Coffee - Your Current Brew

What's in your cabinet?

You guys seem to have pretty good taste... One of you guys, I forget who, posted that the Eight 'o Clock Colombian was pretty good, so I picked some up today. It's pretty good - not my favorite, but definitely drinkable. Kinda has what seems to me to be a "vintage" or "old-fashioned" flavor - like, what I expect the average cup 'o joe tasted like from a diner or something, back in the '60s. Kinda a sharp, "bright" edge to it.

Anyway, here's my stash. Had to put my favorite mug in there, ha ha

Does it still have chicory?
First let me say I have made blends of beans, and my USUAL result is the blend ends up WORSE than the worst bean in the mix. It does make some sense in an odd way and in combination with me being a rank amateur blender, I just avoided it for years.................

I made a 33% mix of 3 Brasilians, been drinking it since last week. Tasty, smooth, rich and low acid - with just a tad more fruity complexity - plus a bit more economical. I just mix the beans in my grinder hopper. I venture to say, almost amazing, better than each individual.

Red Bird, Talking Crow, and Hollis Street single origin Brazil (from Grocery Outlet for nearly FREE but alone makes a decent cup)

Anyway, my brew for the summer.

Unrelated, wife made some Talking Crow Sumatra cold brew, it was OK, really an earthy deep, almost cigar tobacco (aroma) and quite robust in the mouth - almost too much, too big. Not exactly my cup of tea.
I’ve blended beans with coffee that I bought that turned out to be horrible. Blending good beans in made the taste somewhat palatable.

My better results came from blending light roast beans into medium or darker roasts that I didn’t like.
Recently my wife has been picking up this whole bean coffee from Costco:

We have an inexpensive Cuisinart bur grinder and a Braun coffee maker with insulated carafe.

@Rand has graciously shipped us some of his home roast in the past.
I though all this talk about Veggie burgers on another thread I would try this brand of coffee today?



Pretty smooth flavor and got me started this morning with banking, this my current favorite forum and Clash of Clan , clan games that started! today
This morning I am trying Don Francisco's Organic French Roast.
Wow! I was surprised great flavor and the caffeine hit is a eye jittering and knee pouncing blend. I feel like I need to go do a quick bike ride or is that ride the bike quickly. :eek:

Right now I am working on a can of Trader Joe's Columbian. It's a good can with nice aroma and a creamy typically winey pleasant aftertaste on the tongue. Mmmmmm Really good for $5.99 for 14oz of beans.

This. Anyone ever try it? Never seen it before a few weeks ago at Food City. It’s not bad but I still like my Folgers and Chock Full of Nuts.
I roast my own, presently it is the remains of a bag of Brazilian that I mixed with some beans from Panama and roasted up. Very pleasant cup. About 75% Brazilian 25% Panama roasted towards the dark side of medium roast (for the coffee nerds in the audience, about 30 seconds into 2nd crack.)
just got another 5lbs of Dark Roast whole bean. off of ebay. I heard the prices are spiking. But go though 5 lbs every 2 months.

This is great if you like strong coffee. A bit oily roasted.


I just got a new batch from Red Bird yesterday. I stuck with their Sumatra coffee but I added a bag of their Red Bird Espresso blend to try.

This is a Italian roast according to them but there is no oil on the beans. They are dark though. I brewed it up with the Kalitta as I usually do.

The coffee has heavy cereal tones. Super smooth. Low acidity. It has a very clean taste. I used a coarse grind on this one but it might be better with a longer grind. I will experiment around with that.