People that shouldn't be driving

There are some intersections near me that I now avoid like the plague. In my area of the city we were descended upon by a large number of refugees. Somehow, the state makes getting a driver's license practically "automatic" for them. I suspect many of them had never driven before coming to America and they'll do some crazy things ( like making a right turn from the left turn lane). When there's a (inevitable) wreck, they've been known to leave the scene, then return with someone who can interpret English for them. There's a fairly major intersection that rapidly became one of the most dangerous in the city in just a few years.

I've often shuddered at how much trust we place in complete strangers when driving anywhere.
You see stupid driving every day among all age groups.
Running late to work? Get out of bed a little earlier.
Have an urgent appointment to get to? Leave a little earlier.
Every driver has the right to expect reasonable driving behavior from every other.
Daily driving is a cooperative endeavor, not a competitive one.
Accidents often result in serious economic and physical consequences and drivers need to grasp this before acting as though driving is a video game or a race.
We just dropped our kid off at karate for his black belt pre-test. It was at 6:30 AM but everyone was told to be there 6:15 and no later. We were up the road and a car comes the other direction maybe 60 in a 25, and I saw the karate sticker on the hatch. That’s a bad feeling being late to something one cannot be late for. But I notice when it comes to kids, parents have tunnel vision. My wife’s car had a hit and run/scrape at preschool years ago. At St. ***** pre school.
5 mins ago some old guy decided to fly into the left turn lane from the middle lane and cut off the entire line of cars waiting. If I didn't just light my cigarette I would have flicked it through his open window.
5 mins ago some old guy decided to fly into the left turn lane from the middle lane and cut off the entire line of cars waiting. If I didn't just light my cigarette I would have flicked it through his open window.
Just saw something similar yesterday. Same street as in the OP, up further, guy turns left from the middle lane into a parking lot on the left-hand side, cuts off an F-150 who lays on the horn and the look of confusion on the idiot's face told me he had no idea what was going on as the bumper of the F-150 was 4ft from it.