Brady suspended!

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Originally Posted By: turtlevette
Originally Posted By: Al
As Grampi said..

If I lived in Ohio and had to back the Cleveland Browns, I'd be bitter and jealous too.

The Browns aren't my know what they say about people who assume...
Originally Posted By: Al
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle

All the more reason to retire. I'm at the point where I truly wonder how many NFL games are rigged.

Are you serious???? Walking away from 100's of millions of $$$$$$$...lolz

Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle

Rest WILL be a court of law! If he loses his appeal, I would expect his lawyer to file suit THAT DAY.

The only grounds he would have in the courts is "defamation of Character" The courts won't take a case dealing with the proof or non proof of ball deflation. Also if by some miracle it did go to court. Even if it did it would be a civil matter where the NFL could request a unanamous verdict ofj all jurrors which would be hung jury.

Patriots could sue. But they would have the same problems.

The NFLPA agreed to let Goodell serve as judge, jury, and executioner, so to speak, in matters of player discipline. They can't go to court in that area. They only thing they can go to court for is ask the courts to delay punishment until the lawsuits have played themselves out. As explained they are allready dead on arrival and its only May.

As Grampi said..the suspension might get lowered to a couple games. That's about it.
We'll see.

Not only this, but the punishment being doled out to Brady isn't just for deflating footballs, it's also for lying, and for not cooperating with the league's investigation on the matter...if he would've come clean right off the bat there likely wouldn't have been any punishment...
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Lying about what?
The NFL got the verdict first and worked back from there.
If there was any evidence Brady directly told the ball guys to do this,I would be quiet but this rubs me the wrong way.
Originally Posted By: Dallas69
Lying about what?
The NFL got the verdict first and worked back from there.
If there was any evidence Brady directly told the ball guys to do this,I would be quiet but this rubs me the wrong way.

You mean evidence other than all of their balls being underinflated?
What evidence is there that Brady is responsible?
It's nowhere in the report.
If the ball guys did this on their own,then it's on them.
The official in charge of the balls doesn't even know what gauge he used to check them before the game.
There's two gauges they used and they each measured differently.
Show me where Brady instructed these clowns to deflate.
It's not there.
Originally Posted By: Dallas69
What evidence is there that Brady is responsible?
It's nowhere in the report.
If the ball guys did this on their own,then it's on them.
The official in charge of the balls doesn't even know what gauge he used to check them before the game.
There's two gauges they used and they each measured differently.
Show me where Brady instructed these clowns to deflate.
It's not there.

Really? This is all you've got? Why would an equipment manager deflate balls without being told to do so? And who would've told him to do it other than Brady? You people who are hanging your hats on this flimsy argument need to quit being so naïve...
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: Dallas69
What evidence is there that Brady is responsible?
It's nowhere in the report.
If the ball guys did this on their own,then it's on them.
The official in charge of the balls doesn't even know what gauge he used to check them before the game.
There's two gauges they used and they each measured differently.
Show me where Brady instructed these clowns to deflate.
It's not there.

Really? This is all you've got? Why would an equipment manager deflate balls without being told to do so? And who would've told him to do it other than Brady? You people who are hanging your hats on this flimsy argument need to quit being so naïve...

I don't understand why it is so hard to comprehend that a little proof is needed in order to suspend a guy for 4 games and cost him hundreds of thousand of dollars....all on the words: "more probable than not".
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Originally Posted By: ryansride2017
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: Dallas69
What evidence is there that Brady is responsible?
It's nowhere in the report.
If the ball guys did this on their own,then it's on them.
The official in charge of the balls doesn't even know what gauge he used to check them before the game.
There's two gauges they used and they each measured differently.
Show me where Brady instructed these clowns to deflate.
It's not there.

Really? This is all you've got? Why would an equipment manager deflate balls without being told to do so? And who would've told him to do it other than Brady? You people who are hanging your hats on this flimsy argument need to quit being so naïve...

I don't understand why it is so hard to comprehend that a little proof is needed in order to suspend a guy for 4 games and cost him hundreds of thousand of dollars....all on the words: "more probable than not".

Ahh, but the NFL is not a court of law. They, like the NBA/PGA/NHL etc have their own rules that determine what is to be done.

They are not a criminal court, so they don't require "beyond reasonable doubt."

They are not a civil court, so they do not require a "preponderance of the evidence."
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Originally Posted By: ryansride2017
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: Dallas69
What evidence is there that Brady is responsible?
It's nowhere in the report.
If the ball guys did this on their own,then it's on them.
The official in charge of the balls doesn't even know what gauge he used to check them before the game.
There's two gauges they used and they each measured differently.
Show me where Brady instructed these clowns to deflate.
It's not there.

Really? This is all you've got? Why would an equipment manager deflate balls without being told to do so? And who would've told him to do it other than Brady? You people who are hanging your hats on this flimsy argument need to quit being so naïve...

I don't understand why it is so hard to comprehend that a little proof is needed in order to suspend a guy for 4 games and cost him hundreds of thousand of dollars....all on the words: "more probable than not".

I don't understand why it is so hard to comprehend that Brady himself could've cooperated and turned over his phone records to prove his insisted non involvement and avoided all this - that is, if he's telling the truth.
Originally Posted By: ryansride2017

I don't understand why it is so hard to comprehend that a little proof is needed in order to suspend a guy for 4 games and cost him hundreds of thousand of dollars....all on the words: "more probable than not".

As mentioned its not a court of law. A couple of hundred grand for Gisele and Tom is like the cost of going to McDonalds. As mentioned he was uncoperative and didn't share the messages on his cell phone for that time period to the league. He has something to hide. Having said that I don't know why he just doesn't come clean.

Originally Posted By: Dallas69
Would you turn over your phone to a complete stranger?
Thought so.

If I were accused of something that would even cost me a hamburger meal..I would turn my cell over. There is nothing on mine worth hiding. I suppose you feel that everyone is into sexting etc????
Originally Posted By: Dallas69
Would you turn over your phone to a complete stranger?
Thought so.

I'm sure you are normally a courteous individual, but in this case you fell short.

First, we are not talking about me.

Second, I stated "phone records," not "phone.

Third, you apparently posed a question to me, assumed an answer, and then commented on the assumed answer.

Luckily, I've not been involved in anything that would require me to surrender my phone but if requested to do so to a credentialed representative in the course of his/her conducting an official inquiry, yes - I guess I would surrender my phone and/or phone records if it would support that I was conducting myself appropriately. Now, if I had something to hide that would tarnish my reputation, I might balk a little at turning stuff over.

Hmmm - I wonder what all this means?

Again, my opinion is Tom Brady could have avoided ALL of this by coming clean from the beginning or cooperating and providing supporting info that would help verify his contentions that he did nothing wrong.
With all the leaks from the start of this drama and being a celebrity like Brady and his wife,I can see why he would decline.
I'm sure the phones of the equipment guys would have whatever they were fishing for.
If not,then it will come out in a real courtroom when Brady sues the NFL.
So far all you have seen is one side of this story.
Originally Posted By: Dallas69

If not,then it will come out in a real courtroom when Brady sues the NFL.
So far all you have seen is one side of this story.

Like I will be disappointed. He can only claim his character was defamed. That will be almost impossible to prove.

We'll se which of us is correct.
Originally Posted By: Al
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle

All the more reason to retire. I'm at the point where I truly wonder how many NFL games are rigged.

Are you serious???? Walking away from 100's of millions of $$$$$$$...lolz

Are you serious? Brady is making NINE million next season...and he has already made more than he could ever spend. (He's over $150 million just in salary.)

The NFL has been sued over suspensions before...and they usually lose!
They didn't suspend him long enough, a full season w/o pay would have been about right. Too bad they couldn't pull the title from them as well.
Can you tell I don't like New England, and Tom Brady.
Originally Posted By: Dallas69
With all the leaks from the start of this drama and being a celebrity like Brady and his wife,I can see why he would decline.
I'm sure the phones of the equipment guys would have whatever they were fishing for.
If not,then it will come out in a real courtroom when Brady sues the NFL.
So far all you have seen is one side of this story.

When they asked for Brady's phone they actually offered to let him keep control of it and just turn over/show what they wanted. His phone was never actually going to leave his personal control. They were going to ask him to show them what they wanted to see and that was all. Nothing personal just related to the investigation. Brady still refused. CLEARLY the guy cheated, knew about what was going on, and had something to hide. Anyone who thinks otherwise lives in a different reality. Brady will never sue the NFL because if he does he will not be able to refuse to cooperate and everything becomes fair game at that point. He will never take it that far because he does have something to hide.
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Originally Posted By: NHHEMI

When they asked for Brady's phone they actually offered to let him keep control of it and just turn over/show what they wanted. His phone was never actually going to leave his personal control. They were going to ask him to show them what they wanted to see and that was all. Nothing personal just related to the investigation. Brady still refused. CLEARLY the guy cheated, knew about what was going on, and had something to hide. Anyone who thinks otherwise lives in a different reality. Brady will never sue the NFL because if he does he will not be able to refuse to cooperate and everything becomes fair game at that point. He will never take it that far because he does have something to hide.

Thank you. Great post (bc I agree with
The Patriots, rightly or wrongly, have developed a reputation for cheating. I can remember, for example, when they were supposed to have cheated against the NY Jets.

Well, that reputation will follow them into history along with all of their Super Bowl trophies. If I was a team owner I would not want that. Well, now the Patriots can live with whatever their team history will be.
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