Dedicated license plate thread.


Hung up a plate tonight from @Graham Piccinini. Wanted to hang it up sooner but got busy. I had a Connecticut plate here but I traded it off to a collector who needed it. It’s one I bought before I found a pair of them. Still have so many more to hang lol. I want to get some of the “S” hooks and start linking them together to avoid so many holes in the wall. That’s why I don’t get to hang up plates often only when dad is working so he won’t know about all the holes in his walls lol 😂. I need to find a better way to store my collection. I have them in bankers boxes (I thin that’s what they are called) but some of them are getting bent I guess from all the pressure of being next to each other. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Hung up a plate tonight from @Graham Piccinini. Wanted to hang it up sooner but got busy. I had a Connecticut plate here but I traded it off to a collector who needed it. It’s one I bought before I found a pair of them. Still have so many more to hang lol. I want to get some of the “S” hooks and start linking them together to avoid so many holes in the wall. That’s why I don’t get to hang up plates often only when dad is working so he won’t know about all the holes in his walls lol 😂. I need to find a better way to store my collection. I have them in bankers boxes (I thin that’s what they are called) but some of them are getting bent I guess from all the pressure of being next to each other. Anyone have any suggestions?
Blake: we’re gonna have to call you the plate personnel director. 😍😍😍

Your collection isn’t just massive; it’s amazing. Thank Yiu for sharing 😍😍🍻🍻🇺🇸🇨🇦
Blake: we’re gonna have to call you the plate personnel director. 😍😍😍

Your collection isn’t just massive; it’s amazing. Thank Yiu for sharing 😍😍🍻🍻🇺🇸🇨🇦
I’m glad you enjoy it Adam. I’m proud of my collection. I still have to get your plate hung up and I will sometime was just trying to hang up various ones.
Alright, I cave. I have this plate.

I'm not going to lie.. I like it. I sometimes take WD-40 to clean off any dirt and bugs. Any well-traveled plate will eventually get a paint chip pock mark or two, hopefully not more than that... most others seem to enjoy the plate as well.

Finally found the decals for our vans plates. We misplaced them in 2021 and they turned up today when I was looking for them. In Virginia you can do up to a 3 year registration except in the northern part of the state. We done two years last time and just never put the decals on. It doesn’t run anyway so it didn’t matter but I hate they weren’t on there. So glad I found them instead of paying $2 for replacements. In Virginia even if you renew your registration if you don’t put the decals on it’s the same amount as if you didn’t renew it so it’s not worth a ticket. Also wanted to find them because these plates are possibly going to be recalled so when they do I’m not turning them in. I might go ahead and order different ones as a just in case because when Virginia recalls plates it’s a forced surrender to be able to get more plates what they do is they send you a prepaid envelope and a set of regular plates and if you don’t turn in the old plates then you cannot renew or replace the regular plates they sent until you surrender these. Let’s not start anything here but I believe these are displaying someone who is important to Virginia history and it’s an optional plate so if someone doesn’t want it they don’t have to get it. If I do decide to replace them I might get some USS Cole plates or possibly another set of Lighthouse plates which is what used to be on here or maybe the 611 plates. Possibly even regular plates again as I want the current T series for my collection. I personally like the state bird plates but dad doesn’t so I wouldn’t get those. Really we keep plates on it so we can rotate with cool ones lol. Since we bought the van it’s on its 5th set of plates second special design. Rest were all standard plates. Started out with standard in 1999 when purchased then in 2001 my parents got the Lighthouse ones ran those until 2012 when it was abandoned and didn’t run then got it running had to get a new set as it was over 6 months that the lighthouse ones expired got a standard set never done anything with the vehicle let those expire got another standard set I got tired of those and me and dad both wanted these. Had them since 2019. If I wait till next month I’ll have to renew them to get new ones as if it’s within 6 months you have to renew. Maybe later I’ll post a picture of all the plates that were on it up until these.

Here is some Virginia plates. I like Virginia plates even though they are kinda lame for standard designs I guess where it’s home I just like their plates. I buy all the Virginia ones that I can. The first two sets I bought from an estate sale they actually weren’t for sale but I bought about every piece of equipment in the garage and the I mentioned to the daughter I was a plate collector and asked how much she’d take for them she said here you go my daddy would of loved you so you can have them. She said he always had a passion for showing young guys how to fix things. He owned a shop right down from our house where they tore down to build a Bojangles. It was opened from the 60s to 80s then in the 2000s they tore the building down for the Bojangles. The Disabled Veteran set is hard to get because you have to be a Disabled Veteran to get them. Then the next set is a standard design set I believe they issued those in 2008 maybe because before that it was the 1607-2007 400th anniversary ones then they added Jamestown after that. I think they look a lot better than the standard plates we have now. The next is just the plates that were dealer issued when mom bought her car. We took those off the first year nobody wants those regular ugly plates lol. The reason for the April stickers is they issue you a 2 month extension when you purchase new plates and your old ones are expiring.

Post 1 of 2. Here is the collection hanging on my wall so far. Need to get more up. Still need more motorcycle plates and plates in general too haha. As you can see I have stack’s laying around that I don’t have room for the in the boxes so luckily I have more boxes. It will be nice when majority of the collection is hung up and I don’t have to have them in a box. Let me know what your favorite plate is I am always up to talk plates haha.

Look what showed up today. My motorcycle antique plate with my ALPCA number on it. (Automobile License Plate Collectors Association) I’ll probably peel those hideous stickers off though cause to hang it up I need both holes at the top haha. They used to have the sample stickers as optional but not anymore.
Alright, I cave. I have this plate.

I'm not going to lie.. I like it. I sometimes take WD-40 to clean off any dirt and bugs. Any well-traveled plate will eventually get a paint chip pock mark or two, hopefully not more than that... most others seem to enjoy the plate as well.View attachment 138723
Those plates arent like the good old ones. They’re just a sticker on a piece of aluminum. I can see that around the top left bolt hole there’s starting to be some damage, probably from the wd-40 dissolving the glue. If you’re that concerned about it I’d buy a clear cover to put over it.

Here we go. The other day I mentioned I’ll do some runs of all the plates from one car at a time. Here is the plates since ownership that have been on our 1994 Ford Econoline. Purchased in 1999. YUY-8360 was the first set issued to it. Plates are automatically ordered when the temporary plates are generated so the 30 day tags would have been first but who knows where those are my dad probably threw them out lol. So these would have came in the mail within 30 days to replace the temporary plates. Ran those until April 2001 when the 5091LG lighthouse plates were issued. Back when you had to go in person to renew the plates so these would of been issued by a DMV somewhere probably either Roanoke or Bluefield as my parents lived in Tazewell and my dad would drive to Roanoke everyday for work. He got the Lighthouse ones because my mom has always liked Lighthouses so they got those. That was their first set of designer license plates. Those were ran until April 2012 by that point the van was parked and wasn’t being driven so they let the registration lapse till March of 2013 when he had to use it as a backup vehicle so he tried to renew those and it issued him new plates without asking if he wanted a special one or anything so ran those till March of 2014 when it was sitting again then needed the vehicle again in September 2014 so he missed the September cutoff by like 3 days so it was over 6 months so had to get another set of plates which is where the VCG-6266 came in. Those were ran till 2019 it was our last vehicle remaining with regular plates. So I told him let’s get something different instead of those ugly regular ones. He agreed me and him both liked the Virginia “Robert E. Lee” license plates so we got those. They now have a possibility of being recalled. So they will come due this September I’ll see what he wants to do because if they do recall them you are forced to give them up or you can’t get new plates what they do is they send you a prepaid envelope with a new set of standard license plates and a notice saying the plates were recalled and you must return them and if you don’t when the regular issued plates become up for renewal it won’t let you renew them so I’m not giving up a set of plates what I might do is see if we can get something else run it for maybe a month or two then get more Robert E. Lee plates if they don’t end up getting recalled. Because if they are recalled but you own a set that isn’t on a vehicle then you don’t have to give them up. I might just go ahead and replace the plates till September and see what they do. To this day the Lighthouse plates remain one of my many favorites in Virginia to choose from.

Oh and in case you are wondering Virginia issues plates backwards so that’s why the Y series would have been issued before the V and W series. They started with Z when they went to 7 digit plates and are working their way back. Currently we are on T series.