Rules: In our modern society today--which ones are routinely broken

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She got off, the state claimed she was unjustly charged. That is the point, you can do the crime and go unpunished in this state.

Well, that's some BS.
In Vermont, we have complex rules on waste disposal. Recyclables are to be cleaned, and kept segregated. They are to have no food contamination. Regular trash includes food contaminated wrappers, etc. and actual food trash is to be composted at your own home. Ever try to keep a compost going where there are bears coming through your property? Deposit bottles are to be returned.

Of course, the other regulation never observed is speed limits, notwithstanding all of the radar speed displays going into almost every town and village.
Its a rural state. Most people have septic systems, which you would not want to overload with food disposal.
We have a "septic tank safe" garbage disposal. We use it a lot and just just had the septic pumped after 3 years. The septic guy said everything looked good.
What rules? Around here anything goes, shoplifting, assault, all sorts of stuff go unpunished. The cops don't stop people or charge people much anymore, they know it is pointless......

There is a literal insane meltdown going on in society today. Especially in the larger inner cities. Here I can't complain..... Yet.

But I will freely admit when I carry concealed, to completely ignoring those stupid stickers on the doors of businesses, that show the handgun in the circle with the line through it.
This recent trend of musicians having stuff thrown at them during performances is another indicator of how people don't know how to behave themselves anymore, especially when in groups.
Or on airliners. People used to dress up to fly. It was generally acknowledged that was mostly upper class people who flew. Now it's like a gypsy circus when you get on a plane. People won't shut up, screaming and acting like idiots. Some more recently have even attacked flight attendants.

They need to establish a 5 year "No Fly List" for these rowdy animals, along with banning them from any domestic flights for 5 years. But like so much else today, most get away with zero punishment. So it not only continues, but gets worse.
Or on airliners. People used to dress up to fly. It was generally acknowledged that was mostly upper class people who flew. Now it's like a gypsy circus when you get on a plane. People won't shut up, screaming and acting like idiots. Some more recently have even attacked flight attendants.

They need to establish a 5 year "No Fly List" for these rowdy animals, along with banning them from any domestic flights for 5 years. But like so much else today, most get away with zero punishment. So it not only continues, but gets worse.
The airlines keep talking about it. Considering how much digital personal info you need to give up in order to fly, it would be pretty easy to put in place. One of the majors needs to grow a spine and just do it and not worry about the public's perception of infringing on anyone's 'right' to fly, and the rest will follow suit.
People 'needing' to lean over the barrier and get a selfie during the start of a stage of the Tour de France and causing a pileup and rider injuries. Nice job. I sure hope it looks sweet on Facebook.

People 'needing' to deface an ancient structure like the Colosseum by carving their initials in its stone and claiming they didn't know the historical significance of the place. Wow, really?

I don't understand why it's more prevalent nowadays for people to take rules, both written and unwritten, as mere suggestions. The people who need them most are the worst offenders and they seem to take joy in ignoring them.

I don't need to be told to pick up after myself when I leave the movie theater, but some people get all bent out of shape when you call them on it.

I don't need to be told to put my shopping cart back when I'm done, but some people think it's someone else's problem. No, you're just a lazy POS making excuses trying to justify it.

Modern society is doomed. Where's the Tylenol?
How about cops stop lying and breaking laws, and set a good example for others to follow.
If you're supposed to be enforcing the law, you first need to clean up your own act.
Cops are NOT the problem in this country. The progressive movement in this country wants you to believe that cops are the problem. And it would appear they are succeeding.
Before they started cracking down, I imagine most people did not report their "use tax". Most states require you to report untaxed purchases via mail order from other states at tax time (use tax).
Before they started cracking down, I imagine most people did not report their "use tax". Most states require you to report untaxed purchases via mail order from other states at tax time (use tax).
That used to be a thing. Now businesses must collect and report it. Giant hassle.

The worser part? States are making bank on this (new) tax stream, and mum's the word on where this money goes. (typically general coffer)
People 'needing' to deface an ancient structure like the Colosseum by carving their initials in its stone and claiming they didn't know the historical significance of the place. Wow, really?
It's not entirely a modern thing.

In 1977 my wife and I saw a tourist (we could guess his nationality from his accent) break off and pocket a small piece of wood from the Rood Screen at King's College Chapel Cambridge England. The screen was erected by King Henry VIII in 1532–36 to celebrate his marriage to Anne Boleyn. No big deal you say - but if someone had broken off a small piece even once a year in these past 500 years there wouldn't be much of it left.

In ancient times Vikings carved their initials in various places Constantinople/Istanbul.

But yes it does seem to be getting worse. My own pet peeve - very few motorists (and almost no cyclists) stop at stop signs. A stop sign is not a suggestion. A little enforcement would go a long way.
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