Coffee - Your Current Brew


I just paid $21.50, should have bought 4!!

Great deal for us Nespresso nuts.

Coffee supply was about out, so i picked up some Eight o'clock that was on sale for $4.99 (12oz bag)
got home, realized i accidentally bought Whole bean. Don't have a coffee grinder. stores around here don't have grinders anymore. I work at the store where i bought it, and know that any consumables that get returned, get thrown away.
waste not, want not.
first i tried my mini food processor... just cracked open beans, and big bueno.
switch over to the "commercial" style blender i picked up a couple years back. a few long pulses... looks almost as good as the pre-ground stuff.
see how it tastes in the morning.
but the Blender is Def. the tool if you don't have an actual grinder. the circulation pattern is def. helpful. as well as the 6 blades instead of just 2.
I can't get it quite right at home, but the place I frequent most afternoons uses Miscela d'Oro
I never really liked espresso, turns out Lavazza is just too bitter for my taste, Starbucks tastes burnt, and everything else (Folgers) tastes reductive 🙄

On special occasions, I've been known to drift towards Pilon or Cafe Bustelo
My dad always liked El Pico 🤔
But when it's 6am and you don't cold start too well, almost anything will do 🤷‍♂️
Instant Coffee is a terrible way to start the day 🤮

I was kidding.

As in I told my wife; "I played pickleball with the lady friend" - and my wife tased me.
I know. Neither one of us want another committed relationship. We have been best of friends for about 5 yrs now. She even introduces me to other women she works with at Peyton Place Midwest. She is 71 years young and the second youngest employee at the Enchanted Frog 🐸 Antique Store. Her co-workers have named me Mr, Cutie Pie. 😊
Last cup of Café Santo Domingo - Perla Roja that I picked up in the Dominican. Should’ve bought a case. Unfortunately, can’t find this exact one stateside.

This coffee and the Chemex make a great pair.
Cracking open a bag of Peet' Big Bang tomorrow night. Just dumped the rest of the Maxwell House container into the coffee maker. I asked my wife what she wanted next and she said "something good!" HAHAHAHA! I didn't want the MH but I had it already and didn't want to waste. Could have been worse...

My choices for what was next were a few different Lavazza bags, Peet's BB or Off the Grid. I went by best by date. Got a bag of the major too but ordered whole been so wife is gonna grind at at when it's time. Looking for a reasonably priced bag of Cafe Domingo but haven't been able to find yet. The single bags are really expensive, or I have to get a 6 pack, which I don't want.