Proud of my products

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Nov 22, 2004
Here is a video made by a customer. He was allowed into the plant to video the build of his new Tahoe. We are the exclusive plant building the Tahoe, Yukon, Suburban, Yukon XL, Denali and Cadillac Escalades. This includes the Tahoe/Yukon/Escalade Hybrids and Police models. Very short video, but neat. Several areas that I am responsible for are shown.
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Great video, enjoyable to watch. I wish I had some video production skills.

I agree with the man in the video, the QC of GM trucks is superb and their assembly quality is first rate. If there is one thing GM kicks butt at, its building trucks.

Glad to see smiling faces at the Arlington plant. Its a tough job but if the workers enjoy it, the product quality will be there.
Originally Posted By: crinkles
nice video, thanks! i especially liked the assembly of the drivetrain and chassis.

Thanks, that happens to my area
As a side note - if any BITOG folks ever come to the area - I will be more than happy to give you a personal tour! Just PM me to set it up!
Originally Posted By: bretfraz
If there is one thing GM kicks butt at, its building trucks.

Yep! Just gotta get with the cars now.
I used to design alot of the assy-line equipment shown in the video. Never got to see it in action though. That Tahoe is Sweet!
You should be proud. Both GM makes incredible products in their full-size line. IMHO the best of what you guys offer. You'll figure out the rest hopefully in time or shrink into formidable company.
Originally Posted By: GMBoy
Originally Posted By: bretfraz
If there is one thing GM kicks butt at, its building trucks.

Yep! Just gotta get with the cars now.

That's the problem with GM...they make great trucks and very average cars. When gasoline went thru the roof GM went under (until the gov't stepped in). If GM put as much thought into their cars they'd still be # 1.
True. BUT - look at the latest hits such as the Corvette, CTS and Malibu. And the new Lacrosse is really a breakthru. Change is coming.
Originally Posted By: GMBoy
As a side note - if any BITOG folks ever come to the area - I will be more than happy to give you a personal tour! Just PM me to set it up!

That would be very cool to do. I would enjoy that... Now I just need time and an excuse (and money!) to go to texas... Awesome video by the way. Which engine was that?
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Originally Posted By: GMBoy
Originally Posted By: pbm
Originally Posted By: GMBoy
Originally Posted By: bretfraz
If there is one thing GM kicks butt at, its building trucks.

Yep! Just gotta get with the cars now.

That's the problem with GM...they make great trucks and very average cars. When gasoline went thru the roof GM went under (until the gov't stepped in). If GM put as much thought into their cars they'd still be # 1.

True. BUT - look at the latest hits such as the Corvette, CTS and Malibu. And the new Lacrosse is really a breakthru. Change is coming.

I agree with GMBoy that those are nice cars. I don't agree others posting that GM hasn't made good cars, in recent times, previously though. While car magazines dead pan it for being boring the 06-09 Impala is a GREAT car! Roomy, comfortable, decent power, and excellent MPG. Reasonable price and IMO it is a very attractive vehicle as well.
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You and your group should be very proud especially when you are pouring your heart into the products being made and you also know whats a stake here.
I'm sure that the workers assemble the products to a very high standard of quality and it is unfortunate that such greatly skilled people who seem to be really nice hard working people as well (as shown in the video) are subject to GM's poor marketing, poor component choice and poor overall design which for the most part leads to poor reliability and a poor taste in consumers mouths and leads the sales away to other companies.

IMO the workers of GM should be angry at the company for the designs and component reliability. This is proven by the loss of market share over the years year after year and didn't just happen over night.

There is no doubt that it isn't the workers fault but that of upper managements for not managing the company properly and making poor decision after poor decision.

While they (Corporate Execs) ride their "Golden Parachutes" away from this mess the workers are left picking up pieces and trying to salvage a sinking ship just to make ends meat for their families and that just isn't fair.

For those I have pity for your situation, but I will not be purchasing a GM product anytime soon and supporting this mess even if it means putting food on the table of a worker because if I were to it would teach the company nothing except to put your hands out in a time of need and all your mismanagement and poor decisions will be forgotten because there are no consequences for your actions. This I can't agree with as I'm not one for allowing History to repeat itself.

Good luck to all the GM employees, you certainly deserve it and I wish you all the best. If I were you I would be making a career change as quickly as possible because I think the ship is pretty much sunk regardless if the quality is that of other makes now.

Consumers are just turned off, and taking bailouts from the government just sealed the deal for most IMO.

Originally Posted By: StevieC
I'm sure that the workers assemble the products to a very high standard of quality and it is unfortunate that such greatly skilled people who seem to be really nice hard working people as well (as shown in the video) are subject to GM's poor marketing, poor component choice and poor overall design which for the most part leads to poor reliability and a poor taste in consumers mouths and leads the sales away to other companies.

IMO the workers of GM should be angry at the company for the designs and component reliability. This is proven by the loss of market share over the years year after year and didn't just happen over night.

There is no doubt that it isn't the workers fault but that of upper managements for not managing the company properly and making poor decision after poor decision.

While they (Corporate Execs) ride their "Golden Parachutes" away from this mess the workers are left picking up pieces and trying to salvage a sinking ship just to make ends meat for their families and that just isn't fair.

For those I have pity for your situation, but I will not be purchasing a GM product anytime soon and supporting this mess even if it means putting food on the table of a worker because if I were to it would teach the company nothing except to put your hands out in a time of need and all your mismanagement and poor decisions will be forgotten because there are no consequences for your actions. This I can't agree with as I'm not one for allowing History to repeat itself.

Good luck to all the GM employees, you certainly deserve it and I wish you all the best. If I were you I would be making a career change as quickly as possible because I think the ship is pretty much sunk regardless if the quality is that of other makes now.

Consumers are just turned off, and taking bailouts from the government just sealed the deal for most IMO.


You hit the nail on the head StevieC. It is all upper mgt's fault and I understand that a portion of the public feels just as you do. Very good post w/o the usual hardcore GM bashing.
GM Boy,

I'm not out to bash GM or any of the Big 3... I said I would be the first to purchase "Domestic" again if they would get their $!#@ together. (Yes I know FORD is different, lets not go there) I have always said that the quality is not where it needs to be and neither is the product line-up. Never said anything bad about the workers or that the "poor quality" was caused by them. Only Upper Management and their stupid decisions which caused "poor quality"

Seeing as the bailouts happened I can't bring myself to purchase these products because purchasing them would only be rewarding them for their bad management.

I appreciate that you along with others are hard working people towing the line and putting out top notch stuff from the production line but it's the company you are "associated" with that has PO'ed me off and lost me for life because of their previous antics and terrible quality/designs.

Sorry you are in the boat you are in. You are welcome at my table anytime should it get to that point but not the "higher ups" in your company.

Should the bailouts have not happened and GM revived itself I would purchase one for my next vehicle...

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GMBoy, very cool! Coming from an industrial background myself, it always boggles my mind the amount of and scope of the infrastructure involved in vehicle manufacturing! I realize the ~$40K for such a vehicle is a lot of money, but could you imagine how much it costs to design, build and operate such a plant? You've got to sell a lot of vehicles for sure.

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Originally Posted By: StevieC
GM Boy,

Sorry you are in the boat you are in. You are welcome at my table anytime should it get to that point but not the "higher ups" in your company.

Thank you. But the odd thing is my boat isn't all that bad for the moment. We have been working MAX overtime since Sept and will be atleast thru December. Figure that one out, large SUV plant on overtime. But than again, there were 3 plants making them up until now and we are the only one left so I guess we are making up for lost production while the plants were down. GM rightsized the suv production and I assume we'll be back to normal schedule in January of 2010.

I agree, being a manager (but not top level!) I am appalled at some decisions made in Detroit. At the plant level - we are very good.
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