In Memory of Those who have Served

Aug 22, 2009
Pittsburgh,PA U.S.A.
Spirit of America

While sitting in an old school building by myself, I heard the sound of a book closing, and then another, followed by several more.

In reality I knew that the old wooden benches were cooling, and creaking as the sun set.

But I had to sit there and listen, and think of the men and women who closed their books, set their present lives and future plans aside, and went off to risk their lives for this country in war.

And to me the sound of the wood cracking, coming from different sections of this room, were the sounds of the books closing, in front of the men and women, who then got up, and did not come back.

And I knew that years ago these sounds really happened.

Later that evening I thought, how lucky I am to live in a time of peace, and what a Price was paid for Freedom. And knowing this, how can some people care so little for the Ideas for this Country that so many gave their lives for.

by: JimPghPA

Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall & Museum sits catty-corner across an intersection from the University of Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning and one evening while I was in a room in that Cathedral studying I heard sounds that I could not forget, and I had to write this.
What Price

I came apon the statue of a Lady offering her wares.

I asked someone, "What's so special about her?"
"That She stands for such a valuable product." Was as the reply.

"How much is her product worth?" I asked.
"More than you could imagine." Was the reply.

"A hundred dollars?" I asked.
"Not even close." Was the reply.

"A million dollars?" I asked.
"No closer now than before." Was the reply.

"OK, I give up. How much is her product worth?" I asked.
"More than the lives of the thousands and thousands who have died or become injured." Was the reply.

"What's the ladies name and product?" I asked.
"Liberty, and Freedom." Was the reply.

by JimPghPA
Memorial Day started out as Decoration Day, the day to remember those who gave their lives by decorating their graves with an American Flag. A good friend is retired Army, he says remember those who died on Memorial Day and those who served on Veteran's Day. I didn't serve so have no opinion but was surprised by his thoughts. Respect for all military. Some died for all of us.
A time to remember those who perished protecting our freedoms (and liberating many of those in foreign countries) to remain free from tyranny.

I think sometimes it’s too easy to repeat words like above without really thinking about some of the most horrifying deaths our soldiers have endured. It truly was the ultimate sacrifice, and we should appreciate it each and every living day in the United States.
American Cemetery and Memorial, Located in Manilla, Philippines.
(The final resting place of 16,636 American Soldiers)
To this day it is said there is not one blade of grass out of place. I am hoping to find the time to visit there at the end of this year.

We are appreciated in many parts of the world but even here in our own country as much of the world, over time memories are lost and freedom taken for granted as the ones who lived through it die off. Sadly history repeats itself and we need to educate our young on the precious foundation our country formed on. Without us leading, the world becomes chaos

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I am a veteran, December 1973 to December 1979. Today is NOT about those who served, that is November 11, Veterans Day. Today is about those who gave the last full measure and only about them. Do not offend me today by thanking me for my service. Only remember those who died for their country. Two of them, in the Civil War and WWII, were family members.
I agree with all the sentiments. Although it’s a special day of remembrance, I think there are many, many, days throughout the year, that these brave men and women are thought of.
It's interesting to me, as a Canadian, that the U.S. has two separate occasions - I like the idea.

Here in Canada, we have only Remembrance Day, November 11th (the anniversary of the WWI Armistice in 1918).