How Many Millennials Here On BITOG? Check-In

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Jun 28, 2017
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Well, I've been MOTIVATED to start this thread. Tired of seeing the early generation's disparage our living standards & trying to make a better life for our families. SOME early gen's paint a picture across the board against our mere existence.

I was born in 1984. My dad was adopted by German/American's that were born in 1914/1916. That would put them in the "Greatest Generation". Dad born in 1950 so he was a "Boomer". Then Me a Millennial. I often get shocked or dirty looks when I mention to people that I'm a millennial. Either they don't realize it goes back to the early 80's or the stigma that surrounds us created by some, not all, early gen.

It's often claimed we're lazy.. we know better but based on productivity vs wage growth it's apparent that we are overworked & underpaid but that is not just our generational problem..Our kids may suffer the same w/o change.

Let us know & anything you'd like to share. SO, are you a PROUD MILLENNIAL? Let me know... After all our family came from these early gens & we have kids in Generation Z or Alpha. We don't want to blame our kids for their existence...Let's take the high road & break the cycle. Keep it civil.
I was born in 1987. Most of my fondest memories as a kid were formed in the 1990s. It was a great time to be a kid. 👍🏻 The amount of technological changes over this relatively small period of time has been interesting to witness.

Contrary to popular belief, I am married with kids (not living in my parents basement), I’ve been working since I was 16, I drive a manual transmission car (long live the manuals), and drink black Maxwell house coffee, but I do love avocados, but have yet to try it on toast.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of BITOG!
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Well, I've been MOTIVATED to start this thread. Tired of seeing the early generation's disparage our living standards & trying to make a better life for our families. SOME early gen's paint a picture across the board against our mere existence.

I was born in 1984. My dad was adopted by German/American's that were born in 1914/1916. That would put them in the "Greatest Generation". Dad born in 1950 so he was a "Boomer". Then Me a Millennial. I often get shocked or dirty looks when I mention to people that I'm a millennial. Either they don't realize it goes back to the early 80's or the stigma that surrounds us created by some, not all, early gen.

It's often claimed we're lazy.. we know better but based on productivity vs wage growth it's apparent that we are overworked & underpaid but that is not just our generational problem..Our kids may suffer the same w/o change.

Let us know & anything you'd like to share. SO, are you a PROUD MILLENNIAL? Let me know... After all our family came from these early gens & we have kids in Generation Z or Alpha. We don't want to blame our kids for their existence...Let's take the high road & break the cycle. Keep it civil.
Well, I've been MOTIVATED to start this thread. Tired of seeing the early generation's disparage our living standards & trying to make a better life for our families. SOME early gen's paint a picture across the board against our mere existence.

I was born in 1984. My dad was adopted by German/American's that were born in 1914/1916. That would put them in the "Greatest Generation". Dad born in 1950 so he was a "Boomer". Then Me a Millennial. I often get shocked or dirty looks when I mention to people that I'm a millennial. Either they don't realize it goes back to the early 80's or the stigma that surrounds us created by some, not all, early gen.

It's often claimed we're lazy.. we know better but based on productivity vs wage growth it's apparent that we are overworked & underpaid but that is not just our generational problem..Our kids may suffer the same w/o change.

Let us know & anything you'd like to share. SO, are you a PROUD MILLENNIAL? Let me know... After all our family came from these early gens & we have kids in Generation Z or Alpha. We don't want to blame our kids for their existence...Let's take the high road & break the cycle. Keep it civil.
They used to say Gen X was anyone born up until 1982 now it's 1979/80. Gen Y was considered until the late 80's early 90's not sure why the change. I never understood "millennial " as a term as to me that conjures up people born around 2000 i.e. the new millennium. I would say kids born in the 1979 to 1989/90 era have seen huge changes. I was born in 1982, and was learning the Dewey decimal system until 4th grade. From fifth grade on it was more or less ehh forgot about it. Elementary school we had record players still, those flip up projectors, and real film on reel machines for movies. By the time I graduated I had full internet access, white boards etc. Cell phones were still expensive and unlimited calls weren't a thing. I see middle school kids with cellphones and now my town opened up a student innovation center and have a class that they're building an RV-12 airplane and a carbon cub.
I’m a millennial and was lucky enough to skirt by the “lost generation” status that hit many of my classmates who graduated college in the 2008-2010 timeframe. At graduation, only 3 of 79 Cybersecurity and Computer Forensics majors had jobs lined up, and I was one of lucky ones. The rest were unemployed, went to work at Walmart, or stayed at home hoping for the storm to pass.

15 years on, now I’m the one reviewing resumes and doing interviews for one of the teams that report to me. I still occasionally spot one of those lost millennials come across my desk; 3.8+ GPA from good schools, majored in something useful, ran clubs, mentored underclassmen, etc. all the good points that I look for and then….Walmart, Target, Best Buy janitorial jobs, etc. for the next few years. You can see that they did whatever they needed to just make their student loan payments and then just got stuck. I give a few of them a chance every now and then but their brains have all but turned to mush while working retail or manual labor jobs and they lost their techy edge. Sad to see.
Proudly a boomer, circa 1947, graduated HS 1966, college 1971, married 52 years (same woman) Somehow made it through HS & College without a cell phone and social media was actually interacting with people face-to-face or sometimes (gasp!) Speaking with them on the phone. Hopelessly a dinosaur. Had my first driver's license at 14 and yes, I can change a flat tire.
I kinda wish I was a bit older. But I’m a Gen Z. My sister is a millennial. I’m just happy I’m old enough to remember a “simple” life. I was old enough to have a flip phone and to know what internet was like in the early 2000s. I wish smartphones hadn’t evolved like they did. Yeah it’s convenient but I wish we could just go back to the calling and texting on flip phones and slide phones days lol. And still carry around flip phones with iPod touches. But at the same time i want to be born earlier so I could have been one of the people with a first generation iPhone lol. I was always taught to have a bad view on millennials but I’ve met a lot that I relate too so I respect them. My sister is one of the ones who I can’t agree with. She is a 1991 baby. I’m a 2002 baby. There are just so many things I missed in those almost 11 years that I wasn’t alive lol. I could list off so many things that are now considered old that were part of my life and a big part of a millennials life.
I was born in '84. Nothing I haven't busted my ass for in life. I really don't agree with those that say that younger people don't have a drive to make money. They just know their worth and have seen their parents get screwed and have demanded more. Some hold that against them. I've seen wages increase. Seems this approach is working.
It's basically "more mature" guys on know the 70's garbage Detroit made rules.......sure. What these guys (I am one) fail to understand-is the deck is indeed stacked against you-for having a better life than the "more mature" guys on here. (And several recent threads have proved this-without a doubt-want a house-just get an extra job. Yea sure-houses are $600,000 and up outside of Salt Lake City where I am at). You are going to have to work "VERY HARD". I on the other hand have found a lot of qualities I like in your generation-that I won't go in to because I don't want to derail your thread anymore than I have. But I wanted to let you know where I'm coming from.
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They used to say Gen X was anyone born up until 1982 now it's 1979/80. Gen Y was considered until the late 80's early 90's not sure why the change. I never understood "millennial " as a term as to me that conjures up people born around 2000 i.e. the new millennium. I would say kids born in the 1979 to 1989/90 era have seen huge changes. I was born in 1982, and was learning the Dewey decimal system until 4th grade. From fifth grade on it was more or less ehh forgot about it. Elementary school we had record players still, those flip up projectors, and real film on reel machines for movies. By the time I graduated I had full internet access, white boards etc. Cell phones were still expensive and unlimited calls weren't a thing. I see middle school kids with cellphones and now my town opened up a student innovation center and have a class that they're building an RV-12 airplane and a carbon cub.
I generally include children that were born before 2000. If you were born by December 31, 1982 You'd be 18 years old on December 31st 2000. That would be the oldest Millennial Generation. I'm not going to get too technical but that's my take on it anyways. Great experience you've had over the years. Thanks for sharing.
As I said in the other thread, I’m most def a tweener. Born in the early 80’s so technically an old millennial but raised like an X-er with my X-er older sibling. We were poor so it was hard to relate to people my own age. All my friends had video games, computers, DVD players, big screens with cable and Suburbans. We had cassettes, video tapes, outside, a 500lbs console (bunny ear antenna) TV with the 5 button cinderblock remote and a Cutlass 88… and that was in the 90’s.

The best part about being in between is making fun of everyone. 🤣
I kinda wish I was a bit older. But I’m a Gen Z. My sister is a millennial. I’m just happy I’m old enough to remember a “simple” life. I was old enough to have a flip phone and to know what internet was like in the early 2000s. I wish smartphones hadn’t evolved like they did. Yeah it’s convenient but I wish we could just go back to the calling and texting on flip phones and slide phones days lol. And still carry around flip phones with iPod touches. But at the same time i want to be born earlier so I could have been one of the people with a first generation iPhone lol. I was always taught to have a bad view on millennials but I’ve met a lot that I relate too so I respect them. My sister is one of the ones who I can’t agree with. She is a 1991 baby. I’m a 2002 baby. There are just so many things I missed in those almost 11 years that I wasn’t alive lol. I could list off so many things that are now considered old that were part of my life and a big part of a millennials life.
You missed the phone on the wall with the 20 ft long cord strung across the living room to the couch. That was a pain to deal with but at least your phone didn't spy on you.
You missed the phone on the wall with the 20 ft long cord strung across the living room to the couch. That was a pain to deal with but at least your phone didn't spy on you.
Grandparents had a rotary phone that hung on the wall & I remember grandma always rattling off German to whoever she was usually talking to. 😂
You missed the phone on the wall with the 20 ft long cord strung across the living room to the couch. That was a pain to deal with but at least your phone didn't spy on you.
Lol. We actually had phones like that in school so the teacher could grab it and go back and sit at their desk but still be on the phone. The phones were wall mounted. I’ve heard most now are on their desk.
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