Got a really nice fridge for only $25

I'm confused that you said your current fridge is a decade old, and this one is coming on 2 decades old but will replace your newer one when it dies?
Would you rather him spend hundreds, if not thousands on a newer or new fridge? That thing is super cheap, works and will fit his needs.. what is wrong with that? Even if it last a year or 2, he'd still have gotten his money out of it. But since it's so simple,it'll probably last a decade.
I have a similarly basic 1991 Montgomery Ward Signature 2000 (Admiral), purchased new. It wouldn't upset me if the thing lasted the rest of my life.
Our fridge is from 1992 or so and still works just fine. We pull it out every few months to clean all the coils.

Wait.. I think we had to put a relay or some such widget on it.. still a cheap unit to own and operate.
Our fridge is from 1992 or so and still works just fine. We pull it out every few months to clean all the coils.

Wait.. I think we had to put a relay or some such widget on it.. still a cheap unit to own and operate.
I pull mine out once a year. The coils are underneath, not on the back. I've removed, opened, and lubricated the mechanical defrost timer a few times over the years when the gears become noisy. It wasn't top rated when I bought it, but it definitely has earned top marks from me!