The light shining through in the last two pics tells the story. The oil was not changed.
The sooty black annoys me on my '17 Accord 2.4L. No matter how often I wash/clean it, the chrome around my exhaust has that.It'll blacken your tailpipe like this from the '18 ACCENT ( 1.6 Ltr. w/ G.D.I. ) . So much for air quality ( particles ) . Good chance that other D.I. tailpipes would be the same . E.F.I. is better for air quality ( particles ) and reliability .
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Know what you mean. I did/do not think intentional at all. I suspected non oil changed BUT as a mistake.When things like this happen, I always wonder, is it intentional or did they just forget? How do you forget though? I can see forgetting to put oil back in the engine, which would be catastrophic. But to not change it?
This is why I do these things myself. It's the only way that I know for sure the job is done right and with the correct fluids, etc. I sleep better knowing I have no concern about an error in doing it myself. Even when the risk is quite small if done by a shop or dealer, and their errors are infrequent I feel better about it when I've done it myself.Understand the inclination to give the shop the benefit of the doubt, reinforced by place’s professional appearance.
Hate to acknowledge it, but been screwed by a couple/few clean, “professional,” reputable, even high-end shops, much to my (naive) dismay. Have learned to not hang on to well-meaning “hope” for a benign explanation, when the actions/outcomes are readily attributable to greed/dishonesty. Of which, the Service writer may/may not know about. Humans…. Way of the world, unfortunately.
Right. I would guess the majority of us here have been zinged a time or two when turing a vehicle over to a shop for any kind of work.Understand the inclination to give the shop the benefit of the doubt, reinforced by place’s professional appearance.
Hate to acknowledge it, but been screwed by a couple/few clean, “professional,” reputable, even high-end shops, much to my (naive) dismay. Have learned to not hang on to well-meaning “hope” for a benign explanation, when the actions/outcomes are readily attributable to greed/dishonesty. Of which, the Service writer may/may not know about. Humans…. Way of the world, unfortunately.
Sample was sent out yesterday.Anyway an Oil analysis will tell on this one.
I have seen similar a couple times with different vehicles/oils. I guess without some type of complete fush or a total drain (next to impossible) some of the oil that remains can stain new oil...I’ve seen Mobil 1 AFE darken close to immediately in a port injection engine.
You have reminded me of a thing that has crossed my mind when you mention engines on propane or natural gas. Wonder if those oils that are "made from natural gas" would somehow stay cleaner? Take more time to load up with the dirty looking stuff? The PM and whatever else is the results of GDI engines these days. The stuff that dirties/colors/contaminates motor oils so quickly in some vehicles.Some... mechanics today get paid differantly in that its a portion of the book time, or some variation. Not by the hour exactly. I wouldent say that there wasent any benifit to the tech. It is harder and harder for These tech and others to make a honest living. Also they are tracked by productivly completed jobs, call backs and damaged cause by repairs. Raises are promotions are based on the bottom line.
Diesels, for lack of a better word "contaminate" the oil much quicker. Soot up is a better term but visible engine oil contamination is PM. In most case the PM (particulate Matter) deposits don't harm anything its just the result of diesel combustion and it isn't nearly as clean as Gasoline. Some engines that burn propane or natural gas stay twice as clean as gasoline. Jet engines go years without a oil change. TMI Anyway an Oil analyis will tell on this one. Oddly, ive never done one. Yet!