Neighbor from Hell - this week's events

I saw that. A lot of people are snickering and applauding the guys defiance. He showed them! Right? Actually I think its sad. Whatever happened to being a good citizen and simpily complying with the rules, even if you don't agree with them? Obviously he knowingly lives somewhere a boat in the yard is prohibited, but he wanted to defy and push the issue anyway and frame himself as the "picked on victim". Why do people want to automatically defy everything? Especially if you CHOOSE to move where some things are regulated or restricted? I think they just look for a fight.
Not always so clear cut. Cities do change ordinances, after folks move in, to restrict actions previously allowed without grandfathering; even after objections during a a city council comment period.

Being a good citizen includes creative compliance or defiance at times; to do otherwise is to be a good subject rather than a good citizen.
I’d rather be dealing with your situation than dealing with my neighbors who rent the house next door because the previous owner sold it to a rental company. It’s a good old-fashioned hillbilly hoedown over here.

Seems like a lot of your problems could be resolved by keeping the dogs locked up and keeping your things off of his property. It’s easier to control yourself than to try to control other people. Right wrong and indifferent - it is what it is.
^This is so true. My wife and I lived in a medium size (130+ units) HOA condo complex and she served on the HOA after being asked to do it multiple times. What we learned quickly is that many of the people that buy homes in an HOA community simply ignore any rule they don't like and do as they please, then get upset and frame themselves as the victim when being called out on it. We saw this again and again, people saying things like 'it's my home and I have a right to live as I want' when in reality no, you don't have that right. YOU signed on to live in this community and obey it's rules - rules that are designed to be fair to everyone. If you want to live as YOU please, you'll have to buy a home somewhere away from others where your actions won't harm someone else. We got so tired of people blatantly breaking the rules - usually in a way that made someone else's life more difficult - and then telling everyone about the evil HOA and their draconian rules. My wife and I lived in this community for around 8 years and wouldn't do it again after our experience with how people are. I always tell people now to think twice before living in an HOA community, because it can be a stressful experience.
You just stated verbatim what I have said before, thank you for seeing the reality of it. They sign papers at closing, they KNOW they are moving in an HOA, then they go ballistic when they can't live however they want, and fully self cloak themselves in "victimhood". So tired of this!
HOAs are very simple. Chose to live in one? Follow the rules, dont like the rules? Dont buy there
Break the rules then complain? Tough luck.

After living in now our second HOA in 16 years I would not live in a community without one. People will break rules and you have to accept that. But Im glad if they lived next to me there is an HOA because without one, it would be far worse. ;)
HOAs are elected by the homeowners so no one can really gripe. Majority rules and that is part of the HOA rules!

PS with that said, I am glad I dont have a neighbor like the OP has!
😆 ceo of Facebook, didn’t he do the same thing
I'm in a unique situation where the HOA only has jurisdiction over the two empty lots but the house lot is separate way before their existence and rules. Tax wise I actually had one of the lots joined with my house lot. It's worthless for building on and doing that cut the tax rate considerably.
Around here , if the developer still owns lots in the subdivision then they control the HOA .
Around here , if the developer still owns lots in the subdivision then they control the HOA .
The developers of our subdivision are in charge and always have been. No elections in 25 years. One meeting the first year. They are in charge of the pond dam. And currently the president is 88, the second in command is 82 and the third is 80. The issue is maintenance on a screen on the dam. It doesn't get done and it raises the water level at least 2 ft. The old ones are getting too old, the young ones don't care and all the lots suffer from high water because of it. I predict it will come to a head this summer.
The developers of our subdivision are in charge and always have been. No elections in 25 years. One meeting the first year. They are in charge of the pond dam. And currently the president is 88, the second in command is 82 and the third is 80. The issue is maintenance on a screen on the dam. It doesn't get done and it raises the water level at least 2 ft. The old ones are getting too old, the young ones don't care and all the lots suffer from high water because of it. I predict it will come to a head this summer.
I would " maintain " that screen myself ...
Unmaintained dams can be dangerous to people downstream and sometimes the state will come in and demand that the lake must be drained.
Unmaintained dams can be dangerous to people downstream and sometimes the state will come in and demand that the lake must be drained.
They got a permit to raise the pond level one foot about 15 years ago. Then put in a 2 ft screen 'to keep in the fish' as this drains into the local river. Pond is fed from my end by a stream that drains about 3 sq miles. The stream usually goes dry in the summer. When the river floods the whole thing dam, stream, roads and fields is all covered in water so keep in the fish in is a hoax.

They keep it high as it is filling in from field silt run off and they don't want to have to dredge it as pledged They (HOA) don't have the money anyway to do anything to speak of and are just running out the clock. But this is undercutting the banks. I've lost 3 to 5 foot inward and the water is 2-4ft deep at the edge.
HOAs are very simple. Chose to live in one? Follow the rules, dont like the rules? Dont buy there
Break the rules then complain? Tough luck.

After living in now our second HOA in 16 years I would not live in a community without one. People will break rules and you have to accept that. But Im glad if they lived next to me there is an HOA because without one, it would be far worse. ;)
HOAs are elected by the homeowners so no one can really gripe. Majority rules and that is part of the HOA rules!

PS with that said, I am glad I dont have a neighbor like the OP has!
This is generally true, however we got approved by the HOA to have a shipping container in our yard as a shed. Shortly after the HOA banned shipping containers, and every few years they tell us we aren't approved to have a shipping container. So we sent them a copy of the approval they wrote long ago, and they say "oops we must have lost your old application because it's not in our files anymore"

They also give you grief if you have a circular drive although per their rules those are allowed
I'm thankful for my neighbors - even though we're really not the same type of people in many ways, we look after each other. Well, mostly we look after them, as they're both snowbirds and/or have multiple properties. The ones to the east are second generation - their parents entertained me as a child - he was an old boy even back then. Now that the parents are gone, the two kids visit there and they've extended all the same courtesies to me and my wife as their father did. In turn I keep an eye on their property and run trespassers off when I can. I also maintain their yard and to an extent, the greater property. Our neighbor to the west moved back into the area after divorcing her husband who used to live at the end of the road. Her next husband was a super cool cat, but passed away a few years back. I don't do much for her, but her son is there to take care of most of her needs as he lives just down the road. I still look after her property when she's gone and now I've taken to mowing her (newly dug by the county) ditches as she's not able to do that much. Occasionally she'd have the grandkids over and they'd squeal and shriek which agitated my wife - I'd remind her that at least they are happy noises and that they don't happen often.. or sometime she would play her music which bothered my wife, but that isn't all that often either.

Neither neighbor holds all the same views and beliefs, politically or otherwise, but we're all respectful folks and I truly appreciate them! In fact, the whole several square miles of area are all inhabited by quiet and respectful folks (except for one who occasionally gets drunked up and does stupid stuff)