Drivers who are clearly in the wrong

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Originally Posted By: philipp10
Originally Posted By: Branson304
This happens to me pretty regularly. The last instance was someone riding the passing lane for miles and miles and miles. I stayed a couple car lengths behind them & flashed my high beams a couple times. I could have passed in the right lane but I wanted to teach a lesson. They FINALLY got over after 6 or 7 miles & when I went by they were flipping me the bird.

How fast were they going? Were you trying to exceed the speed limit? IMHO, if I am above the speed limit, why cannot I drive in the "passing lane". It gets real old driving in the right lane with all the merging going on.

They were going about 65 in a 70MPH zone, I was trying to go 75 since that's what I always set my cruise to. You should stay in the right lane when people want to pass whether you are going the speed limit or not. It is the law and it is not your job to slow other drivers down. You do your thing & stay out of the way, let other drivers do their thing. If you are going the speed limit in heavy traffic in the left lane & there's a line of 30 cars behind you who want to speed, get over.
Originally Posted By: grampi
Have you ever had an incident, or a near incident with another driver who was clearly in the wrong, only to have that driver get mad at you, flip you off, or whatever, acting like you were in the wrong? It used to be that I'd see this occasionally, but these days it seems common place...What's going on with these people? They seem to think they're entitled to make up their own rules of the road, and if anyone else violates their rules, THEY are in the wrong...

+1 ... yes, you have it right. What's wrong it there are a ton of complete idiots on the road that don't know what the real rules are and make up their own rules.

Originally Posted By: grampi's people like this that give me little hope for the future of our society...

There is no hope ... society is always continually going down the path of degradation - call it the "entropy of society".
Originally Posted By: grampi
Have you ever had an incident, or a near incident with another driver who was clearly in the wrong, only to have that driver get mad at you, flip you off, or whatever, acting like you were in the wrong?

From the moment you cross the Colorado border, this starts, and doesn't stop until you leave the state.

Once a week, this happens at the light at the entrance to my subdivision.
I wait to make the left turn, the main cross street lights turn red, and yet, always, someone blows the light, and flips us off, even though we have the green light.

I could provide many more examples, but there's just too many.

Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
It happens. Get over it and move on.

I suppose I have to agree. It's one of the four agreements; don't take anything personally. That individual's behavior has nothing to do with you. AH's will earn their comeuppance without your intervention.
Originally Posted By: grampi
Another thing I notice these days is people actually believe they are entitled to speed, and any little impedance to their speeding and they get all irate over's people like this that give me little hope for the future of our society...


You're entitled to take offense. Some people in the world have a different opinion of importance of following all of the rules.

I'm at risk of a ticket. I take that very slight risk on.

How it is.
Originally Posted By: dtownfb
The left lane is the passing lane. You can drive in the left lane if there is no one behind you. But if someone else is driving faster and wants to pass, it is much safer to pass in the left lane. Simply move over, let the person pass and you can move back to the left lane if you like. If you come up on an interchange with lots of traffic, by all means move over to the left lane so the entering traffic has room to merge. I do that all the time but I'm also cognizant of traffic behind me and get back over to the right lane when possible (or speed up).

If I'm in the left lane hauling asss and someone wants to drive faster than me,I always move over. There's no way I'm going to be the decoy haha! :p
Originally Posted By: Branson304
This happens to me pretty regularly. The last instance was someone riding the passing lane for miles and miles and miles. I stayed a couple car lengths behind them & flashed my high beams a couple times. I could have passed in the right lane but I wanted to teach a lesson. They FINALLY got over after 6 or 7 miles & when I went by they were flipping me the bird.

Originally Posted By: philipp10
How fast were they going? Were you trying to exceed the speed limit? IMHO, if I am above the speed limit, why cannot I drive in the "passing lane". It gets real old driving in the right lane with all the merging going on.

Do you now what this sign mean "Slower Traffic Keeps Right" ? This black on white sign is on most interstate highways.

If the right lane is empty and it is as smooth as left lane then why you stay on left lane at any speed ?

Highway I5 between Los Angeles and San Diego has at least 4 lanes each way(some sections have 5 or 6 lanes), most cars are in the number 1 lane(left most lane), number 2 lane has a little less and the least is in number 4 lane(right most lane), and the right most lane is actually the fastest lane most of the times.

Once in a while CHP(California highway patrol) lighted up on the car on the left lane for impeding traffic.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Originally Posted By: grampi
Another thing I notice these days is people actually believe they are entitled to speed, and any little impedance to their speeding and they get all irate over's people like this that give me little hope for the future of our society...


You're entitled to take offense. Some people in the world have a different opinion of importance of following all of the rules.

I'm at risk of a ticket. I take that very slight risk on.

How it is.

Using your logic, why bother obeying ANY laws...
Originally Posted By: eljefino


You're entitled to take offense. Some people in the world have a different opinion of importance of following all of the rules.

I'm at risk of a ticket. I take that very slight risk on.

How it is.

I am Entitled to block you. How it is.
I don't think anyone is entitled to speed nor block. Blocking is more dangerous though IMO. Speeders zoom up--and then by. Blocking just means you're making the guy behind you all the madder & more apt to make a bad judgement call--one that might impact you.

There may be some joy in "giving that person what they deserve" but unless if you're willing to deal with road rage or even possibly a ticket (as it's not your job to enforce the law) -- I wouldn't.
Originally Posted By: Al
Originally Posted By: eljefino


You're entitled to take offense. Some people in the world have a different opinion of importance of following all of the rules.

I'm at risk of a ticket. I take that very slight risk on.

How it is.

I am Entitled to block you. How it is.

Up here you'll get a nice ticket for not keeping right.
Originally Posted By: supton
I don't think anyone is entitled to speed nor block. Blocking is more dangerous though IMO. Speeders zoom up--and then by. Blocking just means you're making the guy behind you all the madder & more apt to make a bad judgement call--one that might impact you.

There may be some joy in "giving that person what they deserve" but unless if you're willing to deal with road rage or even possibly a ticket (as it's not your job to enforce the law) -- I wouldn't.
+1 Too many old cranks with fragile egos who believe it's losing face to move over. Then when the codgers get to their exit they cross three lanes without a turn signal because THAT'S beneath their dignity as well.
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: Johnny2Bad
Once driving at mt local University I stopped for a pedestrian (who have right of way anywhere on Campus) in a marked crosswalk, and was rear-ended.

By whom? Campus Police officer. I pulled to a safe area and asked for her license, and offered mine. She talked on the radio and refused to give me her license or registration, as required by law, and eventually another officer arrived.

I was told to follow to the Campus Police office, which I did. I was never shown the proper documents, but was told I did not have to report the accident. It seemed to me they were protecting her.

I immediately went to the local police, then my Insurance company (no visible damage to my 67 Impala; her 1980-something Taurus was totalled; she hit me HARD and could not have been complying with the 20 mph speed limit) and made sure she was reported as the at-fault driver, and left open the possibility that she failed to report the accident (which is mandatory).

Had she spoke even one word to me I may have let them do it her way, but her attitude [censored] me off.

Sounds like the idiot that ran into the back of my car at a stop sign...I had a trailer hitch on my vehicle and it went right through his radiator...there were actually some people in this forum who were trying to claim that the damage to his vehicle was actually my fault for having the trailer hitch on at the time of the accident...common sense dictates the damage was his fault for running into me...but we can't use common sense anymore...
Some folks have trailer hitches just for that purpose. It also keeps morons from giving your car a little shove to make room for their car in a street parking lineup. I'd like to put one on the FRONT on my car as well.
Originally Posted By: grampi
Another thing I notice these days is people actually believe they are entitled to speed, and any little impedance to their speeding and they get all irate over's people like this that give me little hope for the future of our society...
Be fun to see how long you'd last on the Autobahn, Sunshine.
If we assume the average car speedo is off 5 to 10% on the high side unless the wheel and tire size has been "re-engineered" the sanctimonius old bleep in the passing lane "enforcing" the speed limit may in reality be holding up traffic by traveling UNDER the posted limit. Might be something to think about, anti destination league members, although your REAL motivation might be something different. I find the less you stand out in traffic the less likely you will run afoul of the revenue generation team and keeping right is one good way to do that. Lots of radar in the median operations hereabouts.
Originally Posted By: HerrStig
Might be something to think about, anti destination league members,

You must have been a Car & Driver reader in the 80's, too! I love that term.
Everyday. I drive between 40 and 50k a year local for work.
I've resigned myself to know that the bird means "I heard your horn."
I hate it when they stop their vehicle and get out for a confrontation though. That happens way more than I like, so the horn only gets a toot when absolutely necessary.
People are crazy.
Twice in my life I've had drivers threated me with bodily harm, one even came at me with a tire iron.

Both times the whole issue did an about face when I got out of my car with my hand on my handgun.

Would I have used it? You darn right I would, before I get my head bashed in!

I normally never ever leave the house unarmed.
A lot of times blowing the horn is the catalyst that sets up a confrontation. I rarely use my horn for that reason.
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