house dilemma with the sellers

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Originally Posted By: eljefino
I doubt the fish people have the wherewithal to actually file a lein. And if it's for services performed before you're listed as the house title-holder you should be off the hook.

My house former owners made an 11th hour call to sell us custom curtains for $250, we laughed it off and they STOLE SOME LIGHT BULBS after the final walk-through.

If you own a business and render service on a property you can lein a property if it's not paid for....yes the fish people can do it
At closing the sellers usually (should?) sign something swearing there aren't any liens or judgements. Your title insurance will go after them if a problem pops up.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
At closing the sellers usually (should?) sign something swearing there aren't any liens or judgements. Your title insurance will go after them if a problem pops up.

I think I'm going to call the title company that we are using and ask them about this.
Don't get personal about this. Ask your agent what's in your contract re; Koi Pond!
Tell him (if there are no exceptions) you expect to see a working Koi pond at closing DEAL WITH IT!
The Agents are paid to deal with 'CARP' like this.
I talked to the title company rep who will be at my closing. She did say the seller will have to sign a waiver swearing there aren't any liens or judgements. The title insurance will go after him if a problem pops up after closing.
The gull some people have (the seller), and the lack of balls others (your agent). I second everyone's opinions, it's not your responsibility. Be ready to walk out to a separate room during closing and hold out as long as necessary until you get what you want. I did that to get a hold harmless letter from my seller for a fence that was placed beyond the property boundary.

I'd reschedule the walk-through to 2 hours before the closing to make sure they don't "modify" the house after the walk through. Sounds like this guy is capable of anything and six days gives him plenty of time. My house sellers took several bolted down light fixtures after the walk through, but called three months later asking for the picnic table they left in the back yard!
I sold my mother's house three years ago. After the buyer's walk-through and a week before closing, the 35-year-old water heater blew. I replaced it because I knew it was the "right thing to do" (and the legal thing to do). The seller has to suck it up and realize that they are responsible for all repairs until the day the house is turned over to you. Both agents should realize this as well.
Originally Posted By: addyguy
This guy is pulling a fast one on you - you agreed he would 'demonstrate the functioning of the pond'.....well guess what - that just became 'oh, it needed a cleaning to function properly', and got a guy he knows to do the work, ...

This is likely the correct explanation for what happened. And apparently this guy makes about $250/hr.

Must be a really good pond guy.
What does your Buyer's agent advise? They should be advising you to ignore the bill.

You are only obliged to the purchase and sales and any SIGNED addendum. If your buyer's agent insists on you paying let them eat it out of their commission split.

Good luck, don't worry or lose sleep over it.
first my buyer's agent asked if I would pay the seller's koi pond maintenance and cleaning bill, but I got mad and said I wasn't paying, I was even shocked that he asked me about it. My agent said the seller never sent anything over in writing at all. Then my agent said he wasn't going to bring it up again to the seller b/c he's afraid of losing the home sale over $500. So right now, my agent is going to ignore the seller's request unless the seller makes a big issue of it. My agent kept mentioning how difficult the seller was in negotiations over and over again. the home inspection repairs we wanted was a big hassle too. I'm convinced now that either the seller will pay for this, the title insurance company, or the two agents will pay out of their commission. It looks like the title insurance company will have to pay and I called them today to tell them what's going on. So they said at closing if this isn't settled, they will bring it up to the sellers about this koi pond cleaning. I need to practice my poker face at closing
I doubt you'll lose the purchase of the house. There is an agreement signed by both parties with (hopefully) all the provisions, clauses, and responsibilities spelled out. They HAVE to sell the house to you at this point, or they can be sued for breach of contract.
first my buyer's agent asked if I would pay the seller's koi pond maintenance and cleaning bill, but I got mad and said I wasn't paying, I was even shocked that he asked me about it.

Darn Right! I would be too.
Originally Posted By: Cutehumor
first my buyer's agent asked if I would pay the seller's koi pond maintenance and cleaning bill, but I got mad and said I wasn't paying, I was even shocked that he asked me about it. My agent said the seller never sent anything over in writing at all. Then my agent said he wasn't going to bring it up again to the seller b/c he's afraid of losing the home sale over $500. So right now, my agent is going to ignore the seller's request unless the seller makes a big issue of it. My agent kept mentioning how difficult the seller was in negotiations over and over again. the home inspection repairs we wanted was a big hassle too. I'm convinced now that either the seller will pay for this, the title insurance company, or the two agents will pay out of their commission. It looks like the title insurance company will have to pay and I called them today to tell them what's going on. So they said at closing if this isn't settled, they will bring it up to the sellers about this koi pond cleaning. I need to practice my poker face at closing

I forgot about the agents possibly paying the $500 if it becomes a sticking point. When I sold my house back in 2007, the first buyer was having trouble getting financed and the agents on both sides were offering to kick money in to get the deal done.

Even the 2nd buyer had issues, but the deal went through, only for him/them to be foreclosed upon a year or so after the home sold.

So if it becomes an issue, the agents may split the $500 with the seller in order for everyone to get paid. No one gets paid if the house doesn't sell. Since you are the one supplying the money, you should have to pay $0 for the Koi pond maintenance.
It's the MOMENT OF TRUTH! We are doing our walk through in less than three hours this morning! We are going to see/talk to the sellers for the first time. uh oh, let's see if he brings up this $500 koi pond bill today.
BIG PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!

We went through the walkthrough and everything was fine. The house was empty and the sellers did not show up!! (red flag) But something else is another problem!! My buyer's agent tells me that he was contacted late last night by the seller agent. The seller agent said that the sellers will owe $28K on the house if they close on 4/30 with our purchase price. They will be asking suntrust bank to do a short sale!! !@#$$@@!@# My agent then tells me that the sellers are divorcing and the wife has the power of attorney for the house and had no idea that they were going to owe 28K on the house at closing because the husband handled all the finances!! they don't have the money, so now they will seek the short sale route!!! But our contract says that we close on 4/30!! My agent said that we won't be able to close on 4/30 now. If we don't close on 4/30, it will financially impact us in many ways:

A) The home inspection on the house cost $375 that has been paid
B) Home appraisal we had done cost $400 that I paid
C) We will lose the $8k first time home buyer credit, (have to have signed contract by 4/30 which is 7 days from now !!@!!)
D) I have taken 6 days off for vacation from work to move/pack in the first week of may!!!
E) Our home mortgage interest rate is locked for 60 days at 5% on a 30 yr fixed loan, interest rates have risen. So if I don't close on this house by 5/23, I would have to get a new mortgage loan with a higher interest and points which could result in a couple hundred dollars more a month and several thousand dollars that I would need at closing!!!
F) I have put in a 60 day notice on my apartment to vacate!! if we don't close on this house, we won't have anywhere to live after 5/30th!!
G) I have paid the home owner's insurance on this house in full and my car insurance got moved over b/c of the home insurance quote I got was the best for this house!! from 4/30/10-4/30/11!!
H)I may have to move twice since I put in my notice to vacate my apartment!! that's double the moving expenses!!
I) I filed an extension with the IRS thinking I would get a refund and the home buyer credit. but I owe IRS taxes without the buyer credit. I would have to pay penalties and interest now!!!
J) there's more stuff that I am probably forgetting, but my head is about to EXPLODE!!

I told my agent that I was going to get a lawyer, but he discouraged it, saying if the sellers have no money, you can't squeeze blood from a turnip. I'm DEVASTED and my wife was crying at the house.

My options are:
A) Hope the seller comes to their senses and closes this Friday
B) When they file for a short sale, suntrust bank turns them down b/c they are not financially insolvent e.g 401k money. (that could take weeks!!)
C) take a chance on this house, wait for short sale, and suntrust bank honors our purchase price for this house (could take months!!)
D) Start looking for houses again RIGHT NOW, and spend several hundred's of thousand of dollars in 7 days to get the buyer credit.
E) sue the !@#$ out of the sellers.

The thought of being homeless is frightening. not sure if my apartment will let me pay month to month. they could have rented my apartment out already. I'm estimating that this will cost me $20k MINIMUM if we don't close. I'm not sure what I can do if anything. opinions???
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Please explain a 'Short Sale'
My Gut feeling is, this should have been cleared long ago by your Agent and/or Lawyer!
Wow.....Good luck man.

Just one thing, a short sale can get quick approval in some instances. They can, and do take weeks, but I've also seen them come together real quickly.

If you dont already have one, consult an attorney! Were you ever informed by the selling agent or your agent that the seller would need to apply for a bank approved short sale? If this does blow up and doesnt close on the specified date, sounds to me like you have a good case against the agents involved and possibly your loan officer as well. Your loan officer should have seen and realized that the funds werent there to cover the outstanding loan.

Again, good luck man, what a mess!
Originally Posted By: expat
Please explain a 'Short Sale'
My Gut feeling is, this should have been cleared long ago by your Agent and/or Lawyer!

A short sale is a technique by the seller of the house that is one step in front of a foreclosure.

Basically the seller owes the bank more than they can sell the property for, so they go out and they find a buyer for current market value, and see if the bank will take the SHORT sale instead of a foreclosure.

Usually if you sell a house for less than what is owed on it, the seller needs to come to close with the difference to square up the mortgage. In a short sale, they are saying that they don't have the money.

In previous times, the bank would drop an atom bomb on their credit, then issue them a 1099 for the amount that they shorted.

Now they just kill your credit, and many of them are not issuing 1099's.

The bank is usually NOT easy to work with on a short sale, and my guess is that you will NOT close on time.
Quote; A short sale is a technique by the seller of the house that is one step in front of a foreclosure.

Thank you, in my day the bank would just just re posses you first born, and remove your ability to sire more kids.

Looks like someone dropped the ball here. Get a lawyer, seek compensation if you don't complete on time.
Kind of sounds Fishy*, with the guy spending money on the Koi pond and all.

*Pun not intended.
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