Drivers who are clearly in the wrong

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Originally Posted By: madRiver
Just drive on. You seem to complain about others driving a lot. Are you sure it's not you somehow causing bad driving around you?

Well, I guess if driving like I'm supposed to be driving and following the laws is causing others to drive poorly around, then maybe I am...
Originally Posted By: NavyVet88
My favorite ones are the ones that are in front of you at a red light. You can clearly see them playing or texting on their cell phones and the light turns green and of course they don't notice. So I bump my horn at them.....and I'm getting flipped off and hand gestured to death.

A while ago, a woman in a giant SUV was at the front of a HUGE line in a left turn lane and I was right behind her. When we got the arrow, I could see her looking down at her phone and I gave her a few seconds to notice the light...finally gave her a quick toot. She looked up at the light, then I could see her sneering back at me in her mirror and moving her jaws...then, she looked back at her phone, finished whatever she was doing and finally SLOOOOOOOWLY started making her left turn. At least 20 cars should have been able to make that turn, maybe 5 got to go.

Next light is about 2 miles down, we are both going straight and she is at the head of the line again. Light turns green and she waits a few seconds, then SLOOOOOWLY pulls out, and I can see her looking back in the mirror at me and running her mouth again. She creeps along at about 20mph in a 35 zone...the great thing is that there is a passing zone a little ways down just past where the speed limit goes up. I follow at a reasonable distance as she doesn't even speed up for the new limit, luckily there is nobody coming the other way. I really light it up to pass her, and, of course, she tries to gun it to keep me from passing! Nice try, she cannot even come close to matching my acceleration. When I cut back after my pass, I can see her flashing her lights and furiously flipping me off...the truly great thing is that I recognize her at this point! A horrible, horrible person who absolutely ruined a club that my daughter had been in years before by being mean to the kids, fighting with the leaders, and trying to get preferential treatment for her kid.
She needed to turn left not long after I passed, and she was so busy signaling me that she almost missed it, slammed her brakes on with no signal and squealed around the turn...I would guess stuff was flying around in her car.

I'm hoping to get stuck behind her again soon!
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Originally Posted By: Branson304
This happens to me pretty regularly. The last instance was someone riding the passing lane for miles and miles and miles. I stayed a couple car lengths behind them & flashed my high beams a couple times. I could have passed in the right lane but I wanted to teach a lesson. They FINALLY got over after 6 or 7 miles & when I went by they were flipping me the bird.

How fast were they going? Were you trying to exceed the speed limit? IMHO, if I am above the speed limit, why cannot I drive in the "passing lane". It gets real old driving in the right lane with all the merging going on.
Sometimes the nicest people turn into lunatics when they get behind the wheel. It's the adrenaline of being in motion coupled with the crowd mentality. Ignore them.
Originally Posted By: philipp10
How fast were they going? Were you trying to exceed the speed limit? IMHO, if I am above the speed limit, why cannot I drive in the "passing lane". It gets real old driving in the right lane with all the merging going on.

Yes it does. But the law says to drive right--and makes no mention, in that particular law, about how fast you are going. If you pass someone, move left; then dodge back to the right. Yet we all know that in the cities the right lane borders on dangerous, what with all the lane merging. Drive right. Except if there is a left lane exit. Sure...

Elsewhere I do believe it says to not hold up traffic behind you; at that point, if traffic wants to do 20 over and you want to do the limit (or less) are you therefore the problem and no longer welcome on the road?

You have to admit, it's all a mess.

IMO it's more important to make it to one's destination than it is to be right. It may be better to exceed the limit, or take the middle lane, or even camp in the left lane. It'd be wise to speed match the lane you are in, and (egads!) change lanes as necessary. Once I learned that I was better off "bending the rules" my stress level went down.
I was driving through a grocery store parking lot on the main drag. Was already crawling through since I try to be aware of the pedestrians at the crosswalk or kids who aren't paying attention. I slow down for a speed bump and a stop sign right after it that is a pedestrian crosswalk. Before I get to it I saw a guy coming from one of the parking lot lanes going pretty fast towards the main drag. I thought nothing of it and bam. The guy completely missed his giant white line STOP and blew into my passenger rear quarter panel.

Seeing how I was young he tried to say that I was going "fast" even though I was slowing down for a stop sign. I laughed at him and called him a clown after he tried pinning the accident on me even though he blew a stop line and there was a camera in front of the store. Best of all he was trying to hurry me because his ice-cream was melting. More incentive for me to take even longer copying his insurance information after his smart attitude. I hope his ice cream melted.
Just look at the attitude of kids today. Mommy and Daddy have done everything for them except breath, and they would have done that too if little so and so wasn't doing so good on his own.
Originally Posted By: HosteenJorje
Just look at the attitude of kids today. Mommy and Daddy have done everything for them except breath, and they would have done that too if little so and so wasn't doing so good on his own.

That goes both ways. I've seen plenty of times grandma and grandpa gawking, basically looking everywhere but the road. Not only going below the speed limit causing traffic to jam up but totally unaware of where they were on the road. Every time I'd see them swerve I'd honk and finally I did it enough to [censored] the old guy off that he gave me the finger. Other times they fail to see how fast cars are going and end up pulling out in front of cars which then have to apply the brakes rather harshly, and rather they not get up to speed quickly they slowly get up to speed of traffic. It's amazing how mad they get at people riding their rears after such an incident.

I also think we've all seen the middle-aged women or men who are running late from lunch break while they're making the biggest business sale of their life on their cell phone dangerously swerving through traffic or angrily riding your tail swerving to look past you.

Not just youth.
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Once driving at mt local University I stopped for a pedestrian (who have right of way anywhere on Campus) in a marked crosswalk, and was rear-ended.

By whom? Campus Police officer. I pulled to a safe area and asked for her license, and offered mine. She talked on the radio and refused to give me her license or registration, as required by law, and eventually another officer arrived.

I was told to follow to the Campus Police office, which I did. I was never shown the proper documents, but was told I did not have to report the accident. It seemed to me they were protecting her.

I immediately went to the local police, then my Insurance company (no visible damage to my 67 Impala; her 1980-something Taurus was totalled; she hit me HARD and could not have been complying with the 20 mph speed limit) and made sure she was reported as the at-fault driver, and left open the possibility that she failed to report the accident (which is mandatory).

Had she spoke even one word to me I may have let them do it her way, but her attitude [censored] me off.
Another thing I notice these days is people actually believe they are entitled to speed, and any little impedance to their speeding and they get all irate over's people like this that give me little hope for the future of our society...
Originally Posted By: OneEyeJack
You have to get over problems with traffic. just be happy you did not exchange dents. It's your job to not get hit. Don't let others take charge of your well being. Just move on. You must have better things to do.

This. I have driven well over a million miles..never happened to me. I can't actually say I have seen it happen in real life

Do you see it on the news or internet =
Originally Posted By: Johnny2Bad
Once driving at mt local University I stopped for a pedestrian (who have right of way anywhere on Campus) in a marked crosswalk, and was rear-ended.

By whom? Campus Police officer. I pulled to a safe area and asked for her license, and offered mine. She talked on the radio and refused to give me her license or registration, as required by law, and eventually another officer arrived.

I was told to follow to the Campus Police office, which I did. I was never shown the proper documents, but was told I did not have to report the accident. It seemed to me they were protecting her.

I immediately went to the local police, then my Insurance company (no visible damage to my 67 Impala; her 1980-something Taurus was totalled; she hit me HARD and could not have been complying with the 20 mph speed limit) and made sure she was reported as the at-fault driver, and left open the possibility that she failed to report the accident (which is mandatory).

Had she spoke even one word to me I may have let them do it her way, but her attitude [censored] me off.

Sounds like the idiot that ran into the back of my car at a stop sign...I had a trailer hitch on my vehicle and it went right through his radiator...there were actually some people in this forum who were trying to claim that the damage to his vehicle was actually my fault for having the trailer hitch on at the time of the accident...common sense dictates the damage was his fault for running into me...but we can't use common sense anymore...
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: Johnny2Bad
Once driving at mt local University I stopped for a pedestrian (who have right of way anywhere on Campus) in a marked crosswalk, and was rear-ended.

By whom? Campus Police officer. I pulled to a safe area and asked for her license, and offered mine. She talked on the radio and refused to give me her license or registration, as required by law, and eventually another officer arrived.

I was told to follow to the Campus Police office, which I did. I was never shown the proper documents, but was told I did not have to report the accident. It seemed to me they were protecting her.

I immediately went to the local police, then my Insurance company (no visible damage to my 67 Impala; her 1980-something Taurus was totalled; she hit me HARD and could not have been complying with the 20 mph speed limit) and made sure she was reported as the at-fault driver, and left open the possibility that she failed to report the accident (which is mandatory).

Had she spoke even one word to me I may have let them do it her way, but her attitude [censored] me off.

Sounds like the idiot that ran into the back of my car at a stop sign...I had a trailer hitch on my vehicle and it went right through his radiator...there were actually some people in this forum who were trying to claim that the damage to his vehicle was actually my fault for having the trailer hitch on at the time of the accident...common sense dictates the damage was his fault for running into me...but we can't use common sense anymore...

Never had a hitch ball in at the time, but the receiver hitch on my dad's F350 has claimed a few hoods from people running into the back of it.

And no, you are not at fault, for having a hitch in.
Originally Posted By: philipp10
How fast were they going? Were you trying to exceed the speed limit? IMHO, if I am above the speed limit, why cannot I drive in the "passing lane". It gets real old driving in the right lane with all the merging going on.

The left lane is the passing lane. You can drive in the left lane if there is no one behind you. But if someone else is driving faster and wants to pass, it is much safer to pass in the left lane. Simply move over, let the person pass and you can move back to the left lane if you like. If you come up on an interchange with lots of traffic, by all means move over to the left lane so the entering traffic has room to merge. I do that all the time but I'm also cognizant of traffic behind me and get back over to the right lane when possible (or speed up).
Yep, I see it too. Once had to avoid colliding with someone who shortcutted through the bank parking lot going the wrong way against the "DO NOT ENTER" sign as I was entering. I pointed to the "one way" and "do not enter" signs, but he threw open his door got out, and started threatening bodily harm if I didn't move out of his way.
Originally Posted By: HerrStig
Originally Posted By: madRiver
Just drive on. You seem to complain about others driving a lot. Are you sure it's not you somehow causing bad driving around you?
Good one !

You've noticed that too with Grampi's posts?

You know what really gets me [censored] is people who constantly have issues with other people and are unwilling to look in the mirror and realize the 1 common denominator in their interactions with others is themselves!

I realize there are a lot of selfish idiot drivers on the road, but it's not worth it to get so upset and constantly rant and rave about it on internet forums! If you made it to your destination safely, move on with your life and fuggetaboutit.
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Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
Originally Posted By: HerrStig
Originally Posted By: madRiver
Just drive on. You seem to complain about others driving a lot. Are you sure it's not you somehow causing bad driving around you?
Good one !

You've noticed that too with Grampi's posts?

You know what really gets me [censored] is people who constantly have issues with other people and are unwilling to look in the mirror and realize the 1 common denominator in their interactions with others is themselves!

I realize there are a lot of selfish idiot drivers on the road, but it's not worth it to get so upset and constantly rant and rave about it on internet forums! If you made it to your destination safely, move on with your life and fuggetaboutit.

It's just something interesting to talk about...jeez, take a chill pill!
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
Originally Posted By: HerrStig
Originally Posted By: madRiver
Just drive on. You seem to complain about others driving a lot. Are you sure it's not you somehow causing bad driving around you?
Good one !

You've noticed that too with Grampi's posts?

You know what really gets me [censored] is people who constantly have issues with other people and are unwilling to look in the mirror and realize the 1 common denominator in their interactions with others is themselves!

I realize there are a lot of selfish idiot drivers on the road, but it's not worth it to get so upset and constantly rant and rave about it on internet forums! If you made it to your destination safely, move on with your life and fuggetaboutit.
Also, I think the fact that I drive much more than most people puts me in these situations more often...I drive about 3K miles a month, I don't think it has anything to do with the way I drive, it's just that I drive so much more than most people do...
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