Did it snow in Arizona this week?

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Staff member
May 27, 2002
Guelph, Ontario
A guy on another board I moderate on mentioned he got 4 inches of snow one day this past week, and his profile says he is in Flagstaff Arizona! Did it really snow there or is he pulling my leg? (or perhaps he no longer lives there?)
He might not be joking, I just checked the current conditions in Flagstaff and it's only 24F!! What the heck? I thought all of Arizona was always warm?
My inlaws just passed through that area on their way back from Vegas.... yes it is snowing there... and it is still in the 90's here in houston with 80 F. dew points! UGH!!
There are mountains out west. Come take a look. Sierras got several feet in places. Cascade passes got a big dump.

Hailing and lightning like a mofo here yesterday.

41°F right now.
I didn't realize there were mountains in Arizona, I always pictured it being more like a desert terrain Pablo. I learn something new everyday!

So I can say that Mississauga weather is warmer than Arizona right now then!

Originally posted by Patman:
He might not be joking, I just checked the current conditions in Flagstaff and it's only 24F!! What the heck? I thought all of Arizona was always warm?

Flagstaff is at 7,000 feet. They have real winters.

Last winter I was in the snow in the Sierra Madres at 8,000 feet in Mexico on the railroad between Chihuahua and Los Mochis. Way south of Arizona. Eelevation does matter.

Snow accumulations of over 12 feet (not drifts, just accumulated snow during a winter) are normal about 1.5 hours from where I live in California. Some areas already have a 3 foot base now. But it doesn't snow where I am.

Originally posted by Patman:
I feel like such a dumbass, I wish they taught us better geography in school here.

You've got a Corvette, now all you need is some free time and money and you can go explore.

A C-5 even has a useable trunk.
I saw the news today, people swimming at beaches around Athens.Temperatures have climbed to 80 F which is unusual but turns out great with such crud oil prices.

Originally posted by XS650:


Originally posted by Patman:
I feel like such a dumbass, I wish they taught us better geography in school here.

You've got a Corvette, now all you need is some free time and money and you can go explore.

A C-5 even has a useable trunk.

The C5 definitely has a lot of room in the trunk for suitcases, and is an awesome road trip car!

I definitely would love to do a nice long road trip someday, visiting some of the US states that I have not seen yet.
Flagstaff is beautiful. It's kinda wierd, when your on I-40, it's pretty bland, desert like until about 30 miles or so from Flagstaff, then it's like driving into the hills here in Colorado, tons of trees, really beautiful. From Flagstaff up to Southern part of Utah is gorgeous. Great camping spots.
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