be fine.

Edit: I do not like the start/stop for the reasons mentioned...starter wear, battery drain, and also the oil pressure drop at each startup. IMO it is CAFE driven and does save some gas but for me is outweighed by wear and tear.
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KJSmith has lots of UOAs posted for his 3.5 EB in the UOA section here. Though not a 2.7, it appears that Castrol Magnatec works really well in these engines. I’d say change out the FF at 3k, then follow the OLM from that point on. Good choice, btw...
Nice upgrade. I wonder if there's a way to disable the Stop/Start feature? Please post pictures! Since that's what guys want to see most.
Originally Posted By: SatinSilver
Nice upgrade. I wonder if there's a way to disable the Stop/Start feature? Please post pictures! Since that's what guys want to see most.

I can second the pictures.

From what I know, the start stop can be disabled each time you start the truck. But I do not think there is a permanent disable feature
Start/stop seemed fairly common in the cars I was in or drove in Europe. I think you'll get used to it.
Originally Posted By: SatinSilver
Nice upgrade. I wonder if there's a way to disable the Stop/Start feature? Please post pictures! Since that's what guys want to see most.

There's a button right on the dash. Give it a google. You must hit the button each time you start the vehicle.
I thought start/stop technology was just a hack to show a better result during EPA testing. I never thought anyone that kept a vehicle long term would even consider using it. Modern engines use very little fuel idling at a stop light and this start/stop routine can be little more than wear and tear on a vehicle.
I am wondering if after the warranty expires you can disable the start/stop permanently through a reprogram of the ECM?

Congrats! BTW.
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No pictures ? Are you serious ? How disappointing can you get ?
Originally Posted By: CKN
I am wondering if after the warranty expires you can disable the start/stop permanently through a reprogram of the ECM?

Congrats! BTW.

Yes there are tunes that disable it.
I read something about a plug in the trailer hitch that will cease the Stop/Start feature. But if one only has to press the button after the truck is started then that's not a big deal either. I somehow thought the button to stop it had to pressed before or while starting it up.
Working on pictures? Take your umbrella and camera out there and SNAP away! Sheesh, difficult people in here today.

Then take better ones when weather better. It will be good to see some bad weather pictures to make things interesting!
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I have a 2015 2.7 and there is a way to by pass the start the 2017 has a defeat switch. I hated it Let me see it there is an online schematic you just jump the switch but I forget which wires.
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