6 Cops in Freddie Gray Death Now Facing Charges

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Originally Posted By: Vikas
Listen, I am a respectable immigrant and from the group which is known to be from stellar community.
I am neither black nor muslim but I can see open season on those communities any time some newsworthy event happens,

In other words you can't/won't answer my questions.
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell
Originally Posted By: CKN

You have the right to be protected in Police custody. And even if what your surmising is true....you also have the right to be protected FROM YOURSELF. That's why jails have areas that are "suicide watch".

Except it is likely that Freddy Gray was DELIBERATELY trying to
"game the system" in his favor, to gain monetary benefit. The criminal justice system can't be held responsible for DELIBERATE actions of the perp which contributed to his own death.

I hope the courts and juries find that Gray was DELIBERATELY acting in a way that greatly contributed to his own demise.

Also they must allow as evidence his TWENTY past FELONY CONVICTIONS, because it shows that he is a HABITUAL criminal actor, and never learned from his arrests to change his behavior.

Mr. Gray was a reprobate if they ever was one.

All your statements in regards to him gaming the system and harming himself is supposition at this point in time. Again-none of this changes the FACT that you should be protected (even from yourself) while in Police custody.

Your theory still doesn't explain while Rapists, Child molesters, murderers and others are protected via a "suicide watch" while in jail.
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Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle
Originally Posted By: bubbatime
Originally Posted By: CKN
Do you want to do away with the Constitution as well? You are entitled to your civil rights even if your arrested and handcuffed. Regardless of your past crimes. This isn't Soviet Russia or Iran.

Which one of his rights was violated? I dont think it says anything about you having the right to wear a seat belt while in police custody. Or that you cant bang your head repeatedly into a metal cage and kill yourself. Don't see that one either.

He was in their custody, thus they were responsible for his safety. Yes, it is that simple!

You Sir, are 100% correct and there is no VALID argument to the contrary.
Originally Posted By: CKN
Jarlaxle said:
He was in their custody, thus they were responsible for his safety. Yes, it is that simple!


You Sir, are 100% correct and there is no VALID argument to the contrary.

This is true, however the perp was deliberately trying to
injure himself to position himself as being abused by the police.
This is what will get the jury to reach a "not guilty" verdict for those officers. I'm happy as can be about that, this perp kept repeating his felonious crimes over, and over, and over again, never changing his behavior. That in itself helps the case of the officers.
There is one message here. If you own a business don't ever think of opening a location anywhere near Baltimore.

The police will by instructions from the Mayor protect anyone that loots or burns your place down. And when it comes to fire, the fire department won't be able to respond. The message is clear, get out of town as fast as you can unless you're busy lighting fires or looting stores.
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell
Originally Posted By: CKN
Jarlaxle said:
He was in their custody, thus they were responsible for his safety. Yes, it is that simple!


You Sir, are 100% correct and there is no VALID argument to the contrary.

This is true, however the perp was deliberately trying to
injure himself to position himself as being abused by the police.
This is what will get the jury to reach a "not guilty" verdict for those officers. I'm happy as can be about that, this perp kept repeating his felonious crimes over, and over, and over again, never changing his behavior. That in itself helps the case of the officers.

Again-it doesn't matter if he was trying to hurt himself or not. It doesn't matter. You have the right to be protected while in Police custody-EVEN FROM YOURSELF. Is that hard to UNDERSTAND?

Do you have a crystal ball as to the outcome of the jury trial? If you do what's the stock market going to do next week? How about fuel prices? Should I short gold?
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Originally Posted By: antiqueshell
Originally Posted By: CKN
Jarlaxle said:
He was in their custody, thus they were responsible for his safety. Yes, it is that simple!


You Sir, are 100% correct and there is no VALID argument to the contrary.

This is true, however the perp was deliberately trying to
injure himself to position himself as being abused by the police.
This is what will get the jury to reach a "not guilty" verdict for those officers. I'm happy as can be about that, this perp kept repeating his felonious crimes over, and over, and over again, never changing his behavior. That in itself helps the case of the officers.

This sounds like another case where you thought you knew all the facts and were proven wrong.
I am not trying to turn this political, but I will say that there is a terrible problem in this country with police abusing citizens. Not all do but enough of them do so. It will seriously corrode our society if it is not stopped and soon.

I do not care if he had a record a mile long. The cops are not supposed to administer street corporal punishment in this society.

Also, there is no way that this Gray guy got injuries like that by accident or self inflicted. That sort of injury is like the ones you see on skeletons from the Battle of Towton. This guy was struck with heavy, blunt instruments, and I am not talking batons. More on the level of 5 lb. hammers.
Here's the GOOD THING. Even if the cops are judged innocent, it will set a precedent for a CIVIL TRIAL - where one doesn't have to prove "beyond a Shadow of a doubt".

The Civil Trial is what ultimately ruined O.J. Simpson's life as he knew it.
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell

This is true, however the perp was deliberately trying to
injure himself to position himself as being abused by the police.

And of course you can prove that right? Who was the person who saw all that?

You're the same guy who said over and over that that idiot who shot and killed a kid in his garage after laying in wait would not be convicted.

You were wrong then, you're wrong now.
Originally Posted By: whip

This sounds like another case where you thought you knew all the facts and were proven wrong.

Even that Turk that was burgling the home of that Montana
man deserved what he got, the problem was the homeowner verbalized intent and that is the only reason the jury convicted him. If he would have kept his mouth shut he would have been found completely innocent of any charges, which he should have as that Turkish exchange student (not German) was guilty of repeated breaking and entering the home.

This time is different, the officers were in the line of duty, and the perp was DELIBERATELY trying to harm himself so he could construct a civil lawsuit to collect a windfall. The perp
Freddy Gray is dead (thank goodness) and the officers will be found NOT guilty.
Originally Posted By: CKN
Again-it doesn't matter if he was trying to hurt himself or not. It doesn't matter. You have the right to be protected while in Police custody-EVEN FROM YOURSELF. Is that hard to UNDERSTAND?

Is it hard to understand that if the guy intentially hurt himself by slamming his head against the cage, officers can't be held criminally liable for that?

Yes police/corrections officers have a general duty to protect destructive people from themselves. Failure to do so is a policy violation. Possibly a civil liability to the dept. Not a criminal matter.

Remember, transport vans don't present a lot of options for restraining someone. Just a bench with a seat belt typically. People can be hog tied, but it is generally frowned upon. Thousands of people smash their head on the cages every year while being transported to the jail, and most of them just get a bump on the head. How were these offers to know that he had critically injured himself and he wasnt faking it? Again, thousands of prisoners also fake injuries and request medical attention as a hospital stay is typically much more comfortable than a jail cell. Officers have to use their judgement and decide who really needs medical attention and who is just being a pain in the rear.
Originally Posted By: bubbatime

Yes police/corrections officers have a general duty to protect destructive people from themselves. Failure to do so is a policy violation. Possibly a civil liability to the dept. Not a criminal matter.

Good observations bubbatime, I too agree that the family of the perp will bring a civil lawsuit against the city in order to extract their pound of white flesh, and of course make millions as well, as you can be sure the mother (is the father even identified?) is as outstanding a character as her deceased criminal of a son.

The officers will all be found innocent of criminal wrong doing,
however even if the family wins the civil suit "the community" will not be satisfied and will burn Baltimore to the ground. But I say let them do so and live in their ashes, you can just hear them crying begging for "the man" to help them out of the mess.
Lots of crystal balls on this forum. No one has any idea what the jury will find. It doesn't matter. The civil trial will follow. I guess the posters are just repeating "cops innocent" over and over again hoping everyone will start to believe it.

Originally Posted By: CKN
Lots of crystal balls on this forum...


And that's a "Warning, Warning, Will Robinson!"

Perhaps some here think if they mention locking this thread it will happen, but it should NOT. We are not part of the criminal justice system or officials, we are allowed to present our
viewpoints on the matter there are no forum rules to the contrary.
Originally Posted By: antiqueshell
Perhaps some here think if they mention locking this thread it will happen, but it should NOT. We are not part of the criminal justice system or officials, we are allowed to present our
viewpoints on the matter there are no forum rules to the contrary.

I have been on enough forums long enough to predict when threads will close. FYI.

Of course, I could be wrong......
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Originally Posted By: Cristobal
I am not trying to turn this political, but I will say that there is a terrible problem in this country with police abusing citizens. Not all do but enough of them do so. It will seriously corrode our society if it is not stopped and soon.

So out of 100's of thousands of arrests every day and 10's of millions in the last few months we have a handful of problems..delusional much?
^^^yep, no stats anywhere to support the ridiculous statements made here about cops and criminals. The overwhelming majority of all their interactions are without incident and satisfactory.

The problems come when folks will not submit. Fight a cop and you will be rewarded with a loss for sure.

What the police need to do is weed out the few bad apples they have traditionally protected. This may be harder...
Originally Posted By: bubbatime
An absolute outrage that these officers were charged, let alone charged with murder. They will absolutely 100% get exonerated at trial and then the city can burn again.

Not buckling up a combative prisoner does not equate to being arrested for murder. These are policy violations at most. What a freaking joke.

I sincerely hope and pray that the entire Baltimore police force quits.

If he dies because the police failed to follow policy, they're negligent. Murder is a bit much, but I do think manslaughter is warranted.
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