why do neighbors live so close if they're going to complain?

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Originally Posted By: skyactiv
Lets be realistic. There isn't enough land for everyone to live in the country nor should every house be on a huge lot.

Just be glad you don't live here:



Couldn't afford either of those, but if I could I'd appreciate the extra space.
Depends on what they are complaining about. Some complaints are legitimate.
If your neighbor is a drunkard and takes his music outdoors for all to hear, then there are going to be problems. Same goes for people who revel at pool parties. You have no right to disturb your quiet neighbor!
That depends on how loud you are and the time of day. I try not to disturb my neighbors, but this isn't a library. I had a neighbor that called the police on a friend and I for riding an atv and dirt bike behind their house. We had stopped to take a break near the road and the police stopped and spoke to us. They couldn't that the person had called to complain about us riding on our farm. They said they didn't care what we did on our property and would speak to the neighbor. Another time I had a group of friends over and my neighbor on the other end of the property walked over. I asked if we were bothering him, he said no and I offered him a beer.

I am pretty sure the neighbor that complained was trying to get back at me for calling the police on her grandkids. They were riding her golf cart behind my house on my property at night. I honestly thought it was someone shining deer, if I had known who it was I would have never called the police.
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It depends, what is it they're complaining about? Is it your multiple landscape trailers in the condo parking area?
Originally Posted By: laserred96gt
Cortana guessed that first picture is "Tokyo Slums"
Second is "Hong Kong public housing".

First is a typical Japanese inner suburb for sure, but not at all a slum. If there are slums in Tokyo I havn't seen them. The land values are probably too high for a slum to survive for long.

And if you have to have close neighbours, close Japanese neighbours are probably a pretty good choice.
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I live 700+ feet from the road and any of my neighbors. No road noise and if you can hear what I'm doing you're on my property.
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