Years ago I bought a washer at Lowes and while the same model number as the local mom and pop, it followed with an A. I needed a replacement part and went to the mom and pop only to learn the similar model sold by Lowes...ending in A, had some internal differences in part quality...plastic vs Aluminum.
Weed and Feed... The version in WalMart comtains 34% active ingredient, while the same bottle at Agway contains over 70%.
This gave me a thought. It is firm fact WalMart controls it's suppliers, not visa versa. So with this said, has anyone conducted a VOA on say PYB (or any other) purchased from Wal-Mart vs PYB purchased from a distributor?
Curious as to if they adjust the formula slightly to sell at a lower price point.
Weed and Feed... The version in WalMart comtains 34% active ingredient, while the same bottle at Agway contains over 70%.
This gave me a thought. It is firm fact WalMart controls it's suppliers, not visa versa. So with this said, has anyone conducted a VOA on say PYB (or any other) purchased from Wal-Mart vs PYB purchased from a distributor?
Curious as to if they adjust the formula slightly to sell at a lower price point.
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