What Pressure Should I Run?

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Originally Posted By: geeman789
Originally Posted By: CapriRacer

Tire wear is not very sensitive to inflation pressure. There are other things that have more of an effect, such as alignment and driving style.

Also, it isn't a given that tires will wear unevenly if they are not properly inflated (as in not inflated per the placard or not per the load table). Ergo, it is quite possible to get uneven wear even if the tires are properly inflated. Also, it is quite possible to get even wear, in spite of improper inflation pressure.

What you are stating is contrary to virtually every published word on tire wear... !

Do you mean within a reasonable range of inflation pressures...?

Grossly under-inflated tires ride on the edges, as supported by heat measurements and glass plate high speed photography...

How can they not wear more than a "properly.." inflated tire...?

Over-inflation seems like it would be less of an issue... but it still seems to be on certain cars / tires...

I know this sounds like I am contradicting what is published, but this is more about degree rather than kind.

When trying to compare the things that have an effect on tire wear, inflation pressure isn't at the top of the list. Things like alignment and driving style have larger effects.

Sure, GROSSLY over-inflated and GROSSLY under-inflated tires tend to wear unevenly, but that effect is not as strong as GROSS mis-alignment and EXTREME driving styles.

So while it is true that over-inflation and under-inflation should be avoided - and one of the reasons is the wear issue - the converse is NOT true - that over-inflation and under inflation ALWAYS lead to uneven wear.
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