Dedicated license plate thread.

I don't have a whole lot left anymore. Moved around too much in the past 10 years. This is what I got left hanging up in my garage...


The PA KJD is on the Subuwu now. It came off the Talon and was still active, so I had the notary change it over.

Some new plates for the collection arrived today. I’ve always enjoyed lighthouse plates and lighthouses in general just like my mom so I got this Mississippi lighthouse license plate. That one will probably go on the wall soon. I like my lighthouses as I said lol. Mississippi is a one plate state so no pairs. Then next up a standard set of Virginia plates. Only had one set of W series ones so needed another one. The W series is the last series to be the plain white base that doesn’t say Virginia is for Lovers at the bottom. Had they not put that on our plates I would have no problem running regular plates but I can’t stand that saying. It’s just one of those things that bugs me lol. Then next up is one lots of people like including me the Scenic Mountains to Seashore plates. These are Virginia second most popular plate behind the regular plates. A lot of people don’t realize these and the cardinal plates and the patriot plates and fall leaves plates cost the same as regular plates. That’s why whenever someone tells me they are looking for an affordable optional plate I tell them about those particular ones and then they usually get them for their car.

Here is a pair from my collection. Probably my favorite New York base bedsides Worlds Fair which I don’t have. I got these from someone on Facebook. These were issued in 2021 so whoever had them didn’t have them very long. Must of been on something old as you can see slight rust marks on the top plate so must mean old screws haha. I was happy to find these back in November. New York is a hard state to get plates from due to them trying to go after people that don’t turn them in at least from what I’ve heard. Them, Rhode Island and Washington DC all will come after you apparently lol.


Here is all the NY I have hanging up. The matches are also in my collection. I typically don’t buy singles from states that have pairs. The Commercial plate is an exception it would of been a pair but my mom got this for me on eBay for my birthday I want to say in 2014 or 2015 i would be really happy if I eventually found the match to this one. I’ve found several close numbered pairs and singles on eBay but never the exact one. I’m really surprised I have this many New York plates as much as I’m not a fan of the state lol 😂. I’m happy though I got my 50 state run completed about 2 weeks ago with the pair of Rhode Island added. I’m always looking for more though especially Virginia. I love Virginia plates even the lame ones haha.

I’m going to try to get all my plates posted in this thread. I have lots of picture taking and hanging to do haha. I’ll also probably put up a picture of the Virginia Lighthouse plate vs the Mississippi Lighthouse license plate. I’m going to start getting more Choose Life and Lighthouse plates. Also doing motorcycle plates too.

Here is a comparison of the Mississippi Lighthouse plate vs the Virginia Lighthouse plate. Which one do you guys like better? As much as I hate to say it I think I’ve got to give this one to Mississippi. But at least we have a Lighthouse plate in Virginia not all states do. I’ll probably get them again sometime but overall I do say the Mississippi is a pretty nice design. Virginia in second place.
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Here is a comparison of the Mississippi Lighthouse plate vs the Virginia Lighthouse plate. Which one do you guys like better? As much as I hate to say it I think I’ve got to give this one to Mississippi. But at least we have a Lighthouse plate in Virginia not all states do. I’ll probably get them again sometime but overall I do say the Mississippi is a pretty nice design. Virginia in second place.

I vote for Mississippi's plate

Here is a plate I bought probably 5-6 years ago and forgot about till I found it in my basement yesterday. I know it’s technically not a plate plate but it’s a booster plate for those states fortunate enough to only have one plate lol. Any Dale fans here?

More plates in my collection. Trying to get them all sorted by state and put some of them up on the wall and posted here. The Pennsylvania plate is one our member @53' Stude sent me a couple months back. I plan on hanging it up soon. I try to hang up at least one from every member that I get one from. I purchased some S hooks but bought them too small so I have to buy bigger ones. The small ones do well for the motorcycle plates though. I’m also trying to get one from every state hung up and I ordered more Virginia plates as well as I love Virginia plates. I have another Delaware and another Louisiana plate on the way as well as I only had one of those each so I needed another one. Those are single plate states so only one.

Here is a pair in my collection. Little rough shape but doesn’t have to be perfect. Whoever these belonged to were definitely rough on plates haha. I wish there was a way you could look up old plate numbers and see what cars they were on. It makes me wonder sometimes like why were these taken off? Did they sell the car? Just get special plates? Etc you will never know. If only they could talk lol. I think I’ve posted these here before but not in this thread. Trying to get all of them to this thread. Will try to post more later too.

Hung up two new plates tonight. A lot of people told me to try some S hooks so that’s what I did. I originally bought the smaller ones thinking they would work. They do good for motorcycle plates but not full size ones. I was having a hard time deciding what plates to hang up. I was going to hang some up from our members here but I couldn’t decide the best ones cause the truth is I love them all haha. So I’ve always liked the recalled autumn leaves plates in Virginia so I hung up one of those then I hung up one of Rhode Island plates as I’m trying to get one up from all 50 states. I’ll try to go to Lowe’s or Home Depot tomorrow and get some more. Walmart only had two packs of them. Don’t worry if you have sent me plates I will get at least one or two hung up from everyone eventually. These S hooks are great because they don’t make holes in the walls.

Finally got some more hung up. Haven’t been able to find any S hooks hardly so I used nails again haha. Most of these were member plates here. I’m trying to get everyone hung up so if I haven’t gotten to yours yet don’t worry it’s coming. The Arkansas plate was first to go up tonight that one is from @HemiBenny. I like Arkansas plates as I have a lot of family from there. Still have a lot more from him to hang up. Second one up was one from @Nick1994 the Arizona and Hawaii plate a few of the many he sent me. Then a Pennsylvania Truck plate from @53' Stude . Massachusetts Antique Plate from @wings&wheels . And the Mississippi plate I’ve had for awhile looking back in messages here I believe that one is from @Delta . The Washington plate is an addition from @Pablo . Guys I truly appreciate all the plates I’ve gotten from everybody. Makes me really happy when I walk in my room and see all of them either hanging up or sitting there. The Choose Life ones are from eBay and Facebook. The yellow antique Virginia plates are from Facebook I have both just hung one up for now. Hung one of moms Bluebird plates up to which she just retired for the Kids First plates. Plan to hang a lot more up so stay tuned. Also have more coming in the mail hopefully in the next week or so. Mostly Virginia as I have a soft spot for Virginia plates lol. My walls are looking great so far. Can’t wait till I’ve got one up from every state. I have all 50 states and DC.