Our trip to the 108th running of the Indy 500

Thanks for sharing, so well written, I felt like I was there too. Good luck with the health issues! Loved the throwback photo of the wife. Unless that's you in the brown jacket in the back-round, you weren't the only guy diggin' her! LOL Sounds like you have a great life partner!
Thank you.

Don't read between the lines when I say this but Sue was a boy magnet. She has many long time girlfriends, whom I've met several, and she's always had a large group of guy friends too, many of whom I've met as well. Good guys and gals, all of them.

And, no, that's not me in the brown jacket. 50 years ago that picture was taken! For me, Sue is the best wife I could have ever hoped for. She is a remarkable woman.

You may enjoy this link about her. https://bobistheoilguy.com/forums/t...r-30-year-nursing-career.356478/#post-6156213
Thank you.

Don't read between the lines when I say this but Sue was a boy magnet. She has many long time girlfriends, whom I've met several, and she's always had a large group of guy friends too, many of whom I've met as well. Good guys and gals, all of them.

And, no, that's not me in the brown jacket. 50 years ago that picture was taken! For me, Sue is the best wife I could have ever hoped for. She is a remarkable woman.

You may enjoy this link about her. https://bobistheoilguy.com/forums/t...r-30-year-nursing-career.356478/#post-6156213
Thank you for sharing your wife's story. It made me cry because of the memories it brought to the surface. In 1992, our first born son developed problems 12 hours after birth. He had a very serious heart defect, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. He was transferred by ambulance to a hospital in NYC and from there medical helicoptered to Boston Children's Hospital. Literally hours after giving birth, my wife and I are driving into NYC and then up Boston. In his third day of life, he died on the operating table during open heart surgery. Worst day of our lives and it is something that haunts us both to this day.
That said, the NICU nurses at the birth hospital, the NYC hospital and finally in Boston, are absolutely Angels sent from above. We still keep in touch with the Nurse Liaison from Boston's and she actually drove down from Boston to NJ just to join us for our daughter's Baptism about a year and a half after my son's passing. It is a connection that we forever share with her. The NICU floor nurse in Boston that took care of our son just happened to go to the same high school as me in central New Jersey! Small world.
Please tell your wife, although I'm sure she knows this, that we parents can never thank them enough for the work they do, and the compassion they show. I seriously don't know how they do it, but thank goodness they do.
I wish you both good health and well wishes!!
It’s a great place to go. Any car guy should go once. I was there twice, once in the early 80’s and July 4 2015 for a Rolling Stones concert. I’ll tell you one thing it gets very dark there at night as there’s no lighting.
I've been to the Brickyard, but never during Memorial Day weekend for the 500. It was traditionally a break from the racing circuit tour I have been a part of for so many years. Lots of the teams are based just a few miles away in Brownsburg.

Thanks for the pics.
Thank you for sharing your wife's story. It made me cry because of the memories it brought to the surface. In 1992, our first born son developed problems 12 hours after birth. He had a very serious heart defect, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. He was transferred by ambulance to a hospital in NYC and from there medical helicoptered to Boston Children's Hospital. Literally hours after giving birth, my wife and I are driving into NYC and then up Boston. In his third day of life, he died on the operating table during open heart surgery. Worst day of our lives and it is something that haunts us both to this day.
That said, the NICU nurses at the birth hospital, the NYC hospital and finally in Boston, are absolutely Angels sent from above. We still keep in touch with the Nurse Liaison from Boston's and she actually drove down from Boston to NJ just to join us for our daughter's Baptism about a year and a half after my son's passing. It is a connection that we forever share with her. The NICU floor nurse in Boston that took care of our son just happened to go to the same high school as me in central New Jersey! Small world.
Please tell your wife, although I'm sure she knows this, that we parents can never thank them enough for the work they do, and the compassion they show. I seriously don't know how they do it, but thank goodness they do.
I wish you both good health and well wishes!!
Wow, @Dave P., how very touching. Sue just read your message and we are very sorry for your loss. Rest assured, every one of those NICU nurses who cared for him were caring for him as much as they would have their own. Your son didn't pass alone, nor did he pass without feeling the care and concern from all the "strangers" who were there fighting along with him. He knew. Trust me, he knew.

Scott and Sue
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Wow. What a great thread. Truly sounded awesome. Nice pictures. Perfect write up.........(I did wonder about the CO state..)

Never ever experienced - only one relatable experience. I've seen Indy (USAC) cars once. Ontario Motor Speedway. 1975 My dad took my brother and I and one friend each. I remember I had my SLR - first camera. The only reason I bring it up - because it rained!! In So Cal. They had every vehicle that would roll on the track getting it dry. We were kinda bored! Then the race started............AJ won.

They tore the joint down in 1980! Chevron stole it by buying up the cheap bonds. Amazing.

Anyway. Very cool Thanks.
I went to Pocono in 73, Indy in 74 and was also at Ontario in 75! Bless my dad who hated the idea of racing but took me. We also went to the LA Times 500 on Ontario in I think 76 and 77. I was a huge AJ fan as a kid so it was all good!
I went to Pocono in 73, Indy in 74 and was also at Ontario in 75! Bless my dad who hated the idea of racing but took me. We also went to the LA Times 500 on Ontario in I think 76 and 77. I was a huge AJ fan as a kid so it was all good!
Back in the old days right after I met Sue we went to Riverside a few times. The LA region was a hot spot for all forms of motorsport.

Back in the old days right after I met Sue we went to Riverside a few times. The LA region was a hot spot for all forms of motorsport.

I went to a lot of races at Riverside, many many SCCA events too. So Cal in the 70's was a great place to be for a car guy, although it was on the decline already. Ascot park in Gardena and OCIR were my other mainstays.
I'm jealous.

The Indy 500 is on my bucket list, along with Le Mans and the other great races, like Monaco. But Monaco is likely insanely costly, and it would probably be more fun to watch a race with the Tifosi at Monza.

In my mind, I have a master plan to take in a European race, as part of a trip to hit as many automotive museums and factories as I could in Britain, France, Italy and Germany.
I'm jealous.

The Indy 500 is on my bucket list, along with Le Mans and the other great races, like Monaco. But Monaco is likely insanely costly, and it would probably be more fun to watch a race with the Tifosi at Monza.

In my mind, I have a master plan to take in a European race, as part of a trip to hit as many automotive museums and factories as I could in Britain, France, Italy and Germany.
I almost hate to say this to you, but I've been to Le Mans as well. Do it! Our next bucket list race is the Daytona 500.

I almost hate to say this to you, but I've been to Le Mans as well. Do it! Our next bucket list race is the Daytona 500.


No, that's cool. Did you post about that trip? I'll have to research beforehand.

And witness not only the race, but the traditions, like the scrutineering and team photos in the town center.