Greaser, those links provided no information to support Dr T.s comments/claims as stated above. Lets get some evidence that what he say's is true.quote:
Originally posted by Dr. T:
I like to make the Synthetic VS. Conventional oil anecdotal to using cheaper gas vs. premium.
Yes, both will work. Synthetic oils run cooler, cleaner, longer. The have better lubricating properties during all times, especially in hot and cold. This translates into longer lasting and cleaner running engines...translating into better fuel economy.
if you wish to keep a car newer longer...synthetics are superior in accomplishing this.
How does the synth oil run "cooler" than the mineral oil. Let's consider using both mineral and synth oil from the same company for comparisons. Do you really think it the synth oil(base stock) or the blend of additives that provided those differences of a synth oil running cooler?
[ June 04, 2003, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: BOBISTHEOILGUY ]