What is the single best vehicle to buy if you're a tightwad?

How about import an old Mexican Centra (Tsuru). Preferably with an authentic Mexican plate so you don't have to pay registration or anything. :ROFLMAO:

If you're a real tightwad and get the manual, I bet the reliability would be similar. Versa is a bit bigger and tightwads are always looking for value.
True but the better mpg and longer warranty makes it more appealing. They have the same jatco trans i believe but the mirage makes much less torque so it gets abused less.
True but the better mpg and longer warranty makes it more appealing. They have the same jatco trans i believe but the mirage makes much less torque so it gets abused less.
Definitely less torque lol. I’ve driven a lot at work when I was working on every brand they are slow as heck. One of them pulled out in front of me once on my way to work and I had to lay on my brakes and get over in the shoulder to avoid hitting that slow thing. After that I zoomed past and dusted it. But I love the G4 they look great. At work we call the hatchback ones onions because that’s what they look like lol.
I have family members down south with these and they're unkillable. Though it wouldn't pass federal inspection here which is a shame.
Yep. People make fun of the Centra here, but they made that model in Mexico for 25 years, and it was the number one car for decades because it was cheap and reliable. Is pretty close to the 1986-1990 US Centra made in Smyrna TN.