I just saw a Bobcat!

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And they are BIG! Easily go to 30#. My middle son has one that looks much like that, Well over 20# and big as a fair sized dog. He was a stray that came in from the cold, so to speak. Don't know his pedigree, but I would bet he had some Maine Coon in him.
I've run up on a Bobcat while riding my mountain bike. He or she didn't want anything to do with me, and the thing ran off down the mountain. This was on Monte Sano Mtn, in Huntsville, AL.

Monte Sano Mtn. is a neat place. It's has development on all sides, and is pretty much smack dab in the middle of Huntsville. Even so, I've encountered the following while riding my bike there:
Wild Turkey
Feral Dogs
Woman Folk
I seen a bobcat once in Pennsylvania, I hopped out of the truck to relieve myself on a haul road and seen it walk across the road in front of me, no tail, imagine a house cat as big as a Rotweiler. It spooked me, I wouldnt want to fight it.

Did it look like this at all? This a house cat called a Norwegian forest cat. These cats along with maine coon cats sometimes breed with wild bobcats. That may have been what you saw.


naw didn't look like tha. Looked just like the bobcat in the 1st pic I posted cept the tail touched the ground.
Well, it probably looked bigger cause it freaked me out. It was everybit of 60-70 lbs. It was a bobcat, no tail, only a snub, packed with muscle, a fuller head. I have a Rotty, shes a smaller one, around 75-80 lb. That bobcat would have been more than a match for her. About a year ago, she got in a fight with a big raccoon out on the patio, luckily it didnt get her in the pool, they knocked over furniture, the grill, they really went at it, I went out and caught the end of it, this was at 2 in the morning. She actual got the better part of the coon, her nose was tore up, but the coon was bloody and Iam sure didnt live long after leaving. Not often a coon loses, they are super ferocious,Ive seen coons tear up big dogs.
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