Brady suspended!

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There's nothing else out there,it's all in this report.
This is all they have ,maybes and possibilities.
To hand out this severe a punishment without concrete evidence is wrong.
In the NFL list of infractions and fines,deflating a football is worth a $25,000 fine and nothing more.
Brady has a very good chance at winning a defamation lawsuit against the NFL.
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: ryansride2017
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: ryansride2017
I'm not a Brady fan but it is incredible you can get convicted nowadays with a phrase: "more probable than not"

Like I said earlier, it's simple deduction...if Brady didn't order the deflation, then who did? The balls didn't deflate themselves...

The running back would definitely like a ball deflated and easier to handle. The center would really like a ball that he could grip a little better to ensure he doesn't muff the snap to the quarterback....good enough for ya?

Really? Drink much Kool-Aid?

If someone presents other plausible explanations which goes against "your known fact of deduction", they drink kool-aid?
YOUR mind closed that much and/or don't you like to think of other possible scenarios? Until solid evidence is produced, his punishment is ridiculous. I really hope concrete evidence IS produced so the league doesn't look like a bunch of goofballs.
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Ahhh... love the people claiming to be experts who haven't even read the report. And don't even understand that the punishments toward Brady and the Patriots were not about relative competitive advantage gained by breaking the rule, but rather 1) braking a rule, period, 2) being uncooperative in the investigation, and 3) the organization being a repeat offender.
Time will tell.
This will get very ugly and it won't be over quick.
Goodell is nuts if he thinks Brady and Kraft will take this without a fight.
This isn't over I believe.
Originally Posted By: Burt
How are the reactions of Tom Brady and his minions different than Lance Armstrong?

Oh oh can I answer that one? (hand up)

One drained the blood out of his body and replaced it with some super oxygenated blood. The other had his footballs 1-2 psi below regulation.
Originally Posted By: turtlevette
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle

If the suspension isn't overturned (and it likely will be), I hope Brady has the stones to call a press conference later the same day and retire!

How can that be a good thing for New England? For the rest of the country, but not us.

That sleeze bag Rothlesberger, is still playing and the murderer Ray Lewis was celebrated as a hero in Baltimore.

Our guy asked a guy to tell another guy to let a little air out of overinflated footballs. At worst.

But that's just too much for people to take.

All the more reason to retire. I'm at the point where I truly wonder how many NFL games are rigged.

I admit I can be pretty nasty, but in that position, I might end the press conference with a nuclear bomb. Say, something like: "I'm sorry Mr. Goodell had money on the Colts. He should have known better even with a 14-point spread. Thank you, and have a nice life."
Originally Posted By: dave1251
Originally Posted By: turtlevette
I've been saying we need to rest him if we want to get another 4 or more years out of him.

If he sits out 4 games so much the better.

Dont worry. Two things his repaired ACL should have a tear soon and if Garoppolo preforms at an above average level during Tom's 4 game sabbatical Brady will find himself traded to another team for a couple of draft picks.

Please have yourself checked for ergot exposure.
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle
Originally Posted By: dave1251
Originally Posted By: turtlevette
I've been saying we need to rest him if we want to get another 4 or more years out of him.

If he sits out 4 games so much the better.

Dont worry. Two things his repaired ACL should have a tear soon and if Garoppolo preforms at an above average level during Tom's 4 game sabbatical Brady will find himself traded to another team for a couple of draft picks.

Please have yourself checked for ergot exposure.

If you can not handle the facts then you should not seek them out rather than post childish retorts.
Originally Posted By: turtlevette
Originally Posted By: Burt
How are the reactions of Tom Brady and his minions different than Lance Armstrong?

Oh oh can I answer that one? (hand up)

One drained the blood out of his body and replaced it with some super oxygenated blood. The other had his footballs 1-2 psi below regulation.

Wrong answer. Go back and read what I said: 'reactions' not actions. Lance and team reacted to accusations by impugning the integrity of the people that were investigating or making claims, said they didn't have enough proof and refused to cooperate. Sounds mighty familiar. Tom and company protesteth too much.
Expect corruption when big money is involved. NFL is definitely corrupted and I believe the outcomes are questionable as to their authenticity...
Originally Posted By: Dallas69
There's nothing else out there,it's all in this report.
This is all they have ,maybes and possibilities.
To hand out this severe a punishment without concrete evidence is wrong.
In the NFL list of infractions and fines,deflating a football is worth a $25,000 fine and nothing more.
Brady has a very good chance at winning a defamation lawsuit against the NFL.

This isn't a court of law, therefore they don't need this case, circumstantial evidence could be enough to warrant the suspension and fine, and I think there's enough of it to make me believe that Brady ordered the deflation...Brady isn't going to win anything against the NFL other than maybe getting his suspension reduced...
Originally Posted By: dave1251
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle
Originally Posted By: dave1251
Originally Posted By: turtlevette
I've been saying we need to rest him if we want to get another 4 or more years out of him.

If he sits out 4 games so much the better.

Dont worry. Two things his repaired ACL should have a tear soon and if Garoppolo preforms at an above average level during Tom's 4 game sabbatical Brady will find himself traded to another team for a couple of draft picks.

Please have yourself checked for ergot exposure.

If you can not handle the facts then you should not seek them out rather than post childish retorts.

The chance that Brady will be traded for "a couple draft picks" is exactly the same as the chance I will win the lottery tonight.

Note: I don't play the lottery.
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: Dallas69
There's nothing else out there,it's all in this report.
This is all they have ,maybes and possibilities.
To hand out this severe a punishment without concrete evidence is wrong.
In the NFL list of infractions and fines,deflating a football is worth a $25,000 fine and nothing more.
Brady has a very good chance at winning a defamation lawsuit against the NFL.

This isn't a court of law, therefore they don't need this case, circumstantial evidence could be enough to warrant the suspension and fine, and I think there's enough of it to make me believe that Brady ordered the deflation...Brady isn't going to win anything against the NFL other than maybe getting his suspension reduced...

Rest WILL be a court of law! If he loses his appeal, I would expect his lawyer to file suit THAT DAY.
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle
The chance that Brady will be traded for "a couple draft picks" is exactly the same as the chance I will win the lottery tonight.

Note: I don't play the lottery.

He will be traded if Garoppolo plays well. That is the Patriot way.
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: Dallas69
There's nothing else out there,it's all in this report.
This is all they have ,maybes and possibilities.
To hand out this severe a punishment without concrete evidence is wrong.
In the NFL list of infractions and fines,deflating a football is worth a $25,000 fine and nothing more.
Brady has a very good chance at winning a defamation lawsuit against the NFL.

This isn't a court of law, therefore they don't need this case, circumstantial evidence could be enough to warrant the suspension and fine, and I think there's enough of it to make me believe that Brady ordered the deflation...Brady isn't going to win anything against the NFL other than maybe getting his suspension reduced...

Rest WILL be a court of law! If he loses his appeal, I would expect his lawyer to file suit THAT DAY.

Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle

All the more reason to retire. I'm at the point where I truly wonder how many NFL games are rigged.

Are you serious???? Walking away from 100's of millions of $$$$$$$...lolz

Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle

Rest WILL be a court of law! If he loses his appeal, I would expect his lawyer to file suit THAT DAY.

The only grounds he would have in the courts is "defamation of Character" The courts won't take a case dealing with the proof or non proof of ball deflation. Also if by some miracle it did go to court. Even if it did it would be a civil matter where the NFL could request a unanamous verdict ofj all jurrors which would be hung jury.

Patriots could sue. But they would have the same problems.

The NFLPA agreed to let Goodell serve as judge, jury, and executioner, so to speak, in matters of player discipline. They can't go to court in that area. They only thing they can go to court for is ask the courts to delay punishment until the lawsuits have played themselves out. As explained they are allready dead on arrival and its only May.

As Grampi said..the suspension might get lowered to a couple games. That's about it.
We'll see.
If the Patriots are innocent, and they never manipulated the balls, why did they suspend the two equipment managers?
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