MMO Marvel Mystery oil Brings down Piper Aircraft

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Originally Posted By: Loobed
Originally Posted By: greenaccord02
A rap song actually taught me how to remember how many ounces were in a quart. Funny thing, another one taught me how many grams roughly equal an ounce and still another one taught me how many ounces were in a pound. I also learned practically the entire metric system from rap music, but that's a topic for another thread...

...and another one taught you how many rounds a Glock holds, and yet another one told you the going price for a lady walking the streets. Rap is obviously good for something.

Maybe the Board of Education should have the schools play it to teach the kids the metric system.

Maybe the Board of Education should play it in schools to teach the kids the metric system.
The schools must be in worst shape than I thought if young people today are learning how many ounces there are in a quart by listening to rap music. Anybody who has taken a few engineering classes or science classes in high school and college should know stuff like that. I did not have to listen to rap music. I had college physics, college chemistry, calculus, geology, drafting and mechanical drawing, biology, electronics, etc. At the time that I obtained my college degree there was not much in the way of computer technology. But in the years that I have worked where I am now (30 years there) I have received a lot of computer training. And on my own I took classes in various things, like Photoshop.

I don't care much for most rap music. To each their own. I used to work with a guy (who was a very good worker, by the way) who enjoyed listening to some of the most awful music you can imagine. Some of the stuff he listened to made the average rap song sound like classical music.
lmao,,,this thread has me gasping for air ..twinkle twinkle little star, may it be someday I find the perfect snake oil for my car.
the investigator should be fired !!!!! there are so many holes in the report, you couldent hit it with a shot gun. i could do a better job of investgating, than that. and it doesnt matter if use mmo or not.
Originally Posted By: morris
the investigator should be fired !!!!! there are so many holes in the report, you couldent hit it with a shot gun. i could do a better job of investgating, than that. and it doesnt matter if use mmo or not.

'THAT' is the shocking thing about this post, not that some moron overdid it with an additive.
and I thought the aviation industry/governing bodies were held in high regard!!
Beyond funny.

You have some idiot mechanic assuming that adding it to 1 tank mixes with all three fuel tanks.

Hope this mechanic doesn't work part time for an airline.

MMO's claim of octane neutrality is also [censored]. And, I agree that it probably lowered the octane enough to cause some pinging or detonation blowing the motor apart. Also wonder if the overdosing rinsed some of the lead away.

If the idiot mechanic seriously overdosed the fuel, could it be considered an assault or attempted murder of the arrogant annoying pilot? I wonder if anything was added to the engine oil also.
octane of fuel would be nice also. since detonation was mentioned. or overheating.
lard?, sounds like sabotage.
marvel did not cause all those burned or stuck valves. surely not.
did he have problems when he switched to another tank while climbing???
sorry report. imho.
pick the first suspect (no fuel additives) then report done.
get a doughnut and go home.
did the pilot have an enemy?? lard?? really. how much fuel was used during trip?? would be nice to know, this is an incomplete report.

Originally Posted By: unDummy
Beyond funny.

If the idiot mechanic seriously overdosed the fuel, could it be considered an assault or attempted murder of the arrogant annoying pilot? I wonder if anything was added to the engine oil also.

I agree. Perhaps the title should have read "Stupidity Brings Down Piper Aircraft". Or "Murder Attempt Goes Bad". Or something along those lines.
Originally Posted By: CourierDriver
lmao,,,this thread has me gasping for air ..twinkle twinkle little star, may it be someday I find the perfect snake oil for my car.

Snake oil is right. Anyone who actually believes that these promising additives actually do anything are deluding themselves. There is NO scientific proof that they provide any benefits whatsoever. I know. I tried a variety of them.

The only additive that I found did anything at all was diesel fuel conditioner. Added to the fuel, it cleaned the fuel injectors in my diesel and improved starting.

From my experience, no gasoline engine additives have ever done anything to improve gasoline engine performance.
Originally Posted By: boraticus
Originally Posted By: CourierDriver
lmao,,,this thread has me gasping for air ..twinkle twinkle little star, may it be someday I find the perfect snake oil for my car.

Snake oil is right. Anyone who actually believes that these promising additives actually do anything are deluding themselves. There is NO scientific proof that they provide any benefits whatsoever. I know. I tried a variety of them.

The only additive that I found did anything at all was diesel fuel conditioner. Added to the fuel, it cleaned the fuel injectors in my diesel and improved starting.

From my experience, no gasoline engine additives have ever done anything to improve gasoline engine performance.

Read through pages of these threads and tell all the people including myself that they didn't notice any improvements using MMO.

Here is a few things I've done with it. Cleaned up engine internals, stopped ticking lifters, freed up rings in a boat engine. Freed up a float in a gas tank in an old Ford I bought. Guy that sold me the car said it didn't work and should be replaced. I bought the car started dosing the gas with MMO and after a few tanks of gas the gauge started working again. It didn't work for over a year or more the seller told me.

Check with c3po about carburetor issues it resolved, or how well his El Camino with about 380,000 miles on it runs or Sypder7 and his experiences with it. Lets not forget Jimmy9190. Scan the pages there's more of us.

Now maybe there was nothing to improve in your vehicles. My 08 Jeep runs the same with or without MMO in the gas, it should it's new.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint

Now maybe there was nothing to improve in your vehicles. My 08 Jeep runs the same with or without MMO in the gas, it should it's new.

That last really nails it. I remember the second time I ran Regane was nothing like the first time. It was because the first time I used it, nothing like it had ever been used on this car before - so I saw near instant, overwhelming results. The 2nd time Regane had just been used 3k, the first run of it hadn't left much, and nothing much accumulated since, so the results were naturally disappointing. Not the product's fault, I just didn't realize how thoroughly the fuel system would be cleaned in one treatment.

MMO is another nice product. For those of us who purchased used vehicles with any amount of, even unintended, neglect, like my 10 year old Corolla was, MMO had stuff to work on: carbon in the ring pack, a dirty sludged up engine, etc. In a newer or better take care of vehicle, it has nothing to do but keep it clean - and this you won't notice. But it doesn't mean the product isn't quietly doing its job all the same.

I have fixed a number of quirks on this car, and turned the clock back by a mixture of the tried and proven - (replaced the pcv valve, which was factory and looked like it had a mud soak, and the air filter - some elbow grease, like removing and hand cleaning a battery before properly re-clamping it, to fix sulfur deposits, and hand cleaned the throttle body and butterfly valve. And I added in some additives, some of which worked (and are on my short list of tried and proven products), and others that didn't (which I simply won't try again).

They have their place, but picking the right one for the job is one part backyard science, one part witchcraft, and one part luck. It can be a bit of a [censored] shoot with so many products out there, and many of them are snake oil. Not all, but enough to give the term "additives" a bad rep that the few good ones don't deserve.

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The bottom line is that IF it worked anywhere nearly as good as a number of people claim it does, they wouldn't be able to keep it on the shelves.

I've tried a number of "Miracles in a Bottle". Other than diesel fuel conditioner, I didn't see any improvement whatsoever. I've had a few small engines with carb problems. Tried a variety of additives. MMO, SeaFoam, STP carb cleaner just to mention a few. The only thing that worked was taking the carb apart and doing a physical cleaning.

I have a hard starting two cycle Tecumseh engine so I put it through an intense fuel additive treatment. I put recommended doses in the fuel ran the engine to operating temperature then would spray the various additives into the carb until the engine stalled. Left it overnight each time and fired it up the next day. No difference in starting but the cloud of smoke produced was entertaining. Shoot, the only thing missing was the mirrors!

No change in engine behaviour. Carb pulled, cleaned and replaced. Problem solved.

I've used the additives for preventative maintenance. Put a few oz. in the fuel as per instructions. Didn't matter. Machines ran well before and after. Stopped using additives years ago. Machines still run the same. They really don't miss it and neither do I.

Up here, at $14.00/can, SeaFoam isn't exactly cheap. I used to buy it in the US for $8.00/can. At least MMO is comparatively inexpensive so, for the price, if one gets a sense of satisfaction/accomplishment, using it, he's not going broke doing it.
"Miracles in a Bottle" can't fix broken or worn out parts. They can however clean up parts in need of cleaning or lubricate them. MMO sure beats messing with adjusting or replacing lifters if they start ticking due to dirt. It does a nice job of cleaning up engine internals too, confirmed by me dozens of times over the years, and many others that post here.

I've had small two cycle engines fail to work properly and "Miracles in a Bottle" didn't help. Truth is the engines were either bad or need a carburetor. The "Miracles in a Bottle" made diagnosing the problem easier. It also saved me a lot of money repairing or replacing parts that just needed some TLC. Like the gas tank float I mentioned that MMO cleared up.

Truth is if you feel you don't need them or they don't work, don't buy them. If you ever have a lifter making noise you can always replace it, or pull the engine apart and try and clean it if you feel these products are worthless. In the end the naysayers will never convince the product users the product is worthless, and the guys that had positive experiences will never convince the naysayers. It keeps the board interesting!
"It does a nice job of cleaning up engine internals too, confirmed by me dozens of times over the years, and many others that post here."

Just curious....

You've pulled dozens of engines apart over the years just to see if MMO was doing it's job? That is die hard.

I don't pull an engine apart unless it needs to be. And believe me, that is very seldom unless I'm restoring an old motorcycle or fixing someone else' problem.

In all of my years of ownership/operation of as many as thirty engines of varying types, I've yet to have an engine fail.

What's my secret? Regular normal maintenance, in line fuel filters and clean fuel.
Originally Posted By: boraticus
"It does a nice job of cleaning up engine internals too, confirmed by me dozens of times over the years, and many others that post here."

Just curious....

You've pulled dozens of engines apart over the years just to see if MMO was doing it's job? That is die hard.

Die hard would be hundreds!

Well lets see. I'd rather not mention my age but lets just say I've been tinkering with engines in one form or another since the 1970's. Having a look down a fill hole in certain engines wasn't that hard to do. My friends would come to me for help with car problems, if I couldn't help them my brother could. Pulling valve covers, off cars, PU trucks, vans, and boats to fix leaks, or dropping oil pans to fix leaks was something my brother and I did often. We would swing engines from a tree in front of our parents house with a coffin hoist, and do clutch jobs in the street. My brother raced a 1974 Camaro. [I'll have to double check with him on the year, I'm about 90% sure]. He is a machinist by trade, and if it runs on gas he can fix it.

I pulled valve covers to help friends fix leaks, saw lots of sludge, varnish,and [censored], and would recommended MMO. Once or twice I had to redo a VC gasket and got to have another look. There were cars that were easy enough to see into the VC easy enough to tell if they needed cleaning or not, and easy enough to check if any cleaning was done if something was tried.

I did a job for a friend with a Toyota that saw a qt of MMO each and every OCI, something his father did and pased the habit to him. Somewhere in the area of 200,000 miles he needed a VC gasket, that valve train was spotless, NY severe driving.

There are lots of us here that are or were motor heads, and can speak from experience. So "dozens" is not really very much when you span well over 30 years fooling with engines.
Originally Posted By: boraticus
"It does a nice job of cleaning up engine internals too, confirmed by me dozens of times over the years, and many others that post here."

Just curious....

You've pulled dozens of engines apart over the years just to see if MMO was doing it's job? That is die hard.

I don't pull an engine apart unless it needs to be. And believe me, that is very seldom unless I'm restoring an old motorcycle or fixing someone else' problem.

In all of my years of ownership/operation of as many as thirty engines of varying types, I've yet to have an engine fail.

What's my secret? Regular normal maintenance, in line fuel filters and clean fuel.

You could easily dig up a couple thousands posts, just on this site alone, detailing success with additives like Regane, MMO, etc. As to the "if it worked, they couldn't keep on the shelf" remark, that's a good straw man. My GF-5 PYB 5W30 is doing exactly what its supposed to do, yet its on 1/2 price rollbacks and the displays are blocked with it. Does Pennzoil not work too, or are you one of those folks who also believes it turns to wax? Because your logic is flawed. Valvoline WB and GTX are also fully stocked and on 1/2 off rollback too. Odd by your logic, especially since over 80% of the public still uses dino oils like these.

Believe what you want *shrug*. Your not going to accomplish anything by trying to dismiss first hand experience. And again, there are thousands of posts proving there are a few good additives.

They are like diamonds in the rough, though, as they are vastly outnumbered by the snake oils.

Trajan: we've done that too, cams, lifters, bearings, valve jobs, ring jobs, just a lot more of the other jobs. The point I was trying to make is how easy it was to tell if something was cleaned up or not with the jobs I mentioned.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Trajan: we've done that too, cams, lifters, bearings, valve jobs, ring jobs, just a lot more of the other jobs. The point I was trying to make is how easy it was to tell if something was cleaned up or not with the jobs I mentioned.

Ahhhhh. What else is there to say, except I still use MMO from time to time.
Any oil will do what it's supposed to do because if you don't have oil in the engine, it will die in short order. Therefore your logic is flawed. Oil sells because oil is needed.

MMO and other additives do not provide distinctive, tangible and verifiable functions that lubricants do. Leave the MMO out of the engine and what will happen? NOTHING. Leave the oil out and see what happens.

Therein lies the difference between a product of real function and that of a product with numerous claims but no scientific or verifiable proof that it works.

Your comparison of an additive such as MMO to that of an essential such as oil, is basically a continuation of the marketing theme for fuel/oil additives. Smoke and mirrors no substance.

Despite the fact that your argument does not and cannot support the functionality of fuel/oil additives, it is incumbent upon those who know that it's questionable at best, to enlighten anyone who might think that fuel/oil additives will save the day. Regular basic maintenance, use of decent quality oil, clean air filter, oil filter and fuel filters and uncontaminated fuel will go a long way to keep an engine running strong and long.

Look at the main ingredient in all of these additives. Naptha in one form or another. Then throw in some "eye of newt oil" a little marketing razzmatazz and there you go, the recipe for snake oil.

It's not like I haven't tried these additives. I have. Maybe I haven't seen it work because the conditions weren't right. I'll have to keep a better eye on how the planets line up next time I think I should reach for a bottle of (fill in the blank).
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