Why don't the BIG guys make the BEST oil ever?

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Why the best oil is synlube lube 4 life.. Don't take my word for it. Just ask them. The big guys just can't do it. (I'm cynical.)
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Originally Posted By: tig1
You may be right,but have you been apart of the teams that negotiate these contracts? Doug tells us that XM and Shell and others work closely with engine builders. That's what I know about this.

Who doesn't? Almost all of the oil companies, boutiques included, have tons of R&D experience with engine builders, just not always OEMs. Shell, XOM, Castrol all come as factory fill, are we to assume since Ferrari uses Shell, BMW uses Castrol and GM uses M1 one is better than the other? Does a Ferrari or Porsche recommendation carry more weight than BMW? I tend to think these recommendations are mutually beneficial agreements in which finances take priority. I certainly felt no better about using M1 simply because Porsche recommends it.
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