Neighbor from Hell - this week's events

We have similar neighbors. We just stay up late and play games/watch tv.

Once every 2 months or more isn't really an issue
Once EVERY WEEKEND from noon to midnight is REALLY an issue with us. Especially when they can play their music and we would not mind if they did not have to add the extra amped up bass where all we can hear in our bedroom and den is BOOOM BOOOOM , BOOOOM BOOOOM..... and really there is no reason for it to be so loud another person has to hear it inside of their own home. That is simply too loud for no reason.
One time I was going to get the BMW inspected and I told the neighbor her mulch has artillery fungus that’s spraying our cars. She said that’s from birds. I said no, it’s from your mulch. She said that’s it I’m calling the cops 😂

Cops came and asked me what’s going on? I said I mentioned that her mulch has fungus and so she said she’s calling the cops. The officer’s eyes got lit up. Can’t make this up.

I was late to my appt.

Another time this pr*** told me not to park across from his house. I left, then slammed it in R and told him guess what? I’m parking there. The guy works on Porsche and BMW out of his house and one day I took my Maxima to a foreign car place in Phila. Turns out the guy is the shop owner’s buddy 😆
My dog is pretty smart and has learned the property lines and to listen to me most of thevtime. This particular time she went 10 or 20 feet from me to sniff another dog, not listening to me.
So you let your dog run free, and when it matters absolutely DO NOT have any control.

Remember that when things go bad.
I agree on the dog part my neighbor's dog almost attacked me when it was out on the loose in February while I was putting the trash out and another neighbor had their dog bite a child on a bike and that dog got put down and the family got sued hard and lost. They packed up and left after that. If I see a dog out on the street charge at me i'm shooting it till it doesn't move. I carry my gun even for going to the mailbox from now on. Next dog to charge me is becoming a lead sponge.
I have to agree and I absolutely LOVE dogs. DOGS are better than many humans.
However if I or my dog is ever threatened by an unleashed dog, well, all I can say is that dog will no longer exist or be severely hurt or maced if I have the chance. That is the owners fault.

We are in a pretty strict HOA community and everyone gets along great (truly) but there is always that homeowner or two, one of which we are close friends who always have a problem containing their relatively small but threatening dog.

They do a better job now (and they are very nice people) because the dog got out AGAIN, chased a small boy on his bicycle, boy fell off ran and left his bike behind.Parents went to the house and complained, things got better, because the couple are really nice well meaning people, yet a couple weeks later, working around the house with their unleashed dog outside while I was talking with him his dog charged my neighbors much larger dog as they got out of the car, felt really bad for my neighbor, he was terrified his dog was going to get attacked and he instinctively picked up his large dog ready to defend it and screamed at the approaching dog, while my other neighbor called his dog back.

I dont get some people, it's their responsibility to keep the dog contained. You should NOT have to EVER feel threatened.
BTW- my neighbor now has a fence in his yard and I dont see him outside the fence when he is working in the yard any longer.
I have to agree and I absolutely LOVE dogs. DOGS are better than many humans.
However if I or my dog is ever threatened by an unleashed dog, well, all I can say is that dog will no longer exist or be severely hurt or maced if I have the chance. That is the owners fault.

We are in a pretty strict HOA community and everyone gets along great (truly) but there is always that homeowner or two, one of which we are close friends who always have a problem containing their relatively small but threatening dog.

They do a better job now (and they are very nice people) because the dog got out AGAIN, chased a small boy on his bicycle, boy fell off ran and left his bike behind.Parents went to the house and complained, things got better, because the couple are really nice well meaning people, yet a couple weeks later, working around the house with their unleashed dog outside while I was talking with him his dog charged my neighbors much larger dog as they got out of the car, felt really bad for my neighbor, he was terrified his dog was going to get attacked and he instinctively picked up his large dog ready to defend it and screamed at the approaching dog, while my other neighbor called his dog back.

I dont get some people, it's their responsibility to keep the dog contained. You should NOT have to EVER feel threatened.
BTW- my neighbor now has a fence in his yard and I dont see him outside the fence when he is working in the yard any longer.
Want to test that theory - put your wife and dog in the trunk for 2 hours and see if they react differently when you open the lid 😷
You are missing the point. It's more than just my dog going into the street. Cameras that are pointed mostly at my property rather than his. He apparently has sound turned on in the camera so he can listen to everything I say in my driveway.

He taunts the other neighbor by calling for the neighbors dogs from his property. At times screaming at his wife or looking for a fight with neighbor's. All the BS stress caused neighbor to have a heart attack.

When I moved in my Neopolitan (now in dog heaven) would howl at first light. I would get up with him at 4 or 5 AM and sit with him, rub him to keep him quiet. Then neighbor called dog warden on my other dog. I stopped caring about keeping the Neopolitan quiet.

So the first 10' of everyone's property at the street is HOA common property. Most people take care of that area, mowing, etc. When walking my dog around the circle on a leash I would try to avoid my dog peeing on the HOA common property in front of this neighbors house which meant she did her pee on some other HOA common property. Now if she has to go I just let her go no matter who's property.
You are missing the point. It's more than just my dog going into the street. Cameras that are pointed mostly at my property rather than his. He apparently has sound turned on in the camera so he can listen to everything I say in my driveway.

He taunts the other neighbor by calling for the neighbors dogs from his property. At times screaming at his wife or looking for a fight with neighbor's. All the BS stress caused neighbor to have a heart attack.

When I moved in my Neopolitan (now in dog heaven) would howl at first light. I would get up with him at 4 or 5 AM and sit with him, rub him to keep him quiet. Then neighbor called dog warden on my other dog. I stopped caring about keeping the Neopolitan quiet.

So the first 10' of everyone's property at the street is HOA common property. Most people take care of that area, mowing, etc. When walking my dog around the circle on a leash I would try to avoid my dog peeing on the HOA common property in front of this neighbors house which meant she did her pee on some other HOA common property. Now if she has to go I just let her go no matter who's property.

To not have cameras pointed at others' properties is hard to enforce, but it's common courtesy one doesn't do that. Then teasing the pets of others?

Tell your neighbor, the Jerk Store just called and they're running out of him!

I saw that. A lot of people are snickering and applauding the guys defiance. He showed them! Right? Actually I think its sad. Whatever happened to being a good citizen and simpily complying with the rules, even if you don't agree with them? Obviously he knowingly lives somewhere a boat in the yard is prohibited, but he wanted to defy and push the issue anyway and frame himself as the "picked on victim". Why do people want to automatically defy everything? Especially if you CHOOSE to move where some things are regulated or restricted? I think they just look for a fight.
Most such places also have a rule that houses and fences can't be used as artwork or signs, they must be painted a solid color.
You are missing the point. It's more than just my dog going into the street. Cameras that are pointed mostly at my property rather than his. He apparently has sound turned on in the camera so he can listen to everything I say in my driveway.

He taunts the other neighbor by calling for the neighbors dogs from his property. At times screaming at his wife or looking for a fight with neighbor's. All the BS stress caused neighbor to have a heart attack.

When I moved in my Neopolitan (now in dog heaven) would howl at first light. I would get up with him at 4 or 5 AM and sit with him, rub him to keep him quiet. Then neighbor called dog warden on my other dog. I stopped caring about keeping the Neopolitan quiet.

So the first 10' of everyone's property at the street is HOA common property. Most people take care of that area, mowing, etc. When walking my dog around the circle on a leash I would try to avoid my dog peeing on the HOA common property in front of this neighbors house which meant she did her pee on some other HOA common property. Now if she has to go I just let her go no matter who's property.

Yeah, I had a 'neighbor' who lived a ways away, who would let their dog pee and poop on my property, out by my driveway entrance. A camera caught the routine every time, so there was no question who it was. Of course like most dog owners, they didn't pick up the poop to take home to dispose of, and didn't care that the constant peeing on the same bush killed it. I mean it wasn't their property after all...

I picked up the collection of poop, put it in a bag, and drove down to the 'neighbor' to return their precious babies misplaced poop. They seemed awfully surprised to receive their gift...

Bottom line: Respect your neighbors.

If you can't be a responsible dog owner, don't own one.
Yeah, I had a 'neighbor' who lived a ways away, who would let their dog pee and poop on my property, out by my driveway entrance. A camera caught the routine every time, so there was no question who it was. Of course like most dog owners, they didn't pick up the poop to take home to dispose of, and didn't care that the constant peeing on the same bush killed it. I mean it wasn't their property after all...

I picked up the collection of poop, put it in a bag, and drove down to the 'neighbor' to return their precious babies misplaced poop. They seemed awfully surprised to receive their gift...

Bottom line: Respect your neighbors.

If you can't be a responsible dog owner, don't own one.
Did you light it on fire?
Thought about it, but no. I thought about dumping it on their welcome mat too, but then I'd be just like them.

They of course lied and denied it. But I told them to spare me their lies, as each occurrence was on video. Thankfully they're not neighbors who live real close by, and I've since found out they're not well liked by their nearby neighbors, who have had to deal with their slovenly antics.
My son, 10 yo, wants to get a yellow lab. I’m fine with it. Of course it will be a huge life changing event. He better understand the importance of picking up after the dog. I think he will. He approaches LEOs and says hi and to be safe. So I think he understands respecting others. I believe in do unto others, it’s more than posting here. I actually even put my shopping carts back where they belong and I told a guy that’s not where they belong a while back. He could care less…
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My son, 10 yo, wants to get a yellow lab. I’m fine with it. Of course it will be a huge life changing event. He better understand the importance of picking up after the dog. I think he will. He approaches LEOs and says hi and to be safe. So I think he understands respecting others. I believe in do unto others, it’s more than posting here. I actually even put my shopping carts back where they belong and I told a guy that’s not where they belong a while back. He could care less…
He will understand his responsibility regarding scatt recovery if you tell him BEFORE getting the dog , otherwise get your own personal scooper.
He will understand his responsibility regarding scatt recovery if you tell him BEFORE getting the dog , otherwise get your own personal scooper.
I believe that bad behavior is learned. We don’t start thinking in elementary school that we can shoplift, cheat on taxes, scrape another person’s car and drive away, tint out windows to 5%, work from home and do nothing all day and run personal errands. All of the bad behavior imho is learned over time. My gen was taught to make fun of “Flanders” and “goody two shoes,” but in the end? People that do the right thing answer to a higher authority. Imho…and in the corporate world? Bad behavior in many organizations means promotion lol
Obviously he knowingly lives somewhere a boat in the yard is prohibited, but he wanted to defy and push the issue anyway and frame himself as the "picked on victim". Why do people want to automatically defy everything? Especially if you CHOOSE to move where some things are regulated or restricted? I think they just look for a fight.
^This is so true. My wife and I lived in a medium size (130+ units) HOA condo complex and she served on the HOA after being asked to do it multiple times. What we learned quickly is that many of the people that buy homes in an HOA community simply ignore any rule they don't like and do as they please, then get upset and frame themselves as the victim when being called out on it. We saw this again and again, people saying things like 'it's my home and I have a right to live as I want' when in reality no, you don't have that right. YOU signed on to live in this community and obey it's rules - rules that are designed to be fair to everyone. If you want to live as YOU please, you'll have to buy a home somewhere away from others where your actions won't harm someone else. We got so tired of people blatantly breaking the rules - usually in a way that made someone else's life more difficult - and then telling everyone about the evil HOA and their draconian rules. My wife and I lived in this community for around 8 years and wouldn't do it again after our experience with how people are. I always tell people now to think twice before living in an HOA community, because it can be a stressful experience.
If you can't be a responsible dog owner, don't own one.
This is the bottom line. No one trains their dog anymore, and at least half of the people that own dogs shouldn't. Leashed is not enough...I will say that my dog off leash is better behaved and I am in more control than most people with their dog on leash.
So scared of the types in a $1.75M home sold in day that would move next door as we quite close and see each other when leaves drop.

Lucked out! The nicest pair of 30 year old pair of medical professionals who are not Type A.

Their two dogs are relatively silent and stay in their fancy metal fenced area they installed for them.

The only annoying neighbor was a fishermen across street when home was a dump who was mostly quiet except for occasional midweek loud 10pm -11pm party with outdoor tacky bar and setting off fireworks. He moved and some snowbirds bought it.
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I guess I have been fortunate. I live on a private lane with two other neighbors. I hope they never move.