Is there an iphone to Android video chat app?

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Apr 11, 2004
los angeles
A cousin of mine wants to get rid of his iphone and get the Android S8, but still have video chat capability with his daughter's iphone. Is there an app for this?
Not that I am aware of, just as there is no messaging application that is compatible with iMessage. However, you and her both can download Skype and use that instead. As far as I know FaceTime is proprietary to Apple products.

There is also Google Hangouts but I find that interface to be stunningly nonintuitive. Don't forget too that if you both have Facebook Messenger installed you can video chat within that application as well
Originally Posted By: daves66nova
I don't have facebook. Is the messenger in Facebook or is it a different app that you d/l?

Yeah, it used to be integrated into the regular FB app but now it is separate. Apparently from what I see online you can use it without a FB account.
Originally Posted By: daves66nova
A cousin of mine wants to get rid of his iphone and get the Android S8, but still have video chat capability with his daughter's iphone. Is there an app for this?

Definitely a lot of options, but none communicate with iMessage.

Google Hangouts is another option.
Originally Posted By: racer12306
Definitely a lot of options, but none communicate with iMessage.

Well in this case it would be FaceTime but it is correct that there is no mating Android application.
Originally Posted By: kschachn
Originally Posted By: racer12306
Definitely a lot of options, but none communicate with iMessage.

Well in this case it would be FaceTime but it is correct that there is no mating Android application.

Oye, I'm an idiot. lol

I spent a lot of time trying to find a compatible messenger a while ago because I had Android and my with had iOS. There is a way, but they are not legit and I wouldn't trust them for anything.

Too bad Apple never released the needed info for someone to communicate with iMessage or FaceTime outside of Apple.
My daughter has an iphone and I recently upgraded and decided to go with the Android platform this time. The app we have been using with no problems is Google Duo.
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