Pennzoil Ultra volatility 5w20

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Apr 13, 2013
So there is NO Pennzoil Ultra in the area where I live...I did lots of searching online to find it and found that there was some on closeout at a Walmart in a nearby city. I paid for it online and picked it up at the store this morning for $5.00 a quart. I have two, I have seen (on this site) that Pennzoil Ultra has a high volatility, even as high as dino oil! is this true? and if so what would be the ideal oci for short trips stop and go and many starts per day?? Second question, how long is the shelf life on this stuff...I just changed my oil recently and am planning on running it 4000-5000 mi. So its going to be about 5-6 months before it gets changed with the PU. Is that ok for the shelf life? or will it be expired by then? THANKS!
Yeah PU is not worth 5 bucks a quart and it does not benefit your grocery getter. It is for the best you send your oil to me for use. I will pay 3.50 a quart it's noack of less than 10% means it is volatile stuff.
Originally Posted By: dave1251
Yeah PU is not worth 5 bucks a quart and it does not benefit your grocery getter. It is for the best you send your oil to me for use. I will pay 3.50 a quart it's noack of less than 10% means it is volatile stuff.

lol...all jokes aside though, i know its a good oil. thats why i bought it, just wondering about the volitility...what does noack mean?? Is less than 10% good? im here on this site to learn. educate me please =) like to learn new things
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High volatility? Did you get API SM or SN? SN formulation has a whopping volatility of 5% compared to +9% of other synthetics.

SM do have a higher volatility, but I'm sure it's not as high as your common dino oils.
Originally Posted By: KHP
High volatility? Did you get API SM or SN? SN formulation has a whopping volatility of 5% compared to +9% of other synthetics.

SM do have a higher volatility, but I'm sure it's not as high as your common dino oils.

I just checked...its API SN, so I should be good then?? I also check the expiration dates on them...most just say 12nov17 but one says 02feb12...will they still be ok to use??
Originally Posted By: gregk24
I just checked...its API SN, so I should be good then?? I also check the expiration dates on them...most just say 12nov17 but one says 02feb12...will they still be ok to use??

Oils should be fine to use. The dates marked on the bottles should be the bottling date and not the expiration date. I believe in general oils should have a minimum shelf life of 5 years. I've seen some people here use older oil (past shelf life)and not come back to report that their engines blew up. You should be fine to use those oils.

4000-5000 miles on PU is a waste. If you do a lot of short tripping just go for a 15 minute cruise on the highway at least once a month this should evaporate the water and fuel diluted in the oil enabling you to go 7,500 miles.
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NOACK is a volatility test that measures the evaporate loss of a lubricant and PU has the lowest loss of off the shelf synthetics as far as I recall.
The limit is 15% NOACK (volatility). With a 10% NOACK that is quite good above average even, below that even better for this 1 criteria. Allot of current engine oils have a NOACK at or around 13-14% even the synthetics.
OP you need to realize that you just purchased one of the most sought after oils (at least here BITOG) for a great deal. On paper and performance PU SN is on par to most of the boutique oils costing quite a bit more money. Pour it in and sleep well at night.
Originally Posted By: Eddie
PP was lower than PU when I checked about 6 months ago.

PP 5w20 SN has NOACK of 12.8%.

PU 5w20 SM NOACK might be another story.
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Originally Posted By: KHP
OP you need to realize that you just purchased one of the most sought after oils (at least here BITOG) for a great deal. On paper and performance PU SN is on par to most of the boutique oils costing quite a bit more money. Pour it in and sleep well at night.

Yeah I was pretty psyched when I found it! I bought it online then drove to another city to pick it up lol. You this this PU is better than the Castrol Edge w/ Titanium I have in her now?
Originally Posted By: gregk24
Originally Posted By: KHP
OP you need to realize that you just purchased one of the most sought after oils (at least here BITOG) for a great deal. On paper and performance PU SN is on par to most of the boutique oils costing quite a bit more money. Pour it in and sleep well at night.

Yeah I was pretty psyched when I found it! I bought it online then drove to another city to pick it up lol. You this this PU is better than the Castrol Edge w/ Titanium I have in her now?

"Better" when you're talking about oils is near impossible to quantify. Both the Ultra and the Edge Ti are the top offerings from some big players, and both are absolutely fantastic oils.
Originally Posted By: gregk24
So there is NO Pennzoil Ultra in the area where I live...I did lots of searching online to find it and found that there was some on closeout at a Walmart in a nearby city. I paid for it online and picked it up at the store this morning for $5.00 a quart. I have two, I have seen (on this site) that Pennzoil Ultra has a high volatility, even as high as dino oil! is this true? and if so what would be the ideal oci for short trips stop and go and many starts per day?? Second question, how long is the shelf life on this stuff...I just changed my oil recently and am planning on running it 4000-5000 mi. So its going to be about 5-6 months before it gets changed with the PU. Is that ok for the shelf life? or will it be expired by then? THANKS!

If you can find an oil with a lower NOACK% than PU 5w20's 5%, please post it. I doubt you find one.
Originally Posted By: gregk24
Yeah I was pretty psyched when I found it! I bought it online then drove to another city to pick it up lol. You this this PU is better than the Castrol Edge w/ Titanium I have in her now?

Answering that question is like walking on a fine line lol. IMO PU is better(we're splitting hairs here), but your Honda engine should be easy on oil that it wouldn't know that difference. Hope this makes sense.

PU really shines in engines that are known to be extremely hard oils.
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Originally Posted By: badtlc
Originally Posted By: gregk24
So there is NO Pennzoil Ultra in the area where I live...I did lots of searching online to find it and found that there was some on closeout at a Walmart in a nearby city. I paid for it online and picked it up at the store this morning for $5.00 a quart. I have two, I have seen (on this site) that Pennzoil Ultra has a high volatility, even as high as dino oil! is this true? and if so what would be the ideal oci for short trips stop and go and many starts per day?? Second question, how long is the shelf life on this stuff...I just changed my oil recently and am planning on running it 4000-5000 mi. So its going to be about 5-6 months before it gets changed with the PU. Is that ok for the shelf life? or will it be expired by then? THANKS!

If you can find an oil with a lower NOACK% than PU 5w20's 5%, please post it. I doubt you find one.

I know, I remember everyone on here thought it was a misprint at first.
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