my success rate has been 100% with Fel-Pro valve cover gaskets but my experience is limited to the following applications:
1) 1ZZ-FE (130+)
2) 2ZZ-GE (2)
3) D16Y7 (2)
4) D16Y8 (1)
5) 2AZ-FE (1)
Toyota Corolla
Toyota Celica
Honda Civic
Toyota Camry
it is all about prep, and using the OEM manual for directions and torque specs, yes I torque my valve cover bolts to OEM specifications using a digital torque wrench.
older Fel-Pro valve cover gaskets were blue, they were more "pliable" and thicker for the above applications compared to OEM, the downside was the valve cover gasket would "stretch/expand" if removed when the engine was hot—for example: checking valve clearance, no leaks. Re-installing the Fel-Pro valve cover gasket after it had slightly stretched was annoying but doable, still no leaks even after I had re-used them over and over...
The newer Fel-Pro valve cover gaskets are orange, no issues with them yet but I can't say anything about longevity.