Neighbor from Hell - this week's events

The wife and I are currently looking for a house and hearing about this stuff makes me nervous. I would be absolutely livid if we ended up in a situation like this.
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Our neighbors are fine, thank goodness.

My very loud and plentiful younger siblings probably make us the bad neighbors because i don't think anyone likes random yelling children at most hours of the day

Atleast I move out next month so I don't have to listen to them anymore
When you have a neighbor you know is like this wouldn't it be wise to go out of your way to not mow across the line or let water drain onto his property? And the loose dog... if it was that XL dog that's your avatar, realize not everyone loves dogs and really big ones are even scarier. Up to you to not aggravate him.
There are leash laws around here. EVERY dog owner I've ever heard who lets their dog run free, thinks their fur-baby is harmless... Then the dog bites someone, or in some extreme cases have even killed people, and they act all surprised. I recall a police officer I knew, who had a loose dog enter his backyard through their gate that was open, as they had no reason to suspect there might be a dangerous dog on the loose.

His wife who was doing yard work, hears the dog growling and sees it bearing it's teeth and advancing quickly. Fortunately he was home, hears her screaming, rushes out and shoots the dog just as it lunged at her. One dead dog, a traumatized wife, and idiot dog-owner neighbors who didn't seem to want to accept that the entire situation was in fact their fault, and actually tried to sue.

Fortunately common sense prevailed, and they were held accountable.

I like dogs. But not idiot owners who won't take responsibility for them.

Bottom line: Control your dog.
I took am for leashing dogs in unfenced areas, but I do it for the safety of people and dogs. In IL, dogs that are not up to date on their vacs and rabies shot will be immediately put down and owners fined if they attack someone. Your neighbor sounds like he did it because he's a miserable spiteful kid.
I've been at odds with my HOA since before it's inception and all 25 years since. The current one going is about what I use for pond bank rebuilding, wood trimming debris of all sizes.🦫 But that's a very long story.....
This is typical of people who do not get to kow their neighbors.
Might I suggest you make an effort and appologize to them, even if you are not in the wrong, and just try to have a conversation with the neighbor? Maybe they are lonely or just think you are doing things on purpose. You never know. If the neighbor is a ****, he's a **** but atleast you would have tried.
Here I am, on a nice hillside in southern Vermont. Full time resident. Next door is a second home owner, a retired dentist from Long Island, New York. He bought the undeveloped property after I was already here.

He thinks he is in Disneyland, and I am Goofy. He wants everything to be perfect, for him. The first time I ever saw him, he was walking through my yard, within a few feet of my house, plotting the path for his "utility right of way". He had no right of way. One had existed years before with a deadline as to when it was to be developed, and that deadline had long expired.

He cost me $3000 in legal fees to oppose him as he sought permits. Then, it turned out, he had never contacted the electric company. When he did, he found out that the electric company refused to provide service in the way he wanted.

Then, about 5 years ago, I was cutting down a tree on my own property, over 500 feet from his property. He called me to complain, then harassed my forestry guy doing the work as he cut down the tree.

These events are just a couple over the last 20 years. After the tree incident, I cut off his ability to telephone me.
Unless you are within a fenced yard, a dog should be leashed.

My nephew was walking his Mastiff mix (80 lbs) off a leash and dog tried to sniff another person walking and that person kicked the dog.

My nephew got mad at the walker because he said his dog was just being ‘friendly’…… :unsure:

I told my dumb dumb nephew he was 100% wrong and he needs to have his dog leashed and not just waking along his side. I also told my dumb dumb nephew luckily the guy didn’t have a gun and shoot his Mastiff mix.

Nephew was totally at fault for what happened to his dog.
Our problem neighbors will not give any of us long time residents even a chance to introduce or welcome or even meet them. These people next to me moved in over night. I cant get over how many I see with the moving vans / trucks after dark and some near midnight moving in as if sneaking in for some reason. They were just BOOM there over night. I met an old man (speaking broken english) on the sidewalk with a tiny little girl and introduced myself. He told me he moved in next door to live with his son. The son and the wife act as if they are wanted by the law. They will not make eye contact and almost run inside when we step out. No one on the street has met them in over a year or more. He parks a giant panel van & trailer with his flooring company logo and info all over the sides. He pulls the panel trailer with (of course) his Mercedees SUV with out of state plates on it. This they park next to their Porche SUVs. They have also bought? or ? taken over the house on the other side of them and appear to be running an auto repair business in the garage and the front and side yards. These are the ones who I had to call the police on over 30 times or more in a year and finally blasted them out with the air raid siren. They have not made a sound since the last visit by the police. So I have no idea what happend? Possibly a hefy fine or threat. I gave them many chances and tried several times by knocking on the door to meet and talk. They will not answer the door and aimed their security camera at my side garage door so they can watch me! STRANGE is all I can say. We are now in process of selling house we have enjoyed for the past 25 years to get away from wierdos.
Reminds me. I never made a follow up to my neighbors who turn loud music up that we can hear boom boom boom in our den and bedroom every Saturday from 1200pm to 1200 midnight. I finally fixed them good. After calling the police about (seriously) 40 or more times..... I tried parking a car in my yard between their house and mine and setting off the car alarm. All they did was raise the volume.
So I broke down and ordered an "air raid" siren off of Amazon. Got it and set it up next to the fence (wooden covered in honesuckle) between the two yards. Once the music started over there I let that alarm RIP! I mean it is loud. They tried turning the volume up but after about 15 min I called the police AGAIN and turned the siren off! Police always do respond and told me they can be fined. Anyway I dont know what the cops told them that time but its been weeks with zero noise. Fingers crossed but I am determined I will blast it the entire time they play that loud music.
Put them on the mailing lists of every hearing aid company in town.....LOL.