Why Such Short Shorts in Girl's Volleyball?

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Serious bikers wear spandex and competitive swimmers wear speedo's. Most regular people would be caught dead in those outfits when riding bikes and swimming unless they have a lot to show.
It's pretty amazing when you see video of the NBA shorts about 25 years ago. They were really short. By the same token, I think the current NBA shorts are ridiculously long. It seems like it would be hard to freely run in them.
Originally Posted By: jerre310
Serious bikers wear spandex and competitive swimmers wear speedo's. Most regular people would be caught dead in those outfits when riding bikes and swimming unless they have a lot to show.

We had a guy in our dept who was ..hmmm..husky. Not overly heavy ..but not in any way lean and packing on a few as most do in middle age. He had every leading edge accessory and fashion trend in "performance biking". Twin mirror extensions on his aero-helmet ...special shoes for his special pedals ...misters ...this and that ...and spandex shorts. He didn't look good in them ..and for the amount of bike riding he did (he had no routine), it sorta reminded me of when you bought new fashions/ensembles for every occasion ...like when you were in somewhat upscale mating ritual times. Never wanting to be outdone at being en vogue.
Women's professional baseball (circa 1940s and 1950s) had short skirt uniforms. This lead to a lot or raspberries on the thighs, and I would guess quite a few cat calls from the stands. Seems insane, but the tradition of women wearing dresses was so intense at that time, they couldn't play baseball in pants. I think at least the women who entered the blue collar workforce during WWII at least could wear pants.
Originally Posted By: salesrep
Up next the women sprinters.
What powerful gludius maximuses.

And minimus breastuses.
Originally Posted By: Pablo
Originally Posted By: Tempest
Along the same lines:


Now that's what I'm talking about. There is a reason the chicom's shut the brothels....... ah er ....karaoke hotels down for the Olympics....all the good workers are cheerleading!

I just looked at those pics. Ahh de asian wimmin can look so butifol it make yoo want to keep one to love long time wit sweet n sour sauce.

You know what they were told before performing too. "Yoo fok up routine? Yoh whole family DIE!"
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