My neighbors have been partying loudly for 48 hours - not a question

Not just one. Several. You mean you don't refer to your male friends as boyfriends? :ROFLMAO:

I don't know why women refer to their same-gendered friends as girlfriends. I really don't. Maybe it's because guys get suspicious when their woman says, "I'll go see my friend." Friend, what friend, who is he? Since I haven't figured women truly out, I cannot elucidate on the matter.
I've never heard that term used like that. If I lady told be she was seeing her girlfriend I'd assume she was into that sort of thing, and not that it was a friend that is a girl.
I asked my wife abou the different meanings of the term girlfriend. She wants a word with nate379. I would avoid arguing with her. She's a prosecutor.
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But the experiences that @vavavroom is having with his neighbors, sounds like it could happen anywhere.
Oh it does.

LEOs told us this is the way the law works here:

Folks can play music loud between noon and midnight. I have no problem with that. I like music loud when I play it. But, if another person can hear your music (BOOM/BOOM/BOOM) bass or anything inside their home , then your music is too loud and is disturbing the peace.

These folks care about no one but themselves. No respect for others. They were throwing loud , wild , drunken weekend fiestas in their yard every Saturday and Sunday from noon till midnight or 01:00am when someone finally had to call LEO to come break it up almost every time.

It has been nice the last 4-5 weeks since the local LEOs have fined them 2-3 times. They have not made a sound lately. Maybe the fines increased each time? Anyway It only took constant calls to LEO for over 12 months to stop it. Good luck anyone having to deal with disrespectful neighbors. These folks certainly did not care one bit about trying to get along with others when they moved in between all of us who have been living here all getting along. Did not attempt to meet anyone and will not answer their door to any of us who tried talking to them. Wont even look up or make eye contact and run inside almost the moment they see any neighbors outside. Its weird.

What would one call this? These folks aimed their security camera at my side garage door and when I would open it at the start of the loud parties they would turn it louder while screaming "ariba! ariba! ha ha ha!" Well what ever one calls that type action , they sure did stop the time I opened it accompanied by LEOs to show what we were dealing with. Well , it appears it is stopped finally and I hope they do not start again when they feel they have enough money to pay more fines.
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Much of SK's writings aren't horror, or at least not outright horror. I was referring to Anders, the train depot keeper living at the border to the Wastelands in The Talisman. Anders tells the protagonist, "All will be well, and all manner of things will be well."
An 'a will be well, an 'a will be well, an all manner o' things will be well. I think he used it in one of his last 5 books too. Maybe Fairy Tale or the Institute, but I think it was Fairy Tale? Maybe also Insomnia? I'm just finishing up Wizard and Glass (again) and will be moving on to Wolves probably later tonight or early AM.

I collect King 1st Editions. Got about 30 1st ed. 1st prints.

And I agree. A lot of his stuff isn't horror. A lot of it is, but not until late in the book. Cujo comes to mind, as does Pet Sem. Pet Sem when his wife comes back...... yo.......

The Shining is a good example of being horror throughout. Ol Jack went mad and was possessed SLOWLY by the Overlook. I loved the book. Kubrick can go and bugger right off, though. I will admit, Doctor Sleep (movie, which is a FANTASTIC movie) made me go back and revisit Kubrick's movie. I liked it much better after Doc Sleep, so I don't trash it as much as I would have, say, 5 years ago..
I got more intel. It was an Olympic watch party. :ROFLMAO:
Oh, I know, you should get into Pro Wrasslin, buy a 3000 watt amp and some big old speakers and introduce them to Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown

Turn it up to 11.....

EDIT - I did this once to some neighbors. Had a nice Pioneer stack back in the day. They would get loud, I would set the speakers on the front porch, point them in their direction, and run the most obnoxious CD I could scrounge up. On repeat. Something like the La Bamba soundtrack.
Oh, I know, you should get into Pro Wrasslin, buy a 3000 watt amp and some big old speakers and introduce them to Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown

Turn it up to 11.....

EDIT - I did this once to some neighbors. Had a nice Pioneer stack back in the day. They would get loud, I would set the speakers on the front porch, point them in their direction, and run the most obnoxious CD I could scrounge up. On repeat. Something like the La Bamba soundtrack.
Ha ha ha, Some folks simply deserve it.